» Study Aids » Short Story Writing, Charles Raymond Barrett [cool books to read .TXT] 📗

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href="@public@vhost@g@gutenberg@html@files@20526@20526-h@20526-h-6.htm.html#Page_183" tag="{}a">183. Fantastic Tale, 31. Fantasy, 19. Fashions in short stories, 226. Fiction: founded on fact, 78; verisimilitude in, 87; life in, 88; derivation of characters in, 94; names in, 105; surprise in, 170. Figures of speech, 195. "Fine writing," 193. First person narrative, 122-125. Foreign words and phrases, 196. Genius: value of, 209; dependence on, 214. Ghost Story, 30. Grammar: disregard of, 204; faults of, 219. Greek unities: observance of, 47; in "Ambitious Guest," 48. Happy ending, 185. Hawthorne, Nathaniel: influence on short story, 11; his didactic stories, 28-30. Hero: description of, 96, 97, 98-102; importance of, 103; as narrator, 122-125; an animal or a thing, 126-128. Humor, 20; attempted, 111. Humorous Story, 38. Imagination, 51. Imaginative Tale, 27. Individuality: influences style, 189; cultivation of, 205. Inspiration: value of, 212-214; dependence on, 214; creation of, 214-216. Instructive Story, 35. Irving, Washington: influence on short story, 11; used narration within narration, 131; used dilatory beginning, 138. Italics, 191, 201. Kipling, Rudyard: made hero an animal, 127; used prefatory beginning, 142. Length: of short story, 17; of title, 75; of beginning, 132, 146; of climax, 172; of conclusion, 182. Letters: narration by, 125; accompanying MSS., 229; of recommendation, 230. Local Color, 156. Love Element, 18. Mailing MSS., 228. Material, acquisition of, 84, 210-212. Methods of Narration, 119-131. Moral Story, 28. MSS.: preparation of, 216, 218, 228; submitting, 222-227, 229-233; letter with, 229; record of, 232. Manuscript record, 232.
Names: of characters, 105; in fiction, 105; of places, 145. Narration: methods of, 119, 131; natural, 120; impersonal, 120-122; unity in, 122; in first person, 122-125; by letter or diary, 125; by an animal or a thing, 126-128; by multiplicity of narrators, 128; within narration, 129-131. Nature, influence of, 143. Newspapers, material from, 84. Nonsense Story, 38. Novel: short story a school for, 12; compared with short story, 23; influence of, 150, 155, 175. "Or" in title: sensational, 72-74; too long, 75. Padding, 156; in conclusion, 184; defined, 202. Parable of the Times, 35. Parts, 149. Phrases: stereotyped, 192; foreign, 196. Plausibility: in use of facts, 89; in "Ambitious Guest," 92. Plot: necessity of, 17; defined, 45; implies action, 45; simple and complete, 47; observes Greek unities, 47; importance of, 48; in Character Study, 48; in Detective Story, 48; plot-germ, 49; test of, 50; derivation of, 51; freshness of, 52, 57; phases of 52-56; hackneyed, 57; "elemental" or "true," 58; "theme," 58; in "Ambitious Guest," 58-61; "skeleton" or "working," 59-61; relation to title, 66, 67, 68; effects surprise, 165; effects climax, 166, 179. Poe, Edgar Allan: first recognized short story, 11; influence on short story, 11; originated Story of Ingenuity, 36. Poetry, quoted, 194. Preliminary Climax, 177-179. Premonition, stories of, 169. Price of short stories, 227, 229. Punctuation, 200, 220. Quotations, 194. Realism, 21. Religion: not literature, 159; influence of, 160. Revision, 216-221. Rhetoric: disregard of, 204; faults of, 219. Romanticism, 21. Scene: location of, 143, 145; importance of, 144; presentation of, 144. Sensationalism: in title, 72-74; in style, 190, 192. Sentences, 199. Short Story: first recognized, 11; history of, 11; masters of, 11, 12; an American product, 12; epoch of, 12; school for novelist, 12; defined, 15-17; plot of, 17, 47-63; length of, 17; love element in, 18; ingenuity and originality in, 19; "touch of fantasy" in, 19; tends to comedy, 20, 46; realism and romanticism in, 21; technique of, 22; artificiality of, 22; compared with novel, 23; best twelve American, 24; classification of, 26-44; collections of, 41-44; unity in, 47, 149-155; title of, 64-77; facts in, 78-93; characters in, 94-118; methods of telling, 119-131; beginning of, 132-148; body of, 149-170; parts and chapters in, 149; influenced by novel, 150, 155, 175; padding in, 156; local color in, 156; didacticism in, 157-160; proportions of, 160; climax of, 161-182; suspense in, 161-164; surprise in, 162, 165; conclusion of, 182-188; style of, 189-208; labor in writing, 209-221; marketing of, 222-233; criticism on, 222, 231; timeliness of, 225-227. Skeleton Plot: defined, 59; in "Ambitious Guest," 59-61; use of, 62. Slang, 197. Spelling, errors in, 220. Stereotyped phrases, 192. Story of Ingenuity: compared with Imaginative Tale, 27; defined, 36; Humorous Story related to, 38. Story of To-day, 36. Story of Wonder, 37. Story with a Moral, 29. Study in Horror, 31. Style: importance of, 189; a matter of individuality, 189; appropriate, 189; qualities of, 190; commonplace, 191; stereotyped phrasing, 192; "fine writing," 193; quotations, 194; figures of speech, 195; foreign words and phrases, 196; good English, 197; slang, 197; flowing, 198; ease of expression, 199; compression indispensable, 201; padding, 202; not exhaustive, 203; acquisition of, 204-208. Suppression: of unimportant facts, 89; of unimportant dialogue, 115; of irrelevant matter, 155. Surprise: see Element of. Suspense: see Element of. Tale, 27. Technical Climax, 179-182, 183. Test of good story: title, 64; beginning, 132, 146-148; conclusion, 171. Theme: defined, 58; in "Ambitious Guest," 58. Timeliness: seasonal, 225; fashionable, 226. Title: test of story, 64; influences sale, 64-66; "text," 66, 76; relation to plot, 66; apt, 67; specific, 68-70; attractive, 71; name of character as, 72, 76; sensational, 72-74; new, 75; short, 75; from principal object, 77. Tone Color, 199. "Touch of Fantasy," 19. True Plot: defined, 58; in "Ambitious Guest," 59. True Story, 27. Typewritten MSS., 228. Unity, 149-155. Weird Story, 30. Wilkins, Mary E.: her moral stories, 160. Words: foreign, 196; misuse of, 197; choice of,
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