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Genre Short Story. Page - 64

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A short story in free verse about one girl's view of the rainy season in Oregon.

That night the only family I had died right before my eyes. Alone cold and scared I ran down the street. I didn’t care where I was going I just had to get away from there, away from the ash and fire, away from the life I lost.

Power of the Pen story. Prompt: Emergency- Write about one you survived. And NO, this didn't happen to me. It's just a made up story, but it is something people should start becoming more aware of, because it does happen.

Melanie; an average girl with the looks.Ruby and Harriet; Melanie's trustworthy side-kicks.Namine; the new girl who has it all;the looks,money,style and boys.

"Karen left and headed for a nearby coffee bar – the tension that had built up because of the money, because she was tackling something big in her life, had drained away gradually in Miss Matheson's office – she had seemed so professional, didn’t ask nosy questions about her or her money. Sure, she needed her name, date of birth, what she knew of her mother and other details like that, but not questions loaded with emotion, just factual. Karen felt a sense of power, something was happening

The story written in the following book is best explained by the reading thereof, but I shall attempt this nonetheless. This story, if it could be called that, is simply be thinking about the color orange.

This is about a Nubian princess/warrior and her perspective on the war between Nubia and Egypt