» Sports & Recreation » In the Heat of the Moment, Deaundre Brown [best english books to read .txt] 📗

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 (Fred's P.O.V)

I glared at the small house that Millisa lived in. The sized of her room was half the size of mine. How can anyone live like this. I wonderd after stepping in through her back door. Almost no food were in her cabinets at all. She had penut butter, but no jelly or bread. She had certain thngs, just not enough. Justin was sitting upstair with millisa, Double checking that she was ok and waiting for the police to arrive. I stepped outside for a breath of fresh air and noticed a figure standing by the outline of the trees. It stared at me. For what seemed like a very long time we stared at each other. It seemed as if he was staring into my soul, with his Baby blue eyes. With every blink the figure seemed to be moving closer and closer. Then I realized that it was coming to me. "Who are you?" i asked trying to hide the fear in my voice. 

"I'm the one who made you, what you are." It replyed It's eyes seeming to glow now as it looked up to the moon. "And what am I, Exactly?"  I tried to stop the words before they came out of my mouth but it ws too late. Now the figure was standing right in front of me. It was a male, about 6'3. He stood voer my 5'11 body. "You. Your A complex creature that for many years have been close to extintion. You Fred. You are what is know to be called, A vampire." He replyed with a smug grin on his face. I burst into uncontrollable lafter. " A vampire. really. Sir, no offense but you need to get out of the house more. If you beliving that vampires are real then you might what to get checked or something. " I said through laughs. 

"Fred. I'm serious." he spoke with a hint of anger in his deep booming voice. At that i stopped laughing. And stared deep into his blue eyes. "I don't belive you." I replyed again trying to hide the fear in my voice, but it didn't work. At that he took my arm and pulled out a pocket knife. I tried to run but he simply pushed me onto the side of the brick house and pinned me there. He pressed the cold blade onto the skin of my arm and drug in all the way up to my elbow. I stared in amazement as the long cut almost instantly began to heal. Leaving no trace of the cut being there at all. " So this is for real, Im a vampire." I stated. The man simply nodded his head yes. I fell to the ground. Tear began to fill my eyes at the thought of being a vampire. 

"Think of what you can do for your team with the power you have. The only problem is that you can't use full power on the feild. But over these next few days, i'm going to train you on how to use your powers at the least. Starting now." the man said. Simple and clear. I stood up gazing at my surroundings "So when can we start?" i asked staring into the forest. "Now."stated the man as he walked into the forest. Now  repeated in my mind as i followed him into the forest. 

chapter 3 Are we Still Freinds

(Jason's POV)

One week later

"One week left before the big championship game between the bandits of gold county and the hornets of East byaside high school. Bot quarter backs for these teams have been working hard in practice. Fred larson has becamfaster, so much stronger, and even now plays with the starting defense at strong safety. But their running back, oh boy oh boy, he also has became one of the best runningbacks in the state. But over on East Bayside..." 

That was all I wanted to listen to. Both fred and I were getting so much better sice our last game. But fred was the only one who did it naturally. I think. Slowly stepping out side i listend cautionsly for anyone near him in the forest. Not a branch was stepped on nor the leaves from the tress had even been rustled. Only when i was sure that I would change into my second form. Noone was close. I shifted into my wolf form and began to run around the property that was owned by my dad. He to, was a warewolf.  I froze dead in my tracks as i heard the movement in the bush. I changed back to my human form and slowly made my way to the bush. "Come on out. I know your there." My voice boomed in the night. After a few more minutes of the object attempting to hide in the bushes, a figure stated to stand. We were about the same size, then almost instantly i reconized the figure standing before me. "Fred. Yo what are you doing out here? come with me back to the mansion." Fred said nothing. He just stepped out from the bushes and followed. "You alright, you look like you just saw a ghost?" I questioned. 

"No, no, i'm fine. I just have some stuff to talk to you about." he finally replyed as we stepped out of the forest and onto the soft grass of my front yard. "Go ahead, lets talk." (Still working from here. Thanks for reading, i'll try to update it later to day.)


Are we still friends Part 2

Jason's POV

"You want something to drink, Fred?" i asked as I left him on the couch and walked away into the kitchen. Fred was acting weird, just staring at me with a blank expression on his face. He reminded me of lots of people that I killed, but didn't want to remeber.

"Fred?" I asked as i stepped back into the living room and looked at his blank face. "Your a warewolf. My best friend is a warewolf. And whats so funny about is is that I'm a Vampire. Warewolfs and vampires arn't supposed to get aling as well as we do. We are suppoesed to be rivals." Fred's voice was low. His words hit me like a tsunami crashing into a beach. A vampire. I risked a glance at fred who was studing the floor. He finnaly looked up. 

"Well lets stay friends. I don't want to loose my best friend after 2 years over some old beef between vampires and warewolfs. We cn be the first frineds in history to be Vampires and Warewlofs!" At that fred began to lighten up. I can't belive this. My best friend is a  vampire. Rare!


Fred's POV

"We could be the first ones in history to be vampires and warewolfs!" Justin spoke cheerfully. Seconds later I realized that a smile had sprug to life on my face. "So I told my mom I was staying the night over here, I was gonna' sneaking into the movies and go camp somewhere, but I think I'll stay here. Is that okay with you." I asked. I looked up from my hard stare out the window to realize that justin was in the kitchen again, fixing himself another drink. "Yea that's fine with me. Dad's gone for that week on a buisness trip in japan. We got the whole house to our selfs." Justin yelled from the kitchen. I sat on the couch and waited for him to come back into the very big living room before i spoke again. "Okay. So what are we going to do." i asked cautiously. We are going to call some of the guys and girls from the school and invite them for a game of Truth or Dare!" He yelled the last part. Then he whiped out his phone and all was silent. Only noise heard was the tapping of his fingers on the screen, Tonight was going to be crazy.

Chapter 4 Truth Or Dare?

 "Hey fred, truth or dare?" said monica from across the circle. First round and i'm picked. "Truth." i stated. She glared at me, then Angle. " Is it true that you and Angle broke up because she wanted someone else." I froze everyone turned to look at me. "Yes, she left me because she wanted Jim." I paused between words. Everone gasped. Angle simply got up and left the room. Following her was jim, her new boyfriend. Did it make me mad that she left me for the my fullback? no. But did she matter to me? Yes. 

I looked around the circle. All eyes were on me. "So that means that i'm single!" i yelled and everyone cheered. Things were going to be quite heated to night.


Angles POV

"So that means i'm single!" I heard fred yell from inside. I shoved my head into my lad and pulled my knees up to my chest. Tears burned my cheeks as they left my eyes. I felt a hand on my shoulder, i refused to look up. "It's okay, don't be mad at monica about her question." jim's deep voice boomed through me. I slowly lifted my head. He stared deep into my hazel eyes. I couldn't look into his. Truth is that i was forced to leave fred. "You kniw that I don't like you. I love him, but because you wanted to go digging around in my past, i had to leave the love of my life." i yelled at him. He backed away, then took a step forward. "It's not my fault that our family's both have the same occupation of bounty huning. He stated harshly. "I love him and as soon as this whole thing is over i'm going to

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