» Study Aids » English Synonyms and Antonyms, James Champlin Fernald [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗

Book online «English Synonyms and Antonyms, James Champlin Fernald [each kindness read aloud .TXT] 📗». Author James Champlin Fernald

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276 plentiful, 276 pleonasm, circumlocution, 105 pliable, docile, 136 pliant, docile, 136 plunderer, robber, 320 plunge, immerse, 212 poem, poetry, 277 poesy, poetry, 277 poetry, 277 point, v., allude, 36 point, n., circumstance, 105 " end, n., 148 " topic, 359 poisonous, pernicious, 270 policy, polity, 278 polished, fine, 172 " polite, 277 polite, 277 politeness, address, n., 20 " refinement, 305 polity, 278 " law, 229 pollute, defile, 124 pommel, beat, 75 pomp, ostentation, 259 pomposity, ostentation, 259 pompousness, ostentation, 259 ponder, deliberate, 125 populace, mob, 243 popular, general, 181 population, people, 266 port, air, 27 portal, entrance, 154 portend, augur, 66 portentous, awful, 70 portion, 279 " part, 264 portion out, allot, 34 pose, attitude, 65 position, attitude, 65 " circumstance, 105 positive, absolute, 8 " dogmatic, 137 " radical, 299 " real, 301 possess, have, 194 possession, be in, have, 194 possibility, accident, 14 " event, 158 postulate, assume, 61 posture, attitude, 65 pound, beat, 75 poverty, 279 power, 279 " cause, 98 practise, v., follow, 174 practise, n., exercise, 162 " habit, 187 practised, skilful, 335 praise, 280 prate, babble, 71 prattle, babble, 71 pray, 281 " ask, 59 precarious, 282 precaution, care, 94 precedent, a., previous, 285 precedent, n., 282 " cause, 98 " example, 160 preceding, previous, 285 precept, doctrine, 136 " proverb, 293 precious, rare, 300 precipitancy, temerity, 353 precipitation, temerity, 353 precipitous, steep, 342 precise, minute, 242 preclude, prevent, 284 " prohibit, 290 preconception, prejudice, 283 predestination, 282 predicate, state, 341 predict, augur, 66 predilection, fancy, 167 prefer, choose, 104 " promote, 291 preference, alternative, 38 prejudice, 283 " injury, 219 preliminary, previous, 285 premium, subsidy, 345 prenomen, name, 247 preoccupied, abstracted, 11 prepared, alert, 28 prepossession, prejudice, 283 preposterous, absurd, 11 " queer, 297 prerogative, right, 319 presage, augur, 66 " sign, 332 prescience, wisdom, 372 present, gift, 184 presentiment, anticipation, 48 presently, immediately, 211 preserve, keep, 226 press, v., plead, 274 press, n., throng, 356 press forward, quicken, 297 prestige, sign, 332 presumable, apparent, 52 " likely, 232 presume, assume, 61 presumption, assurance, 61 " impudence, 213 " prejudice, 283 " pride, 286 " temerity, 353 pretend, assume, 61 pretender, hypocrite, 204 pretense, 283 " hypocrisy, 204 pretension, pretense, 283 preternatural, supernatural, 347 pretext, pretense, 283 pretty, beautiful, 76 prevail, succeed, 346 prevailing, usual, 362 prevail over, conquer, 115 prevail upon, persuade, 271 prevalent, general, 181 " usual, 362 prevarication, deception, 123 prevent, 284 " hinder, 199 " prohibit, 290 [548]previous, 285 prevision, anticipation, 48 price, 285 pride, 286 prim, neat, 249 primal, primeval, 287 primary, primeval, 287 prime, primeval, 287 primeval, 287 primitive, primeval, 287 " radical, 299 primordial, primeval, 287 " transcendental, 361 princely, royal, 320 principle, doctrine, 136 " law, 229 " reason, n., 302 prior, previous, 285 pristine, primeval, 287 privacy, retirement, 315 privation, poverty, 279 privilege, right, 319 prize, esteem, v., 156 probable, apparent, 52 " likely, 232 probity, virtue, 370 problem, riddle, 318 procedure, operation, 258 proceed, rise, 319 proceeding, act, 16 " transaction, 360 proceeds, harvest, 192 " profit, 288 process, motion, 245 proclaim, announce, 46 " avow, 69 proclivity, appetite, 54 " desire, 128 procrastinate, protract, 293 procrastinating, slow, 337 procure, attain, 64 " get, 183 " purchase, 295 prodigality, excess, 160 produce, v., allege, 31 produce, n., harvest, 192 product, harvest, 192 " work, 374 production, work, 374 profane swearing, oath, 254 