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John Shipper thought he would get his parents land when he got back from vet school... Maddie had wanted to live on Old Oaks Farms since she was fifteen. she finally got her chance. she now works with opal and John shipper as partners of a rescue horse farm. everything was going great until...the prodigal son returned...

Kate's parents have just gotten a divorce, and now she's scared she will lose everything she loves. Now its up to her boyfriend to show her that their love will never die.

A mother cherishes her dreams in her children. When she finds the right way to do it, it is another paradise on earth. Will Rahila find it in her daughter? Or her friend Bharath will help her to fulfill her dreams?

This book, "Free At Last", is based on a poem I wrote, titled, "Free At Last". It is a personal reflection of the ordeal an unborn baby passes through before it is born. It is also an eye opener to the fact that as long as a zygote is formed, life begins. It is therefore a crime to abort an already growing "seed". Happy reading!

A journey into different changes a person has to endure and overcome.

Even though she is gone, She will always beloved by the two people who care about her the most, Christopher and Aiden. Soon she won't be dead alone anymore.

Angella Smith was nothing special, she was seen as dirt, not even worthy to be looked at or called by a name. She never had a happy life,things got worse as time passed.

Lost. Surrounded. Where shall I go? A book based off Nazi Zombies. Thankyou Treyarch for COD WAW! A man is trapped in an old ammo depot and is surrounded by zombies.

Will the revolution live on? Do any of us know what motivates the heroes and revolutionaries to lay down their lives. I believe it to be hope, hope and love.