Author's e-books - fiction. Page - 5

Meet Edrik Fletcher, the son of a wealthy businessman. When you're born into such luxury, everyone presumes you to lead a life full of happiness and abundance, right? Turns out not. Edrik lives a nightmare; different life, in a different world. Disoriented, confused, depressed; he has to get rid of the other world before he loses his sanity.

Harry Pond Looks Homeward focuses on the Light beyond Earthy conflicts of light and darkness – conflicts we sadly all know so very well on this beautiful planet we call home. Nevertheless, the Harry Pond books hold out the hope of humanity one day soon reaching a higher place of thought, understanding, compassion and love that allows us all, collectively and individually, to raise ourselves above these conflicts and contradictions to a place of Light beyond the duality of light and darkness on

Rusty Barker is a gruff, no-nonsense guy, but someone who cares more about people than he lets on. The story takes place during the spring of 2005, a few months before he retires. The assistant principal asks him to chaperone the prom when another chaperone drops out. Rusty had never chaperoned anything before. The first "painful surprise" is how loud the music is, which he's not prepared for. Later, Rusty hurts his neck -- not seriously -- when he gets roped into dancing. It's

In Up From Corinth: Book 2 of Journey Into Darkness, Duane Kinkade’s search for his father leads him to the Confederate Army at Corinth, Mississippi, and into battle near a church called Shiloh at a place called Pittsburg Landing. He finds himself in a quagmire when the circumstances of battle land him with the Union Army in the care of an army surgeon. Moore expertly chronicles that battle and the months that follow through the summer and fall of 1862. Finally, in the winter of ’62-’63,

At the end of World War One, young Karl Werner realizes the truth of his sexuality when he falls in love with another man, Roland Aust. Through the decades, Karl tells his story of surviving two World Wars, the holocaust, and living under the Nazi regime as a gay man. All the while keeping the flame of love alive for his Roland.

Meet Edrik Fletcher, the son of a wealthy businessman. When you're born into such luxury, everyone presumes you to lead a life full of happiness and abundance, right? Turns out not. Edrik lives a nightmare; different life, in a different world. Disoriented, confused, depressed; he has to get rid of the other world before he loses his sanity.

Harry Pond Looks Homeward focuses on the Light beyond Earthy conflicts of light and darkness – conflicts we sadly all know so very well on this beautiful planet we call home. Nevertheless, the Harry Pond books hold out the hope of humanity one day soon reaching a higher place of thought, understanding, compassion and love that allows us all, collectively and individually, to raise ourselves above these conflicts and contradictions to a place of Light beyond the duality of light and darkness on

Rusty Barker is a gruff, no-nonsense guy, but someone who cares more about people than he lets on. The story takes place during the spring of 2005, a few months before he retires. The assistant principal asks him to chaperone the prom when another chaperone drops out. Rusty had never chaperoned anything before. The first "painful surprise" is how loud the music is, which he's not prepared for. Later, Rusty hurts his neck -- not seriously -- when he gets roped into dancing. It's

In Up From Corinth: Book 2 of Journey Into Darkness, Duane Kinkade’s search for his father leads him to the Confederate Army at Corinth, Mississippi, and into battle near a church called Shiloh at a place called Pittsburg Landing. He finds himself in a quagmire when the circumstances of battle land him with the Union Army in the care of an army surgeon. Moore expertly chronicles that battle and the months that follow through the summer and fall of 1862. Finally, in the winter of ’62-’63,

At the end of World War One, young Karl Werner realizes the truth of his sexuality when he falls in love with another man, Roland Aust. Through the decades, Karl tells his story of surviving two World Wars, the holocaust, and living under the Nazi regime as a gay man. All the while keeping the flame of love alive for his Roland.