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Alyssa is fourteen and is living in a perfectly happy family and her family is expecting a baby on the way. Will Alyssa be able to handle the revealing piece of information that her Mom is about to tell her?

she was a happy, normal girl until depression crept in. this book shows how we should not be ashamed, but learn to love our lives and help others. an uplifting book to help recovery, or just help you appreciate life!

A collection of 8 - 12 short stories from different genres. Horror, fantasy, apocalyptic short series and more will appear in this short-story collection.

Sam and Ali have known each other all their lives, but they don’t really know each other. Despite being neighbors, the two have never spoken before. Until one fateful day when Ali decides that she can’t take it any longer. Ali is giving herself ten days to choose between life and death. And Sam just happens to know about this because he read her diary. And continues to read it, day after day, dreading the time when Day Ten will finally arrive. Sam wants, more than anything else, to show Ali

We've all had our hours of boredom and without a doubt have invested in ridiculous fantasies to spare ourselves the desperation. Though this short tale does not incorporate much on how this is, it gives a small insight into my unnamed narrator's mind.

Twilight has a problem. Something happened to all of her books! She looks through her town and works her way to Canterlot. Will she find her books? Read to find out!

I pace around in my stall waiting from day to day waiting on something. I am a Thoroghbred i was born to run until my heart bursts.