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in solution can give neither hydrogen nor hydroxyl ions, but only the ions of a salt, are called normal salts to distinguish them from acid and basic salts.

Methods of expressing reactions between compounds in solution. Chemical equations representing reactions between substances in solution may represent the details of the reaction, or they may simply indicate the final products formed. In the latter case the formation of ions is not indicated. Thus, if we wish to call attention to the details of the reaction between sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid in solution, the equation is written as follows:

Na+, OH- + H+, Cl- = Na+, Cl- + H2O.

On the other hand, if we wish simply to represent the final products formed, the following is used.

NaOH + HCl = NaCl + H2O.

Both of these methods will therefore be used:

Radicals. It has been emphasized that the hydroxyl group (OH) always forms the anion of a base, while the group NO3 forms the anion of nitric acid and sodium nitrate; the group SO4, the anion of sulphuric acid and calcium sulphate. A group of elements which in this way constitutes a part of a molecule, acting as a unit in a chemical change, or forming ions in solution, is called a radical. Some of these radicals have been given special names, the names signifying the elements present in the radical. Thus we have the hydroxyl radical (OH) and the nitrate radical (NO3).

DEFINITION: A radical is a group of elements forming part of a molecule, and acting as a unit in chemical reactions.

Names of acids, bases, and salts. Since acids, bases, and salts are so intimately related to each other, it is very advantageous to give names to the three classes in accordance with some fixed system. The system universally adopted is as follows:

Naming of bases. All bases are called hydroxides. They are distinguished from each other by prefixing the name of the element which is in combination with the hydroxyl group. Examples: sodium hydroxide (NaOH); calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2); copper hydroxide (Cu(OH)2).

Naming of acids. The method of naming acids depends upon whether the acid consists of two elements or three.

1. Binary acids. Acids containing only one element in addition to hydrogen are called binary acids. They are given names consisting of the prefix hydro-, the name of the second element present, and the termination -ic. Examples: hydrochloric acid (HCl); hydrosulphuric acid (H2S).

2. Ternary acids. In addition to the two elements present in binary acids, the great majority of acids also contain oxygen. They therefore consist of three elements and are called ternary acids. It usually happens that the same three elements can unite in different proportions to make several different acids. The most familiar one of these is given a name ending in the suffix -ic, while the one with less oxygen is given a similar name, but ending in the suffix -ous. Examples: nitric acid (HNO3); nitrous acid (HNO2). In cases where more than two acids are known, use is made of prefixes in addition to the two suffixes -icand -ous. Thus the prefix per- signifies an acid still richer in oxygen; the prefix hypo- signifies one with less oxygen.

Naming of salts. A salt derived from a binary acid is given a name consisting of the names of the two elements composing it, with the termination -ide. Example: sodium chloride (NaCl). All other binary compounds are named in the same way.

A salt of a ternary acid is named in accordance with the acid from which it is derived. A ternary acid with the termination -ic gives a salt with the name ending in -ate, while an acid with termination -ous gives a salt with the name ending in -ite. The following table will make the application of these principles clear:

ACIDS SYMBOL SALTS SYMBOL Hydrochloric HCl Sodium chloride NaCl Hypochlorous HClO Sodium hypochlorite NaClO Chlorous HClO2 Sodium chlorite NaClO2 Chloric HClO3 Sodium chlorate NaClO3 Perchloric HClO4 Sodium perchlorate NaClO4


1. 25 cc. of a solution containing 40 g. of sodium hydroxide per liter was found to neutralize 25 cc. of a solution of hydrochloric acid. What was the strength of the acid solution?

2. After neutralizing a solution of sodium hydroxide with nitric acid, there remained after evaporation 100 g. of sodium nitrate. How much of each substance had been used?

3. A solution contains 18 g. of hydrochloric acid per 100 cc. It required 25 cc. of this solution to neutralize 30 cc. of a solution of sodium hydroxide. What was the strength of the sodium hydroxide solution in parts per hundred?

4. When perfectly dry sulphuric acid is treated with perfectly dry sodium hydroxide, no chemical change takes place. Explain.

5. When cold, concentrated sulphuric acid is added to zinc, no change takes place. Recall the action of dilute sulphuric acid on the same metal. How do you account for the difference?

6. A solution of hydrochloric acid in benzene does not conduct the electric current. When this solution is treated with zinc, will hydrogen be evolved? Explain.

7. (a) Write equation for preparation of hydrogen from zinc and dilute sulphuric acid. (b) Rewrite the same equation from the standpoint of the theory of electrolytic dissociation, (c) Subtract the common SO4 ion from both members of the equation, (d) From the resulting equation, explain in what the preparation of hydrogen consists when examined from the standpoint of this theory.

