» Study Aids » Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases, Grenville Kleiser [learn to read books TXT] 📗

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id="id05759">high-minded, truthful, honest, and courageous

holy, hallowed, sacred, and consecrated

homely, hideous, horrid, and unsightly

honor, obedience, virtue, and loyalty

hopefulness, peace, sweetness, and strength

hopes, dreams, programs, and ideals

hospitable, generous, tolerant, and kindly

hot, hasty, fervent, and fiery

humane, gentle, kind, and generous

humble, simple, submissive, and unostentatious


idea, imagination, conception, and ideal

idleness, recreation, repose, and rest

ignominious, infamous, despicable, and contemptible

illumine, instruct, enlighten, and inform

imaginative, sensitive, nervous, and highly-strung

impatience, indolence, wastefulness, and inconclusiveness

impel, stimulate, animate, and inspirit

imperious, wayward, empirical, and impatient [imperious = arrogantly domineering or overbearing]

improvident, incautious, prodigal, and thriftless

impudent, insolent, irrelevant, and officious

inadvertency, carelessness, negligence, and oversight

indecision, doubt, fear, and lassitude

indifference, caution, coldness, and weariness

indolent, passive, sluggish, and slothful

ineffectual, powerless, useless, and unavailing

infamy, shame, dishonor, and disgrace

infantile, childish, boyish, and dutiful

informal, natural, unconventional, and careless

insolent, impudent, impertinent, and flippant

integrity, frankness, sincerity, and truthfulness

intellectual, moral, emotional, and esthetic

intense, earnest, violent, and extreme

invent, discover, design, and contrive

inveterate, confirmed, chronic, and obstinate

invidious, envious, odious, and offensive

invincible, unconquerable, insurmountable, and insuperable

irksome, tiresome, tedious, and annoying

irregular, uncertain, devious, and unsystematic

irritable, choleric, petulant, and susceptible


jangle, wrangle, squabble, and quarrel

jealousy, suspicion, envy, and watchfulness

joyful, lively, happy, and hilarious

judgment, discrimination, penetration, and sagacity [sagacity = farsighted; wise]

just, impartial, equitable, and unbiased

juvenile, childish, trifling, and puerile [puerile = immature; childish]


keen, intelligent, penetrating, and severe

keep, protect, support, and sustain

kind, sympathetic, ready, and appreciative

kingly, noble, imperial, and august

knowledge, learning, enlightenment, and understanding


lapses, makeshifts, delays, and irregularities

lawful, legitimate, allowable, and just

lazy, listless, drowsy, and indifferent

lightly, freely, unscrupulously, and irresponsibly

lively, vivacious, vigorous, and forcible

loss, deprivation, forfeiture, and waste

loud, noisy, showy, and clamorous

loutish, prankish, selfish, and cunning

love, depth, loyalty, and faithfulness

lucidity, impressiveness, incisiveness, and pungency [pungency = to the point]


malice, anger, uncharitableness, and indignation

malignity, brutality, malevolence, and inhumanity

manners, morals, habits, and behavior

marvelous, wonderful, extraordinary, and incredible

massive, ponderous, solid, and substantial

mastery, proficiency, dexterity, and superiority

matchless, unrivaled, inimitable, and incomparable

maxim, proverb, truism, and apothegm [apothegm = terse, witty, instructive saying]

medley, mixture, jumble, and hodge-podge

meekness, inwardness, patience, and self-denial

merciless, remorseless, relentless, and ruthless

mild, gentle, humble, and submissive

mismanagement, indecision, obstinacy, and hardihood

mixture, medley, variety, and diversification

modesty, fineness, sensitiveness, and fastidiousness

money, position, power, and consequence

mood, temper, humor, and caprice

motive, impulse, incentive, and intimation

mysterious, dark, secret, and enigmatical


narrow, limited, selfish, and bigoted

necessary, expedient, indispensable, and unavoidable

necessity, emergency, exigency, and crisis [exigency = urgent situation]

neglect, overlook, disregard, and contemn [contemn = despise]

nice, finical, effeminate, and silly [finical = Finicky]

niggardly, close, miserly, and parsimonious [parsimonious = Excessively frugal]

noble, pure, exalted, and worthy

nonsense, trash, twaddle, and rubbish

novel, recent, rare, and unusual

noxious, unwholesome, mischievous, and destructive


obdurate, unfeeling, callous, and obstinate

obedient, respectful, dutiful, and submissive

object, propose, protest, and decline

obliging, kind, helpful, and courteous

obscure, shadowy, intricate, and mysterious

obsequious, cringing, fawning, and servile [obsequious = fawning.]

