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Stories with a Twist is three short stories which will have you making all kinds of assumptions.How correct those assumptions will be is another matter entirely.

A British man who was injured in war need to find another work after he is wheeled but his son find something that could change their lives. it will the reason of their mother returning.

I wrote this for my english class. Its ment to be a short story!

There is no cure for this 'different' hangover.

You bawl at the deceased because he has already escaped from the human world of woes, or for yourself ? We only live once but if we work it right, once is enough. You want to leave the love and wisdom on earth. Or, you want to leave a kingdom of wealth to your descendants. This is your choice ! Prefer the afterlife is better than this one. Never let this life is better than next one. - Buddha

Smiling, he taped his mother’s cold hands to the steering-wheel, releasing the handbrake. ‘Thanks Mum.

Kendra Ryder just gave fifteen year old Frankie Dexter a slab of fresh-cut tulipwood along with the advice, "When you’re feeling bad, just scuff the wood with 120-grit sandpaper, grab a whiff and you're guaranteed to feel a whole lot better!"