» Study Aids » How to Read the Crystal, Walter Gorn Old [english reading book .TXT] 📗

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Myers, these things are, as yet, imperfectly understood. Genius, far from being a condition bordering on neurosis or other nervous ailments—as Lombroso and Nordau have erroneously taught—is an exaltation of faculty which brings its subject into relations with a plane of life possibly far in advance of one's normal experience; so that while new centres of activity are as yet under imperfect control, the normal functions of the brain and other centres of action are left in neglect. Hence, to the casual observer, the erratic nature of Genius is not distinguishable from some incipent forms of insanity.

In just the same way the opening up of new centres of activity in the psychic nature of man is frequently attended by temporary loss of control over the normal brain functions. Loss of memory, hysteria, absentmindedness, unconscious utterance of one's thoughts, illusions and hallucinations, irritability, indifference to one's surroundings, and similar perversions, are among the products of the newly-evolved psychic faculty.

These, however, will pass away when the faculty has been brought under control of the mind. Nature is jealous of its offspring, and concentrates the whole of its forces when in the act of generation. That is the reason of its apparent neglect of powers and function already under its control while the evolution of a new faculty is in process.

The would-be seer, therefore, must be prepared to pay the price of any success which may attend his efforts in the direction of inducing clairvoyance by means of the crystal.

"The universe is thine. Take what thou wilt, but pay the price," is the mandate of Nature. "What shall be the price of this new faculty?" the reader may ask. The answer is the same in regard to this or any other faculty of the soul: "What is it worth to yourself? That is the price you must pay."

With this equation in mind the reader is asked to consider seriously the phenomena indicated in the foregoing pages.



Daylight and artificial light are both equally suitable. A North light is the best suited to the human eye.

Observer should sit back to the light, holding the Ovoid or Sphere in the palm of the hand, which may rest comfortably on the lap, or it can be placed on a table with a stand under it, and a back screen of black velvet or dark material. The latter materially assists by cutting off side lights and reflections. Steady gazing in complete silence is absolutely necessary, for unlike other occult phenomena, the distraction the attention of primary (ordinary) consciousness is a great disadvantage. Success depends chiefly upon idiosyncrasy or faculty in the gazers, for "Seers" are very often men and women of imperfect education, in fact they seem "born rather than made" but the faculty may be developed in many people, seemingly at first insensitive, by frequent short trials, say fifteen to twenty minutes at a time, or less if the get tired.

Success is indicated when the Sphere or Ovoid, ceasing to reflect, becomes milky, a clouded colour following (generally red, and its complementary green), turning to blackness, which seems to roll away like a curtain, disclosing to the view of the student, pictures, scenes, figures in action, sentences of warnings, advice, etc., etc.

Revival of latent or lapsed memory is one of the leading features of this experiment. A book of instructions, carefully copied by Raphael from the old astrological works, is prepared specially for his crystals, price 1s. 2d. post free.


Magi Spheres are considered the best. The price a few years ago was £3 3s. each, but the sale having become larger and the process less expensive, they are now sent packed with instructions for 15s. 6d., in a velvet-lined specially made jewel case. "Some persons see at once, others after a time. Women see better than men visions of the past, present, and future, on the subjects upon which the mind feels anxious. It does not require a knowledge of astrology to be able to use the crystal."

No. 1, in case, with instruction, 15s. 6d.
  "   2,    "          "         "          21s.
  "   3,    "          "         "          50s.
  "   4,    "          "         "          60s.



AFFLICTION.—When a planet is on the cross (square) or in opposition, it is said to afflict.

AIRY SIGNS.—Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. These are the mental signs.

ANGLES.—The cardinal points forming the cross or square; the first, fourth, seventh, and tenth houses.

APPLICATION.—As its name implies, when one planet applies to another. The Moon applies to all the planets, being the quickest traveller.

AQUARIUS (the Water bearer).—The eleventh sign of the zodiac, or 300° from the 0° of Aries. The Sun enters Aquarius about the 21st of January each year.

ARIES (the Ram).—The first sign of the zodiac. In making up the 360° in the zodiac, we count from 0° of Aries. The Sun enters Aries on the 21st of March each year.