observations, sentiments, ideas, and theories

obstinacy, pertinacity, stubbornness, and inflexibility [pertinacity = persistent]

offensive, disagreeable, distasteful, and obnoxious

officious, impertinent, insolent, and meddlesome


particular, precise, formal, and punctilious [punctilious = scrupulous]

passions, weaknesses, uglinesses, and deformities

patient, loyal, hard-working, and true

peace, quiet, tranquillity, and harmony

peculiar, individual, specific, and appropriate

perplex, embarrass, confuse, and mystify

phrases, figures, metaphors, and quotations

piteous, woebegone, dismal, and dolorous

placid, meek, gentle, and moderate

plain, transparent, simple, and obvious

play, diversion, pastime, and amusement

pleasant, jocular, witty, and facetious

pliable, ductile, supple, and yielding

poetry, sentiment, morality, and religion

polished, deft, superficial, and conventional

polite, polished, cultured, and refined

positive, direct, explicit, and dogmatic

powerful, efficient, vivid, and forcible

precise, delicate, discriminating, and fastidious

prejudicial, injurious, noxious, and pernicious

preposterous, irrational, unreasonable, and nonsensical

pretense, subterfuge, simulation, and disguise

prevent, restrain, dissuade, and dishearten

primary, foremost, leading, and principal

probity, directness, simplicity, and sincerity [probity = integrity]

profession, business, trade, and vocation

profit, advantage, benefit, and emolument [emolument = compensation]

profuse, excessive, copious, and extravagant

progress, prosperity, peace, and happiness

prolix, prosaic, prolonged, and wordy [prolix = excessive length]

property, comforts, habits, and conveniences

prudence, judgment, wisdom, and discretion

pulsing, coursing, throbbing, and beating

pure, kind, sweet-tempered, and unselfish

purified, exalted, fortified, and illumined

purpose, meaning, scope, and tendency


quack, imposture, charlatan, and mountebank [mountebank = flamboyant charlatan]

qualified, powerful, vigorous, and effective

quality, property, attribute, and character

quarrels, misunderstandings, enmities, and disapprovals

queries, echoes, reactions, and after-thoughts

quick, impetuous, sweeping, and expeditious

quiet, peaceful, sane, and normal


racy, smart, spicy, and pungent

rational, sane, sound, and sensible

ravenous, greedy, voracious, and grasping

recreation, sport, pastime, and amusement

relation, work, duty, and pleasure

reliable, accurate, truthful, and duty-loving

reports, stories, rumors, and suspicions

reproach, dishonor, disgrace, and ignominy

restrained, calm, quiet, and placid

reverential, disciplined, self-controlling, and devoted

rigid, inelastic, stiff, and unbending

rough, rude, gruff, and surly

rude, curt, insolent, and unpleasant


sad, despondent, melancholy, and depressed

sane, sober, sound, and rational

scandalize, vilify, traduce, and offend [traduce = humiliate with false statements]

scanty, pinched, slender, and insufficient

science, art, religion, and philosophy

scope, design, purpose, and judgment

sensual, cruel, selfish, and unscrupulous

sentence, judgment, verdict, and doom

serene, composed, conservative, and orderly

several, sundry, many, and various

severe, stern, stiff, and stringent

shameless, corrupt, depraved, and vicious

shock, surprise, terror, and forlornness

simple, hearty, joyous, and affectionate

sin, injustice, grievance, and crime

skill, courage, prowess, and attractiveness

sleepy, soporific, sluggish, and dull [soporific = induces sleep]

slim, slender, slight, and scraggy

slow, dilatory, slack, and procrastinating [dilatory = postpone]

