» Thriller » Suzy, Gary L Beer [story reading txt] 📗

Book online «Suzy, Gary L Beer [story reading txt] 📗». Author Gary L Beer

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the policewoman walks down to the jeans. Walking past the first rack of blue denim Sharon enters the aisle of jeans and turning to look at the policewoman she absent mindedly 'looks' through the jeans.
The policewoman is as bad at her job, like the rookie in the car. Sharon suddenly turns to look at the woman. Suddenly she seems to find a plain black baseball cap very interesting. Picking it up she looks inside and Sharon can see her face is flushed slightly, aware that she has been seen.
Suzy comes out of the changing room wearing the blue blouse and looks around for Sharon. Seeing their follower looking intently at a baseball cap Suzy stares at her with hostility and anger on her face; she does not like to be followed!
Sharon steps away quickly from the racks of jeans, fearing that the way Suzy looks at the policewoman she is likely to say something to her. Raising her arm in a wave she shouts at Suzy; “That looks good on you, are you going to buy it?”
Suzy turns and looks at Sharon seeming annoyed at the interruption; “You like it? I was thinking about it but it will have to wait.” she replies looking back at the police woman as if it is her fault she is not buying it.
The policewoman puts the baseball cap back where she had got it from. Looking embarrassed she looks at the floor as she turns and walks out of the shop.
Hardly before the front door has closed Suzy says to Sharon in a loud enough voice for the whole shop to hear; “Did you see her? She was following us, do you think she is the police?” she asks stupidly.
Sharon holds her finger up to her lips for Suzy to be quiet and frowns at her in disapproval; “Yes I saw her and now thanks to you she knows she has been seen.” Sharon lies angrily (as the police woman had crossed eyes with her when Sharon had suddenly turned round). Sharon could tell that Suzy had led a fairly innocent life and she badly needed her to be more secretive.
Suzy, looking annoyed at Sharon's angry reply goes back into the changing room. Emerging holding the blue blouse in front of her Suzy puts it back on its rack as Sharon stands beside her; “Sorry to be angry with you, but now they will replace that one with someone else. Someone who might be better at it and we might not spot them so easily.” says Sharon in a soft voice.
“I was not thinking; when I was changing into the blouse I got angry as being followed makes me mad.”
“Yes I know how you feel.”
“I am not very good at this sorry, do you reckon they will put another woman to watch us?”
“Be a bit difficult for a bloke to follow us into the women's shops, think we would spot him easier. Maybe we are just imagining it all and the woman thought we might beat her up, that's why she left in such a hurry.”
“Pull the other one, I may be a bit slow here but I am not stupid.” Suzy replies the anger rising.
“You are bloody stupid letting them know you have seen them.” snaps Sharon.
Suzy looks embarrassed; “Well I will not the next time, come on I want a cup of coffee.” she says as she starts to walk out of the store.

