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The chief guest of the meeting was unhappy as the organizers did not properly invite. .

Have you ever wondered what happens when you die? Where you go? How it’s decided? Well no one has ever really found out. Talking to death might just be how it’s done, or at least how James Hostler sees it. When he is hospitalized after an accident he finds himself in a ring of light being questioned from beyond the darkness by a woman with raven black hair.

This story Is about the world breaking out into war between the government and regular people. This isn't the first thing I've written, but it's the first story that I've written so quickly.

In a bank as an employee, if you commit mistake and say ‘oversight’, no excuse.

Scott and Anne felt in love in the summer of 1956 and their story was the beginning of a journey together that would lead to separation and finally to Scott losing his life in a war.

In this script novel,A man named Jamie is given a gift. To see into spirit of true love When Jamie is given a Locket with his soul mates picture within it his world lights up. But just wait and see what happens, and what true love really is