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in everything else, but who never knows "where he is at" in all moral relations, being religiously nowhere.

The early books of the Hebrews have much to say about "The Valley of Decision" and the development of "Out and Out" moral character.

Wofully lacking in a well-balanced will power is the man who stands side by side with moral evil personified, in hands with it, to serve it willingly as a tool and servant.

Morally made in God's image, what is more sane, more wholesome, more fitting, for a man than his rising up promptly, decidedly, to make the Divine Will his own will in all moral action, to take it as the supreme guide to go by? It is the glory of the human will to coincide with the Divine Will. Doing this, a man's Iron Will, instead of being a malignant selfish power, will be useful in uplifting mankind.

God has spoken, or he has not spoken. If he has spoken, the wise will hear.

We search the world for truth; we cull
The good, the pure, the beautiful,
From graven stone and written scroll,
From all the flower-fields of the soul:
And, weary seekers of the best,
We come back laden from our quest,
To find that all the sages said
Is in the BOOK our mother read.


O earth that blooms and birds that sing,
O stars that shine when all is dark!
In type and symbol thou dost bring
The Life Divine, and bid us hark,
That we may catch the chant sublime,
And, rising, pass the bounds of time;
So shall we win the goal divine,
Our immortality.

Carrol Norton.




Be Good to Yourself
Every Man a King
Exceptional Employee
Getting On
He Can Who Thinks He Can
How to Get What You Want
Joys of Living
Keeping Fit
Love's Way
Making Life a Masterpiece
Miracle of Right Thought
Optimistic Life
Peace, Power, and Plenty
Progressive Business Man
Pushing to the Front
Rising in the World
Secret of Achievement
Selling Things
Training for Efficiency
Victorious Attitude
Woman and the Home
Young Man Entering Business


An Iron Will
Good Manners
Do it to a Finish
Power of Personality


Hints for Young Writers
Success Nuggets 
I Had a Friend
Why Grow Old? 
Not the Salary but the Opportunity

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The Exceptional Employee

Uplifting to Humanity

"I assure you that the present and future generations must look upon
such a work as most uplifting to humanity."
CHARLES FRANCIS, Charles Francis Press, New York City.

Fresh Efforts after Reading

"No one will fail to put forth fresh and better directed efforts to work
to the front after reading the book."
Good Health.

The Ladder of Success

"The author writes with a purpose in view; that purpose is found on the
topmost rungs of the ladder of success. In order to find the purpose the
reader must ascend this ladder. The rest is easy."
Chamber of Commerce Bulletin (Portland, Ore.).

A Wise Investment

"Any one who employs labor where it requires character and intelligence
would make a wise investment by presenting his employees a copy of this
book. It has been some time since I have read a more wholesome,
inspiring, and fascinating volume."
J.J. COLE, in Christian Standard.

Brimful of Anecdote and Illustration

"The book is not all theory and principle. It is brimful of the anecdote
and illustration from actual business life which gives vigor and
acceptance to the writer's ideas."
Christian Advocate.

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Opinions and Reviews of Dr. Marden's

The Secret of Achievement


"'The Secret of Achievement' is one of those exasperating books which
you feel you ought to present to your young friends, yet find yourself
unwilling to part with." WILLIAM B. WARREN, Former President Boston University.

Art of Putting Things

"I have studied Dr. Marden's books with deep interest. He has the art of
putting things; of planting in the mind convictions that will live. I
know of no works that contain equal inspiration for life."

A Great Service

"I thoroughly feel that you are rendering a great service to young men
and women in America and throughout the world."
REV. R.S. McARTHUR, D.D., New York City.

The Difference

"'Pushing to the Front' is a great book and 'Rising in the World' is a
magnificent book, but 'The Secret of Achievement' is a superb book."

Success against Odds

"This volume contains a series of stimulating anecdotes and advice
showing how energy, force of well-directed will, application, lofty
purpose, and noble ideals serve to win success even against the greatest
odds. Many a young man will draw inspiration from it which will aid him
in making his life work a success."
School Journal.

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The Young Man Entering Business

"A readable volume

on a substantial topic, which discusses actual questions. The counsel of
an experienced person."
Pittsburgh Post.

Abounds in Specific Advice

"We can easily conceive that a young man who gets this book into his
hands may, in after life, date his success from reading it. It is sound,
wholesome, stimulating. The treatment is concrete. It abounds in
specific advice and telling illustration."
Southern Observer.

Stimulates and Encourages

"Packed as it is with sensible, practical counsels, this volume can be
cordially recommended to stimulate and encourage young men starting out
in business life."
Brooklyn Times.

A Necessity to Earnest Young Men

"There is such a thing as the science of success. Dr. Marden has made a
study of it. He writes in simple, attractive style. He deals with facts.
The book should be in the hands of every earnest young man."
Christian Advocate.

Entertaining as Well as Helpful

"So interwoven with personal incident and illustration that it is an
entertaining as well as a helpful book."
Christian Observer.

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Opinions of

The Miracle of Right Thought

Dr. Sheldon Leavitt says:

"I wish to state that I am unusually well pleased with Dr. Marden's
'Miracle of Right Thought.' It is the best work of the author."

Ralph Waldo Trine says:

"This is one of those inspiring, reasonable and valuable books that are
bringing new life and new power to so many thousands all over our
country and all over the world to-day."

"You have formulated a philosophy

which must sooner or later be universally accepted. Your book shows how
the right mental attitude helps one in the realization of every laudable
ambition, and the value of cultivating a bright, self-reliant habit of
thought. I congratulate you on it."
G.H. SANDISON, Editor, The Christian Herald.

