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I wake up around about five am. The baby is crying, I hold and try to comfort her. I take the dirty pamper off her, the rash is so bad now, so i use the vaseline like I was told once she still crys. Maybe she is hungry, I am, and there has not been food in this house for a week.well my springtime jacket and some socks on my hands should keep me warm enough to make it to the corner store, The baby is only two months and has not ate since yesterday, I think. If only i wasnt six years old and my

Importance of relations mixed up with the secret of life.

Takes place between time and space. Where the world is gone, a celestial being, has been sent to earth by his mother and father in order to restore the lost world

This is just a short story I wrote to explain the importance of living with what you have when you have it. Because before you know it, it could all be gone.

This story is about finding the confidence within yourself to let go of what you once loved. It is about trust and love. Just letting go of what you wanted to hold on to so much, and falling strait to the ground. Then sprouting strait to your feet with amazement.

The room is small, dark and cold. The girl had no idea how she ended up there. Naked and scared, she goes to the fountain of liquid in the middle of the room for comfort--but is this liquid water or poison? Is it comfort or pain? Is there a way for her to escape the room, or is it some sort of punishment?

Born of a demon, intended to be a messiah, only later to become a madman of the forest glen, the enigmatic figure history recalls as Merlin Emrys is not who, or what you think he is. With his faithful owl Vrroch, Merlin wanders high, and low. Ever seeking, always learning. His magic, and meddling can make empires rise or fall.

The next instalment of The Broken Land series. Follow the journey of three riders across the wastes hunting down a suspicious person and their hardships in the harsh land. **Still a Work In Progress** **Cover temporary new one coming**

La llegada de la pequena Audrey cambia las vidas de Anna y Ludy. Nunca pensaron tener una familia, con la llegada de la pequena Audrey ambos veian el milagro de el amor ante ellos, algo que les hacia sentir aun mas amor en su corazon.
