Author's e-books - fiction. Page - 8

Stillpoint is a daring, controversial examination of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that shows the struggles of ordinary men and women on both sides. Spanning the period from 1947 to the modern day and showing how lives are affected from Boston to Beirut, from Haifa to Rockport. Do we learn from history? It would appear that we don't. What we learn we can easily forget, but understanding is of a different order, it cannot be forgotten. The poet T.S. Elliot describes this place of

Life for Lily is hard. Especially since she is the devil's daughter. It gets even harder when she starts to go to England School for Young Lads and Ladies. She is only in her first week of school when she is discovered by the Principal, the Security Guard, and here English teacher. After being taken captive, she is taken to a place called the Cage, tortured, and must find a way to escape. While in the Cage she meets a hybrid named Mimi, a ghost named Joshua, and another demon named Kathleene.

Far away in an uncharted island, a dark force is rising. Our hero, Leo Henrique, is the only person who can stop the force. However, he's still young and is pretty much a scaredy cat and he must learn to control his newly earned powers. Can he actually change and rise as a hero? Only time will tell.

In the Grey Village, residents slave away to work for the Kingdom of Eryn. When Clyra Mercenweld sees an opportunity to escape, she takes it, and becomes captivated by the stories of stars and fairies. Little does she know, there's a whole world beyond where she lives, teeming with all different walks of life - but all that is beautiful in the world of Illuvad could be lost if the shadows from under the earth prevail.

Stillpoint is a daring, controversial examination of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that shows the struggles of ordinary men and women on both sides. Spanning the period from 1947 to the modern day and showing how lives are affected from Boston to Beirut, from Haifa to Rockport. Do we learn from history? It would appear that we don't. What we learn we can easily forget, but understanding is of a different order, it cannot be forgotten. The poet T.S. Elliot describes this place of

Life for Lily is hard. Especially since she is the devil's daughter. It gets even harder when she starts to go to England School for Young Lads and Ladies. She is only in her first week of school when she is discovered by the Principal, the Security Guard, and here English teacher. After being taken captive, she is taken to a place called the Cage, tortured, and must find a way to escape. While in the Cage she meets a hybrid named Mimi, a ghost named Joshua, and another demon named Kathleene.

Far away in an uncharted island, a dark force is rising. Our hero, Leo Henrique, is the only person who can stop the force. However, he's still young and is pretty much a scaredy cat and he must learn to control his newly earned powers. Can he actually change and rise as a hero? Only time will tell.

In the Grey Village, residents slave away to work for the Kingdom of Eryn. When Clyra Mercenweld sees an opportunity to escape, she takes it, and becomes captivated by the stories of stars and fairies. Little does she know, there's a whole world beyond where she lives, teeming with all different walks of life - but all that is beautiful in the world of Illuvad could be lost if the shadows from under the earth prevail.