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Genre Short Story. Page - 77

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On a moonless night just as the clock strikes twelve the gates to all the grave yards will open wide . The dead will rise and set their feet on a path that leads to Times Square.

How an orphan finds a new father and a new life A short story about a native girl and her new father. But also about believe in him or other things

This is actually a poem about what happens to me when I have nightmares. Just keep in mind that I have nightmares almost every night. Even though this is under Short Story.

A grouping of three original drabbles for the 100-Word Drabble Challenge. Solitude takes its toll, a girl comes to terms with loss, and a family is looked in on from a departed member. Enjoy!

Hi guys thanks for your comments on my last drawing I really appreciated it plus next time you want to comment please add me as a friend thanks now what do you think of this.

A short memoir about a first meeting between a young girl and a young boy. This is only a chapter of the memoir which will follow the two children as they grow older.

"He’ll never be able to overlook that night." what happened in that house scared him for life. How helpless would you fell knowing you couldnt do anything?