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Are you free? Or have you chained yourself down. Excerpt from Freedom From Chains, available in the Kindle store

Ever since illina's family died, she has fallen to the lowest she could, trapped in place where people die everyday and nothing can be done. She wasn't meant to be here but yet she is, will she give in and accept this torture as a form of life or will she fight to escape, her breaths are numbered so she needs to decide...

All is well on the western front for Kayla Gupta and her fellow sailors of Operation Pacific Thunder until a massive sea collision occurs leaving me stranded out at sea in the frigid waters of the south Pacific. Thank heavens for Sir Sanjay Gupta, rescuer extraordinaire! Nothing can stop this furry Sri Lankan man from saving me, his sister Kayla and the rest of the crew of Operation Pacific Thunder who were accidentally STRUCK DOWN.

A story of a word that held a curse and a blessing. One of the greatest gifts and deadliest poisons is explored, and found to be easily turned one way or the other.

This book is a collection of stories I made mainly in P7. I picked out my favourite stories. With a story made by my friend Agria Agori. Hope you like them and leave your comments. A.N.Ross

Describes beautifully,how the fury of rain turned into a pleasant surprise,which makes you think"life is a process to live each moment in its fullness."

The persistence is likened to a lock. The greed is likened to a key. Even if the soul departs from his body, the obstacles of karma will pass on to afterlife. That means the lock and the key will be entangled through generations. We all come naked and go back with bare hands. Nothing we can take with us when the time comes.

Pavanpur is a small town on the bank of river Pavani. Most of the residents have formed a firm opinion that a ghost is haunting in the midnight in a corner house of the bank colony. Very few intellectuals of the town denied this fact and tried to remove the superstition of the people. In the meantime, a team of research students of the university visited the town to study on the existence of ghost. One of the team member took a bold decion to purchase the terror house with an intention to face