8. In the same manner as in the preceding exercise, explain in what the action of sodium on water to give hydrogen consists.


Definition of valence. A study of the formulas of various binary compounds shows that the elements differ between themselves in the number of atoms of other elements which they are able to hold in combination. This is illustrated in the formulas

HCl, H2O, H3N, H4C. (hydrochloric acid) (water) (ammonia) (marsh gas)

It will be noticed that while one atom of chlorine combines with one atom of hydrogen, an atom of oxygen combines with two, an atom of nitrogen with three, one of carbon with four. The number which expresses this combining ratio between atoms is a definite property of each element and is called its valence.

DEFINITION: The valence of an element is that property which determines the number of the atoms of another element which its atom can hold in combination.

Valence a numerical property. Valence is therefore merely a numerical relation and does not convey any information in regard to the intensity of the affinity between atoms. Judging by the heat liberated in their union, oxygen has a far stronger affinity for hydrogen than does nitrogen, but an atom of oxygen can combine with two atoms only of hydrogen, while an atom of nitrogen can combine with three.

Measure of valence. In expressing the valence of an element we must select some standard for comparison, just as in the measurement of any other numerical quantity. It has been found that an atom of hydrogen is never able to hold in combination more than one atom of any other element. Hydrogen is therefore taken as the standard, and other elements are compared with it in determining their valence. A number of other elements are like hydrogen in being able to combine with at most one atom of other elements, and such elements are called univalent. Among these are chlorine, iodine, and sodium. Elements such as oxygen, calcium, and zinc, which can combine with two atoms of hydrogen or other univalent elements, are said to be divalent. Similarly, we have trivalent, tetravalent, pentavalent elements. None have a valence of more than 8.

Indirect measure of valence. Many elements, especially among the metals, do not readily form compounds with hydrogen, and their valence is not easy to determine by direct comparison with the standard element. These elements, however, combine with other univalent elements, such as chlorine, and their valence can be determined from the compounds so formed.

Variable valence. Many elements are able to exert different valences under differing circumstances. Thus we have the compounds Cu2O and CuO, CO and CO2, FeCl2 and FeCl3. It is not always possible to assign a fixed valence to an element. Nevertheless each element tends to exert some normal valence, and the compounds in which it has a valence different from this are apt to be unstable and easily changed into compounds in which the valence of the element is normal. The valences of the various elements will become familiar as the elements are studied in detail.

Valence and combining ratios. When elements combine to form compounds, the ratio in which they combine will be determined by their valences. In those compounds which consist of two elements directly combined, the union is between such numbers of the two atoms as have equal valences. Elements of the same valence will therefore combine atom for atom. Designating the valence of the atoms by Roman numerals placed above their symbols, we have the formulas


A divalent element, on the other hand, will combine with two atoms of a univalent element. Thus we have

II II II II ZnCl2 and H2O

(the numerals above each symbol representing the sum of the valences of the atoms of the element present). A trivalent atom will combine with three atoms of a univalent element, as in the compound


If a trivalent element combines with a divalent element, the union will be between two atoms of the trivalent element and three of the divalent element, since these numbers are the smallest which have equal valences. Thus the oxide of the trivalent metal aluminium has the formula Al2O3. Finally one atom of a tetravalent element such as carbon will combine with four atoms of a univalent element, as in the compound CH4, or with two atoms of a divalent element, as in the compound CO2.

We have no knowledge as to why elements differ in their combining power, and there is no way to determine their valences save by experiment.

Valence and the structure of compounds. Compounds will be met from time to time which are apparent exceptions to the general statements just made in regard to valence. Thus, from the formula for hydrogen dioxide (H2O2), it might be supposed that the oxygen is univalent; yet it is certainly divalent in water (H2O). That it may also be divalent in H2O2 may be made clear as follows: The unit valence of each element may be represented graphically by a line attached to its symbol. Univalent hydrogen and divalent oxygen will then have the symbols H- and -O-. When atoms combine, each unit valence of one atom combines with a unit valence of another atom. Thus the composition of water may be expressed by the formula H-O-H, which is meant to show that each of the unit valences of oxygen is satisfied with the unit valence of a single hydrogen atom.

The chemical conduct of hydrogen dioxide leads to the conclusion that the two oxygen atoms of its molecule are in direct combination with each other, and in addition each is in combination with a hydrogen atom. This may be expressed by the formula H-O-O-H. The oxygen in the compound is therefore divalent, just as it is in water. It will thus be seen that the structure of a compound must be known before the valences of the atoms making up the compound can be definitely decided upon.

Such formulas as H-O-H and H-O-O-H are known as structural formulas, because they are intended to show what is known in regard to the arrangement of the atoms in the molecules.

Valence and the replacing power of atoms. Just as elements having the same valence combine with each other atom for atom, so

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