"It is marked by sanctified common sense;

it is in line with the advance thought of to-day, and yet it is so
simple in statement that unlettered men and untrained youths can master
its best thoughts and translate them into their daily lives."
REV. R.S. MacARTHUR, D.D., New York City.

REV. F.E. Clark, President United Society
of Christian Endeavor, says:

"I regard 'The Miracle of Right Thought' as one of Dr. Marden's very
best books, and that is saying a great deal. He has struck the modern
note of the power of mind over bodily conditions in a fresh and most
interesting way, while he has not fallen into the mistake of some New
Thought writers of eliminating the personal God from the universe. No
one can read this book sympathetically, I believe, without being happier
and better."

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Selling Things


A Book For Salesmen

"Deals with the training of salesmen and the necessary attributes to
make them successful. All phases of the subject are considered: clothes,
presence, ability to talk, persuasive powers, tact, helping and getting
the customer to buy."

Will be Welcome

"A book that will be gladly welcomed by sales managers and salesmen in
every field."
Philadelphia Public Ledger.

Helps to Prosperity

"One of the best things that you have written, and ought to be in the
hands of every man who would call himself a salesman. There are many
points therein that will certainly help him to prosperity."
Samuel Brill.

A Masterful Work

"A masterful work and is filled from cover to cover with practical
usable information for young men and women. I consider this book one of
the best things you have done, and that is saying a great deal when the
excellence of your previous works is taken into consideration."
Hudson Maxim.

A Powerful Factor

"In our opinion, if 'selling' would be given more thought by such world
famous writers as you, it would be a powerful factor in the complete
revolution of business, and eliminate to a great extent the waste of
time, money and human life that is so recklessly thrown away under the
present ignorance of true salesmanship."
N.A. Corking, Sales Mgr., Ford Motor Company.

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Rising in the World

"A storehouse of incentive,

a treasury of precious sayings; a granary of seed-thoughts capable,
under proper cultivation, of a fine character harvest."--EDWARD A. HORTON.

"A stimulating book

which is pitched at a high note and rings true."--EDWIN M. BACON.

"Has all the excellences of style

and matter that gave to 'Pushing to the Front' its signal success. Dr.
Marden's power of pithy statement and pertinent illustration seems
inexhaustible."--W.F. WARREN, Former President of Boston University.

Touches the Springs of Life

"Dr. Marden has touched the springs of life and set forth with
marvellous and convincing power the results obtained by those inspired
by high resolves, lofty aspirations, and pure motives. No one can rise
from reading this book without cleaner desires, firmer resolutions, and
sublime ambition."--MYRON T. PRITCHARD, Master of Everett School, Boston.

Its Immortal Possibilities

"Has the same iron in the blood, the same vigorous constitution, the
same sanguine temperament, the same immortal possibilities as 'Pushing
to the Front.'"--THOMAS W. BICKNELL, Ex-U.S. Commissioner of Education.

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Letters to Dr. Marden concerning

Every Man a King

Success vs. Failure

"One of the most inspiring books I have ever read. I should like to
purchase a thousand and distribute them, as I believe the reading of
this book would make the difference between success and failure in many lives."
CHAS. E. SCHMICK, House of Representatives, Mass.

Worth One Hundred Dollars

"I would not take one hundred dollars for your book, 'Every Man a King,'
if no other were available."

Unfailing Optimism

"The unfailing note of optimism which rings through all your works is
distinctly sounded here."
W.E. HUNTINGTON, Pres., Boston University.

The Keynote of Life

"'Every Man a King' strikes the keynote of life. Any one of its chapters
is well worth the cost of the book."
E.J. TEAGARDEN, Danbury, Conn.

Simply Priceless

"I have just read it with tremendous interest, and I frankly say that I
regard it as simply priceless. Its value to me is immeasurable, and I
should be glad if I could put it in the hands of every intelligent young
man and woman in this country."

Renewed Ambition

"I have read and re-read it with pleasure and renewed ambition. I shall
ever keep it near at hand as a frequent reminder and an invaluable text-book."
H.H. WILLIAMS, Brockton, Mass.

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The Victorious Attitude


A Soul Doctor

"This book should be read by all discouraged people. It is a tonic--and
a moral bracer of the first order. Most of us need to have our
self-confidence stimulated, and Dr. Marden stimulates it. He is a soul doctor."
Richmond Times Dispatch.

Buoyant and Breezy

"Full of fresh ideas couched in straightforward language. Buoyant,
breezy and highly stimulating.
San Francisco Bulletin.

A Wallet of Truth

"There is a crammed wallet of truth in your book. May it go forth to
inspire men with the fine courage of life."
Edwin Markham.

Excellent Advice

"The homely truths and excellent bits of advice contained is Dr.
Marden's book will make instructive reading. It is written in forcible
and easily understandable style."
Buffalo Commercial.

Cannot Fail to Help

"Clear, direct and vigorous in expression, and so uplifting and
wholesome in subject matter, that it cannot fail to be of help to many
people who are in need of just such advice."
Des Moines Register.

Nothing More Valuable

"One of the very best books that you ever produced. The book is like a
medicine to me. I commended it to our students put it in our library and
it has been in great demand. I know of nothing finer or more valuable
for young people who are struggling for an education."
Rev. O.S. Krisbel, D.D.

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Letters to Dr. Marden concerning

He Can Who Thinks He Can

Will Do Amazing Good

"I believe 'He Can Who Thinks He Can,' comprising some of your
editorials, which appear akin to divine inspiration in words of cheer,
hope, courage and success, will do amazing good."

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