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Jules is dying. Jody will be alone. This story tells of Jules life falshing back before his eyes for he eventually drifts off the into the deep eternal sleep that is death.

a girl realize what is really important-once she is miles away from home.

Would you make the ultimate sacrifice so that the one you love could live?

Stacey Hudvestri has a dream that will change her life, morals and much more. Her life changes from good to bad, terribly bad as she follows every bit of the dreams terrible instruction.

red>well what i do ia think of family menmbers it always gives me insperation to write my own books !!.

This is a true story, taken out of My Little Red Book. A true account of my life, up until I returned to England in 1976. Apart from sailing, nothing of much interest happened so the book was not continued. Although there are 50,000 words in the book, the title My Little Red Book was inspired by the TV program This Is Your Life.