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Genre Short Story. Page - 65

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The Khan Empire is in serious trouble and the emperor is no help at all. In fact, the emperor is making things worse. They can't overthrow the emperor just yet or the Empire will go into a total meltdown. *The book cover was not created or edited by me in any form and/or way. I own only the text.*

This is my biggest fear. One of these have happened and it haunts me to this day. If you want to know what it is, then you'll have to read this.

On the evening Sarina Rubik-Tank gives birth to her new daughter, she's visited by a most unwelcome guest!

I looked away as the knife jabbed against my throat. This was a bad idea.

~ My entry for the Romeo Remake Contest ~ Author's Note: Writing romance really isn't my forté, so I don't expect this to be anything more than mediocre. Sorry if you're disappointed.

This short story is more of a suspense thriller /dark story about traveling in the in the world of crime and the ghosts of the darkness that lurk the highway i hope everyone enjoys the read

Mark wants to know why is Chrischelle leaving him, but Chrischelle knows that leaving Mark is the best for both of them. this story is about a women who finds out she has cancer and has only a 2 years to live.