Author's e-books - Archangels. Page - 1

Jezebeth use to be human, once upon time. That era passed centuries ago, and now she’s the farthest thing from it. Walking amongst the mortals again, her new purpose in life is as a Succubus, a demon recruiter. Damning souls left and right, she tries to avoid him. But who is she to defy the will of an archangel, one who use to hold her heart. Archangel Gabriel still sees Jezebeth’s face every time he closes his eyes. Five-hundred years since the last time he saw her and the pain is still as

Jezebeth use to be human, once upon time. That era passed centuries ago, and now she’s the farthest thing from it. Walking amongst the mortals again, her new purpose in life is as a Succubus, a demon recruiter. Damning souls left and right, she tries to avoid him. But who is she to defy the will of an archangel, one who use to hold her heart. Archangel Gabriel still sees Jezebeth’s face every time he closes his eyes. Five-hundred years since the last time he saw her and the pain is still as