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Genre Short Story. Page - 60

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This is about a boy whose family argued a lot ( this is not said in the short story, but you can probably tell anyway ). He didn't want to liv in a world of misery and filled with shouts so he commited suicide and went up to heaven where he could be anyone he wanted ( in this case a pirate ).

This story was inspired by my boyfriend at the time who was a very special person in my life. Although this is not a lengthy story, I hope it might mean something to someone out there.

Iblis Jinn falls from grace, yet his rebellion spurs plans that lay beyond his own understanding.

The life, death, and life of the man who taught me how to fish.

Over the course of a single day, the lives of various tenants on a floor of an apartment complex intertwine. A new family, a struggling couple, a man desperate to find his place in the world, and an elderly woman with nothing left to do but reflect on a long life lived all find a thread of connection on a day that none of them will forget. And where one character's story ends, another's story begins.

A short, short story for the short, short story contest. Loss, redemption, growth and salvation, all within just fifteen little words. Enjoy.