Author's e-books - C R Oliver. Page - 1

These chapters are a continuation of "Comfort Ye My People." They represent a bank of promises that clearly are some of the greatest in the Old Testament. These verses are directed to all Israel, not just the Southern Kingdom. They are given primarily to a people who have become unfamiliar with the intimate love God has for them.

Our New Year's study brings us to a grouping of chapters that shows the King of Judah and Jerusalem being threatened by an army of Assyrians. Political pressure is clearly understood in these passages, as well as threatening castigations against the God of Israel. The use of Propaganda is tested by the enemy and results in anxious moments for the people of God

Everything seems to be "up for grabs" as economies struggle to cope with debt and extremism. (Threats that have never been seen before in history (because of the scale of the capabilities for assault on a nation or a people) plus a populous which is growing more dependent on large national programs as opposed to personal initiative.) Great struggles exist from the encroachment of government into private lives and into every arena of social posturing from education, to religion, to

The use of an "over-theme" is difficult to describe, but this is the method God used in these six chapters. The "over-theme" in chapters 21-23 is a positive assurance to His people, that no matter what is going on around them---there is an end to it! They can be assured that "through it all" there is a forthcoming victory. The "over-theme" in chapters 24-27 is in the form of multiple Songs. The righteous, the redeemed of the Lord, are heard singing above

James declares there are two Wisdom Systems operating at all times. Because of the disparity between the two, he chose to describe them by condensing them to their lowest denominator. Splaying from both of these descriptors are strands of thoughts, actions and designs which originate from their source base. All kinds of activities and consequences emanate from the two core generators.

It is easy to forget, in these closing chapters of Isaiah, that God is re-introducing Himself to His people. Along with these passages is an ever increasing refinement of what He considers as important and just how He plans to intervene in history. The Lord shows the tender side of His Fatherhood, as well as, the power side of His authority.

The center of the universe for the Jews is Jerusalem. The current geo-political battle over that city is challenging Israel's claim and seeking to universalize it. Strong powers are laying claim to its parts and seeking to divide it in order to weaken its Jewish heritage and diminish its place in history. However, the focus on this ancient city, which has been in the plan of God from the beginning, is nothing short of an end time indicator of the returning Savior.

These chapters are a continuation of "Comfort Ye My People." They represent a bank of promises that clearly are some of the greatest in the Old Testament. These verses are directed to all Israel, not just the Southern Kingdom. They are given primarily to a people who have become unfamiliar with the intimate love God has for them.

Our New Year's study brings us to a grouping of chapters that shows the King of Judah and Jerusalem being threatened by an army of Assyrians. Political pressure is clearly understood in these passages, as well as threatening castigations against the God of Israel. The use of Propaganda is tested by the enemy and results in anxious moments for the people of God

Everything seems to be "up for grabs" as economies struggle to cope with debt and extremism. (Threats that have never been seen before in history (because of the scale of the capabilities for assault on a nation or a people) plus a populous which is growing more dependent on large national programs as opposed to personal initiative.) Great struggles exist from the encroachment of government into private lives and into every arena of social posturing from education, to religion, to

The use of an "over-theme" is difficult to describe, but this is the method God used in these six chapters. The "over-theme" in chapters 21-23 is a positive assurance to His people, that no matter what is going on around them---there is an end to it! They can be assured that "through it all" there is a forthcoming victory. The "over-theme" in chapters 24-27 is in the form of multiple Songs. The righteous, the redeemed of the Lord, are heard singing above

James declares there are two Wisdom Systems operating at all times. Because of the disparity between the two, he chose to describe them by condensing them to their lowest denominator. Splaying from both of these descriptors are strands of thoughts, actions and designs which originate from their source base. All kinds of activities and consequences emanate from the two core generators.

It is easy to forget, in these closing chapters of Isaiah, that God is re-introducing Himself to His people. Along with these passages is an ever increasing refinement of what He considers as important and just how He plans to intervene in history. The Lord shows the tender side of His Fatherhood, as well as, the power side of His authority.

The center of the universe for the Jews is Jerusalem. The current geo-political battle over that city is challenging Israel's claim and seeking to universalize it. Strong powers are laying claim to its parts and seeking to divide it in order to weaken its Jewish heritage and diminish its place in history. However, the focus on this ancient city, which has been in the plan of God from the beginning, is nothing short of an end time indicator of the returning Savior.