profanity, oath, 254 profess, avow, 69 profession, business, 88 proficiency, progress, 289 proficient, skilful, 335 profit, 288 " utility, 363 profitless, vain, 364 profound, obscure, 255 profundity, wisdom, 372 profuse, plentiful, 276 profusion, excess, 160 prognostic, sign, 332 prognosticate, augur, 66 progress, 289 progression, progress, 289 prohibit, 290 " abolish, 6 prohibition, barrier, 74 " order, 258 project, v., send, 327 project, n., design, 128 prolixity, circumlocution, 105 prolong, protract, 293 promise, contract, 118 promote, 291 " abet, 4 " quicken, 297 promoter, agent, 24 " auxiliary, 67 prompt, v., influence, 217 prompt, a., active, 17 " alert, 28 " nimble, 253 promulgate, announce, 46 prone, addicted, 19 proneness, appetite, 54 pronounce, speak, 339 " state, 341 proof, demonstration, 127 " testimony, 355 prop, support, 348 propel, drive, 140 " send, 327 propensity, appetite, 54 " desire, 128 proper, becoming, 77 property, attribute, n., 66 " characteristic, 103 " money, 244 prophesy, augur, 66 propinquity, approximation, 55 propitiation, 291 propitious, 291 proportion, analogy, 43 " portion, 279 proposal, 292 " design, 128 propose, 292 proposition, proposal, 292 " topic, 359 propound, announce, 46 " state, 341 prosecute, arraign, 56 proselyte, convert, 119 prosper, succeed, 346 prospered, fortunate, 177 prosperous, fortunate, 177 " happy, 190 prostitute, abuse, 12 protect, cherish, 104 " keep, 226 " shelter, 331 protection, defense, 123 protest, avow, 69 " state, 341 prototype, example, 160 " ideal, 206 " model, 243 protract, 293 proud, high, 198 prove, confirm, 114 " reason, v., 302 provender, food, 175 proverb, 293 provided, but, 89 providence, frugality, 180 " prudence, 294 [549]provoke, affront, 24 prowess, 294 proxy, delegate, 125 prudence, 294 " care, 94 " frugality, 180 " wisdom, 372 prying, inquisitive, 221 public, general, 181 " usual, 362 publications, literature, 233 public life, career, 95 publish, announce, 46 puerile, youthful, 375 pull, draw, 138 pungent, bitter, 81 " racy, 299 punish, avenge, 69 " chasten, 103 " requite, 313 pupil, scholar, 324 purchasable, venal, 365 purchase, 295 pure, 296 " fine, 172 " innocent, 220 purify, amend, 41 " chasten, 103 " cleanse, 107 purity, virtue, 370 purloin, abstract, 10 purpose, v., propose, 292 purpose, n., aim, 26 " design, 128 " end, n., 148 " idea, 206 " reason, n., 302 purposeless, faint, 164 pursue, follow, 174 pursuit, hunt, 203 push, drive, 140 " promote, 291 put, 296 put down, conquer, 115 put on, assume, 61 putrefy, decay, 122 put to death, kill, 226 put up with, endure, 150 puzzle, riddle, 318 quaint, antique, 48 " queer, 297 quake, shake, 330 qualification, power, 279 qualified, adequate, 21 qualify, change, n., 100 quality, attribute, n., 66 " characteristic, 103 quarrel, feud, 170 quash, cancel, 92 quaver, shake, 330 queer, 297 question, v., reason, v., 302 question, n., doubt, n., 138 " topic, 359 questionable, equivocal, 155 quick, active, 17 " alive, 30 " clever, 109 " nimble, 253 quicken, 297 quick of scent, sagacious, 322 quick-scented, sagacious, 322 quick-witted, clever, 109 quiescence, rest, 313 quiet, allay, 31 " calm, 91 " rest, 313 quietness, apathy, 50 " rest, 313 quietude, rest, 313 quit, abandon, 1 " cease, 98 " end, v., 148 " requite, 313 quiver, shake, 330 quote, 298 rabble, mob, 243 race, career, 95 " kin, 227 " people, 266 racy, 299 radical, 299 rage, anger, 44 raging, fierce, 171 raider, robber, 320 rail at, abuse, 12 raillery, banter, 73 " wit, 373 raiment, dress, 140 raise, promote, 291 ramble, wander, 371 rampart, barrier, 74 " defense, 123 rancor, enmity, 152 " hatred, 193 range, wander, 371 rank, class, 106 rap, blow, 83 rapacious, avaricious, 68 rapture, enthusiasm, 153 " happiness, 189 rapturous, happy, 190 rare, 300 " obsolete, 256 rashness, temerity, 353 rate, calculate, 90 ratify, confirm, 114 ratiocination, reasoning, 303 rational, sagacious, 322 ravish, abuse, 12 raze, demolish, 127 reach, 300 " attain,
1 ... 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 ... 110
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