Sitting in a booth at the back of the coffee shop Suzy and Sharon stir their coffee; both are calmer but nervous as each time the front door opens they both look to see who it is.
“We will drink these then take a wander back to yours if that is good with you?” asks Sharon.
“Yes, sounds good, this is getting on my nerves a bit as I think everyone around us is the police.” replies Suzy in a whisper.
“We need to talk but not here, the woman with the black leather handbag who just walked in has 'police' stamped all over her,”
“How can you tell?” asks a puzzled Suzy staring at a tall blonde woman aged about thirty, who has just walked through the front door and takes a seat at an empty table.
“I can smell them.” laughs Sharon.
“Hey!” Suzy exclaims; “I know what you mean but that is when they are up close, she must be five metres away.”
“It is like a sixth sense smell, they can be fifty metres away it would not make any difference. I can smell them on the air.” smiles Sharon broadly.
“There is more to it than that, what else gives them away?”
“Well, let us start with her.” Sharon indicates with her head not taking her eyes off Suzy.
Suzy keeps her eyes locked with Sharon's; “Go on then, tell me.”
“Without looking at her directly, watch her out of the corner of your eye and tell me what you notice.” orders Sharon.
Suzy moves her head slightly so that it appears she is looking at the menu on the counter.
“Well?” asks Sharon impatiently.
“Give us a chance will you?” replies Suzy as she stares at the menu, after a long thirty seconds she looks Sharon in the eyes; “You are having me on, she is no more the police than I am she looks totally normal. My guess she is a Mum who has got to go pick her kids up from school, so she is killing time.” says Suzy looking up at the clock on the wall which shows the time as 14.33 hours.
“Maybe.” smiles Sharon; “Have you noticed how nosey she is? She is eavesdropping on the conversation between that old boy and his misses sitting behind her.”
Suzy looks back up at the menu and notices that the woman has her head tilted slightly back as she listens to them talking behind her.
“And she has had a good hard look at everyone in here except for us, is another give away. You must have noticed before how the police look at you and other people? How they look at you like you are a criminal and they have that look in their eyes of how superior they are?”
Suzy looks back at Sharon; “I know what you mean but she is still a long way away how can you see her eyes from here?” asks a puzzled Suzy.
“I can see them but it is in her posture as well, it looks like she is sitting at attention, how spotlessly clean she is no engagement ring and look at her clothes; they are not cheap.” Sharon says firmly convinced she is right.
Suzy is not so convinced but does notice how the woman looks at the people around her, the front door opens and a 'Hoodie' walks in. A young lad aged about seventeen who is also wearing along with his dark blue hooded fleece jacket, torn jeans and white trainers with bright green laces, walks up to the counter to order a drink.
The woman looks at the lad with obvious disapproval and suddenly Suzy understands what Sharon means. The superior look is in the eyes and Suzy can see that the woman has made up her mind the lad is a criminal.
Suzy hears the Hoodie order a coffee in a soft educated voice that is all politeness, the lady behind the counter asks him to take a seat when a waitress will serve him. The Hoodie nods in politeness and turns and sits at an empty table behind the police woman. Suzy is now inclined to agree with Sharon and she drinks the remaining coffee quickly and stands up; “I need to get out of here.” she says as she puts her jacket on.
“I am right behind you.” replies Sharon as she also stands; carrying her jacket she follows Suzy out of the coffee shop.
They walk for about twenty metres until Sharon tells Suzy to stop; “Keep an eye on the coffee shop see who comes out, while I put my jacket on.”
“She is already out, if that is who you mean?” replies Suzy in a scared voice.
Sharon twists in the direction of the coffee shop and sees the woman looking across the other side of the road. Sharon follows her gaze and sees a casually dressed man in his late forties nod his head slightly towards her.
Suzy is still staring at the woman; “What are we going to do?”
“Thought we had agreed to go back to yours?” smiles Sharon.
“What are we going to do about her?” asks Suzy impatiently.
“Show her the long way home if you are up for it?”
Suzy smiles, her eyes glinting with mischievous thoughts; “I know a few alleys, bet you we can lose her.”
“Let’s go for it, lead on.” laughs Sharon as she follows Suzy along the busy pavement.
Suzy weaves her way amongst the shoppers and young Mums with their prams and small children. Sharon has difficulty keeping pace and shouts to Suzy to slow down a bit; “Do not want to make it look like we are running away?” she asks breathlessly when she catches her up.
Suzy looks disappointed but does slow down a little, looking behind her she suddenly grabs hold of Sharon's hand; “Quick, let us cross before the bus gets here.” Suzy says as she starts to pull Sharon across the High Street.
Sharon follows as she sees the big green double Decker bus heading towards them. Quickly they cross the street and Suzy pulls Sharon into an alleyway that is between a Charity shop and a butchers. Out of sight of the High Street Suzy starts to run along the alley; “Go left.” Sharon orders when they approach an alleyway that runs parallel to the High Street.
“No let's double back on her.” Suzy disagrees trying to pull Sharon to the right as they still held hands.
“Then you will run right into her partner who was standing opposite the coffee shop.” says Sharon as she pulls Suzy to a stop.
Suzy looks confused and alarmed; “I never saw her.”
“Her was a him, come on.” Sharon pulls Suzy to the left and they run along the alley to the end of the building as Sharon pulls Suzy into the alley to the left; leading them back to the High Street.
“What are you doing?” asks Suzy in alarm.
Sharon laughs; “It is all a game you know, we will hide in the shop.” she says as she drags Suzy out into the crowd and into another Charity shop.
Still holding Suzy's hand Sharon leads Suzy to the book shelves, letting go of Suzy's hand she takes a book from the shelf and opens it. Suzy takes a quick look at the front
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