ASCENDANT.—This is the first house, or that point which rises at birth.

ASCENDING.—When a planet is between the fourth and tenth house; it is always the east.

ASPECTS.—This means the relationship one planet, or sign, has to another in the zodiac. The Table of Aspects should be well studied; it is important.

BENEFICS.—Jupiter and Venus are always good, because they give Hope and Love, and, if we add the Sun, we have Faith, Hope, and Charity.

BESIEGED.—A term used when a planet is found between two others; if between Jupiter and Venus, it is good; if between Saturn and Mars, evil.

BI-CORPOREAL SIGNS.—So-called because they are double. It is rarely used. The signs are Gemini, Sagittarius, and Pisces.

CADENT.—The third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth houses are cadent. It means falling from angles.

CANCER (the Crab).—The fourth sign of the zodiac; it is 90° from 0°. The Sun enters Cancer on 21st June.

CAPRICORN (the Goat).—The tenth sign of the zodiac, into which the Sun enters on the 21st of December.

CARDINAL SIGNS.—Aries, Cancer, Libra, and, Capricorn. These four signs form the

       E + W

they are important signs.

COMMON SIGNS.—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

CONJUNCTION.—When two planets are close together, or within orbs of each other. At New Moon the Moon is conjunction Sun.

CULMINATE.—When a planet is in the mid-heaven, it is said to culminate; it means being on the cusp of the tenth.

CUSP.—The beginning of any house. At noon the Sun is on the cusp of the tenth house. It means the first point of the houses.

DECLINATION.—The distance any planet is North or South of the Equator.

DECREASING IN LIGHT.—When a planet is past the opposition of the Sun, it is then said to be weak.

DEGREE.—The 360th part of the zodiac; its mark is °; 90° is a square; 120° a trine of the zodiac.

DESCENDANT.—The seventh house, or opposite to the Ascendant; the West.

DESCENDING.—When a planet is between the tenth and seventh houses.

DETRIMENT.—A planet in a sign opposite to its own house is in its detriment. The house of the Moon is Cancer. When the Moon is in Capricorn, it is in its detriment.

DIGNITIES.—When a planet is in exaltation, or in an angle, increasing in light, etc.

DIRECT.—When the planets are moving in their true order through the zodiac.

DIRECTIONS.—The period after birth. The position of the planets as life advances. The Sun moves about one degree per day, and this is equivalent to one year. The thirtieth day after birth would denote the thirtieth year of life, and the Directions would be taken out of the ephemeris for this day, the Sun's aspects forming the primary directions and the Moon the secondary.

DRAGON'S HEAD.—The Moon's North Node, or when she crosses the ecliptic into north latitude. The Moon's course is of serpentine form, having a head and tail.

DRAGON'S TAIL.—The Moon's South Node when she crosses into south latitude.

EARTHLY SIGNS.—Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

ECLIPSE.—An obscuration of a heavenly body, owing to the interposition of another. The Moon in the shadow of the Sun is eclipsed.

ECLIPTIC.—The circle of the heavens which the Sun appears to describe in the course of the year, in consequence of the earth's motion round him.

ELEVATED.—The planet nearest to the mid-heaven is elevated over any other.

EPHEMERIS.—A Table for each day, giving the latitude and longitude of the planets. "Raphael's" Ephemeris, price 1s., is considered the best. It is all that is needed to cast the horoscope.


EXALTATION.—There are certain houses in which a planet is exalted, as follows: Sun, Aries; Moon, Taurus; Mercury, Gemini; Jupiter, Cancer; Saturn, Libra; Mars, Capricorn; Venus, Pisces.

FALL.—When a planet is in a sign opposite to its exaltation, it is weak.

FEMININE SIGNS.—The odd signs, as Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pisces.

FIERY SIGNS.—Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

FIGURE.—A map of the heavens is called by astrologers a figure.

FIXED SIGNS.—Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius.

FORTUNES.—Jupiter, Venus, and the Sun when well placed.

