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Sydney has confronted her boyfriend in front of his friends, hesitation goes without say.

Two men preparing to address a political rally assess thier motives and their sincerity.

1st Place Winner of the Biggest Fear Contest. What dream haunts your mind every night, reminding you of that one thing that you think you know you could never overcome? What is your greatest fear?

When she dribbled and shot that ball everyone would cheer and chant her name. She was really good at it. I wasn’t. I played soccer. Girls did not play soccer, but she watched the World Cup Argentina 1978. She admired Paolo Rossi, Marco Van Basten and Mario Kempes as much as I did. She climbed trees just as good as I did. There was a huge mango tree which had branches jutting over the roof. We would climb, sit on the roof, picked the ripe mangoes, peeled them with bare hands and ate. We spend

Short stories of search dogs and their handlers braving sub zero temperatures, fire, and other conditions beyond their control in their efforts to find and bring home the lost. Set in Custer County in the rugged and picturesque Black Hills of South Dakota.

It pulsed all around him. Life. He knew it was out there. He had to escape that city, that prison. He had to. Even if it killed him. A tale of government gone wrong. A story of a boy's only chance of life amidst a world of death. Journey within the Hidden City.