solemn, profound, serious, and difficult

solicit, urge, implore, and importune [importune = insistent requests]

sorrow, disaster, unhappiness, and bereavement

spontaneity, freedom, ease, and adequacy

stately, stern, august, and implacable

steady, reliable, dependable, and well-balanced

stern, severe, abrupt, and unreasonable

stories, pictures, shows and representations

strength, agility, violence, and activity

strong, inventive, daring, and resourceful

sublime, consoling, inspiring, and beautiful

substantial, solid, strong, and durable

suffering, regret, bitterness, and fatigue

superficial, shallow, flimsy, and untrustworthy

superfluous, excessive, unnecessary, and redundant

suspicious, cynical, crafty, and timid

symmetry, proportion, harmony, and regularity


tact, courtesy, adroitness, and skill

talents, opportunities, influence, and power

talkative, selfish, superstitious, and inquisitive

tastes, appetites, passions, and desires

tease, tantalize, worry, and provoke

tenacious, stubborn, pertinacious, and obstinate [pertinacious = perversely persistent]

tendency, drift, scope, and disposition

tests, trials, temptations, and toils

theatrical, ceremonious, meretricious, and ostentatious [meretricious = plausible but insincere]

theory, assumption, speculation, and conjecture

think, reflect, weigh, and ponder

tortuous, twisted, sinuous, and circuitous

tractable, gentle, pliant, and submissive

traditional, uncertain, legendary, and unverified

traffic, trade, commerce, and intercourse

tricky, insincere, wily, and shifty

trite, ordinary, commonplace, and hackneyed

trivial, petty, frivolous, and insignificant

true, upright, real, and authentic

tumultuous, riotous, disorderly, and turbulent


ugly, evil, hateful, and base

uncertain, questionable, erroneous, and mistaken

unctuous, shrill, brisk, and demonstrative [unctuous = exaggerated, insincere]

unhappy, unfortunate, distressed, and disastrous

uninteresting, lifeless, obscure, and commonplace

unity, aggressiveness, efficiency, and force

unkind, severe, oppressive, and callous

unpractical, childish, slipshod, and silly

unreasonable, foolish, excessive, and absurd

unrivaled, unequaled, incomparable, and matchless

upright, high-minded, brave, and liberal

urgent, important, immediate, and imperative

usage, custom, habit, and practise


vain, useless, unproductive, and unavailing

vanities, envies, devices, and jealousies

vast, scattered, various, and incalculable

versatile, eloquent, sagacious, and talented [sagacious = wise]

vigorous, upright, dignified, and imperative

vile, mean, debased, and sordid

violent, impetuous, intense, and ungovernable

virtuous, upright, honest, and moral

visionary, dreamy, pensive, and sensitive

vulgar, heavy, narrow, and obtuse


want, lack, poverty, and paucity

warm, soft, clear, and serene

waste, devastate, pillage, and destroy

watched, tendered, fostered, and pruned

weak, inefficient, stupid, and futile

wealth, position, influence, and reputation

well-being, happiness, prosperity, and distress

wild, restless, aimless, and erring

wisdom, judgment, understanding, and far-sightedness

wit, purity, energy, and simplicity

wonderful, interesting, active, and delightful

works, sorrows, visions, and experiences

worry, annoyance, awkwardness, and difficulty


Preposition "of"


abandon of spontaneity

abatement of misery

aberrations of judgment

abhorrence of meanness

absence of vainglory

abyss of ignominy

accent of conviction

accretions of time

accumulation of ages

accuracy of aim

acquisition of knowledge

activity of attention

acuteness of sensibility

admixture of fear

affectation of content

affinity of events

age of ignorance

agility of brain

agony of despair

air of assumption

ambitious of success

amiability of disposition

amplitude of space

anachronisms of thought

anchor of moderation

angle of vision

annulment of influence

aping of manners

apostle of culture

ardor of life

arrogance of opinion

aspect of grandeur

assumption of sternness

atmosphere of obscurity

attitude of mind

attribute of weakness

austerities of fanaticism

authority of manner

avalanche of scorn

avenues of dissemination


babel of tongues

ban of exclusion


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