FRUITFUL SIGNS.—Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

GEMINI.—The third sign, or house of Mercury. The Sun enters the sign about 21st May.

GENETHLIACAL.—That which applies to the geneture in nativity.

GEOCENTRIC.—As viewed from the centre of the earth.

GELIOCENTRIC.—As seen from or having reference to the centre of the Sun.

HOUSES.—One of the twelve divisions of the zodiac.

IMUM COELE.—The fourth house, or lower meridian.

INCREASING IN LIGHT.—When the Moon or any planet is leaving the Sun, until the opposition is reached.

INFORTUNES.—Saturn, Mars, and Uranus when afflicted.

INTERCEPTED.—A sign lying between the cusp of two houses.

LATITUDE.—The distance of any planet north or south of the ecliptic.

LEO.—The fifth sign in the zodiac; the house of the Sun.

LIBRA.—The seventh sign and house of Venus.

LOGARITHMS.—Of great use to astrologers. A Table of artificial numbers; to be found at the back of "Raphael's" Ephemeris.

LONGITUDE.—The angular distance of a heavenly body from the first point of Aries, measured from the ecliptic as seen from the earth.

LORD.—The ruler of a sign or house. Mars is the lord of Aries, and if Aries was in Ascendant, it would be lord and ruler.

LUMINARIES.—The Sun and Moon.

LUNATION.—A lunar period.

MALEFICS.—See Infortunes.

MASCULINE SIGNS.—Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Aquarius.

MASCULINE PLANETS.—Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn.

MODERN ASTROLOGY.—A monthly magazine of interest to all thinkers.

NORTHERN SIGNS.—Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo.

OCCIDENTAL.—The western portion of the map.

OPPOSITION.—When two planets are opposite each other, or 180° distant.

ORBS.—The orbs of the planets are the number of degrees allowed to each in which their influence is felt. Five degrees all round is the safest number to give.

ORIENTAL.—When a planet is in the eastern part of the heavens.

PARALLELS.—The declination north or south of the equator. It is a position considered of the nature of a conjunction.

PART OF FORTUNE.—A point in the horoscope where the rays of the Sun and Moon converge.

PISCES.—The twelfth sign of the zodiac.

QUERENT.—One who asks a horary question.

QUESITED.—The one enquired about.

QUINTILE.—An aspect of 72° in longitude.

RADICAL.—That which is connected with the radix, or root, dealing with the horoscope.

RECEPTION.—The planet that receives the aspect.

RECTIFICATION.—A method by which the true Ascendant is discovered.

RETROGRADE.—An apparent motion of a planet that is not in the order of the signs.

REVOLUTIONS.—A solar revolution is the return of the Sun to its place at birth.

SAGITTARUS.—The ninth sign of the zodiac.

SCHEME.—A map of the heavens.

SEMI-SEXTILE.—A difference of 300 in longitude; a weak, good aspect.

SEMI-SQUARE.—An aspect of 450 difference in longitude; an evil aspect.

SEPARATION.—When a planet is separating from another.

SESQUIQUADRATE.—An evil aspect being a difference of 1350 in longitude.

SEXTILE.—A good aspect, a difference of 60° in longitude.

SIGNIFICATION.—The ruling planet, or word, of the Ascendant.

SOUTHERN SIGNS.—Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

SPECULUM.—A Table of the aspects in the horoscope.

STATIONARY.—When a planet appears to have no motion, it is said to be stationary.

SUCCEDENT.—Those houses which follow the angles. The second, fifth, eighth, and eleventh.

TABLE OF HOUSES.—A Table for calculating nativities.

TAURUS.—The second sign of the zodiac and the house of Venus.

TRANSITS.—The passing of the planets over places or points in the horoscopes by daily motion, as seen from the Ephemeris.

TRINE.—A good aspect; a difference of 120° in longitude.

URANUS.—The name given to the planet Uranus, or Herschel.

VIRGO.—The sixth sign in the zodiac; the house of Mercury.

ZENITH.—The point directly overhead. The pole of the horizon.

ZODIAC.—The belt of the heavens containing the twelve signs, divided into 300 parts each, making 3600.

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