» Thriller » The Omega Sanction, Andrew Scorah [books to read romance .txt] 📗

Book online «The Omega Sanction, Andrew Scorah [books to read romance .txt] 📗». Author Andrew Scorah

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The colonel lets out a breath, and ran a hand across his face.

Koenig turned back to Gunther, “Kill all the prisoners in the first section of the cages.”

Fairfax jumped to his feet, “No! Koenig, don’t do this.”

Koenig wheeled, backhanding Fairfax across the face.

“Life is about consequences and repercussions for our actions, you asked me to save the town...your actions condemned those people.”

Koenig’s face was a mask of fury for a few seconds then he smiled. To Fairfax, it was the smile of a wolf standing over it’s prey.

“Come, it is now time to go to the vault.”

“Sir, we may also have a problem,” Gunther said.

Koenig looked at his bodyguard.

“Tell me.”

“Two men guarding the elevator on the vault level were found shot. The guard on the elevator in the Labs is missing.”

“So, we have some heroes’, eh, have a team of Sturmabteilung do an intense search of the levels, bring who ever is responsible to me.”

Gunther raised his hand in salute before leaving the office.


Billy and Jennifer were running for their life. Liquid death was disgorging from pipes all along the tunnel. The water was now up to waist level as they reached the station, which thankfully was now deserted.

“C’mon doc, we’re nearly there,” Billy called out above the sound of the deluge.

As they cleared the edge of the platform, Jennifer drifted close to one of the pipes. Water hit her in the side knocking her off her feet and driving her under the surface.

Billy hearing her cry out, stopped and dived under. Groping around, he found her, and pulled her to the surface. She emerged, coughing and spluttering. He pulled her on-wards.

They came to an alcove in the tunnel wall. A metal door was set in the wall. Billy spun the locking wheel. Pushing it open, they fell through.

“Doc, help me close it.”

Together they heaved the door shut before dropping to the floor, both exhausted from their flight.

“This shit is getting old real fast, I’m a scientist, not action Barbie,” Jennifer coughed.

“Your doing a fair impression from where I’m sitting,” Billy grinned at her.

They were in a small store room. Racks lined the walls filled with various tools and equipment. A metal ladder on the opposite wall disappeared into the roof.

“Not far now, we only have to climb three levels to reach the tunnels, they will take us to the emergency exit doors.”

She pushed herself to her feet, and went to the ladder.

“C’mon then Billy, we don’t have time to sit around.”

He shook his head and followed her.


After Trotsky showed Bane how to access the computer array, Bane was soon hunting down all the information Morgan had requested. He was impressed with the power beneath his fingertips. The computer was a Rykon 457, made by Cray Systems, ten times more powerful than Crays Titan, coming in at 30 petraflops with twenty one thousand processing nodes. As well as a 16-core AMD CPU, each node contained an Nvidia GPU accelerator, a specially-adapted version of processor technology originally developed for the video gaming market. All this information was imparted by Trotsky like it was meant to mean something to Bane. He figured it meant it was one powerful piece of kit.

An hour after he sat down he had pieced together a lot of information on Geheime Staat. Piecing together the rumours and official files of many agencies around the world, it added up to something very disturbing.

He had uncovered something called Projekt Fortsetzung der Zustand, continuation of the state. A highly secret endeavour of the Nazis in World War 2. All high ranking members of the state, including Adolf Hitler fathered children who at birth were spirited away to an unknown location to be raised in the ideals of National Socialism. The plan appeared to be the continuation of Nazi Germany if by chance they lost the war. These children grew up to become Geheime Staat, the secret state.

There was no information on who the children belonged to, as all documents on the 'projekt’ were destroyed. What they had at the Groom complex would be the children of the originals, which meant the mothers and fathers were out there waiting in the wings for what ever their offspring were attempting to do.

Next he accessed the Pentagons vast database, looking for any information on what this bell could be. He was surprised when he was given access to their computers and the deep black Z-Files where the secrets they did not want anyone finding out were stored. What he found was just like something from the X-Files or a way out there Sci-Fi movie. The bell device was found in a wood near Kecksburg in 1965. Alongside the device was a group of Nazi scientists including a Dr Hans Kammler, head of the SS's Building and Works Division—the entity that had masterminded and built the extermination camps. It appeared, however improbable, they had travelled through time from the year 1945. Bane felt like he had been kicked in the chest by a horse, and had to re-read the information again to make sure he had got it right.

The bell was part of a research effort into the properties of anti-gravity, but after an accident which resulted in many deaths the device opened some-kind of hole in time. He located a short after action report, dated April 1945, written by a Captain Hardesty of the 8th Army, they had captured and interrogated an SS-Gruppenführer named Jakob Sporrenberg. He had revealed that a secret complex was concealed in the hills of the Jonas Pass in Thuringia. Here esoteric weapons research was being done, shortly before their arrival in the Pass a group of scientists and an SS General named Kammler had entered the complex in order to escape the advance of the 8th army. Hardesty sent some soldiers after them, when they did not return another team entered the tunnels. They found the complex empty of life. In a cavernous room, they discovered many, what he described as half melted bodies including the first group of soldiers who went after the scientists.

He turned to Trotsky who was trying to locate a way into the complex without walking in the front door.

“The device is located in something called the Vault, I believe that we need to assume this is what they are after, can you locate it for me.”

“On it,” came the reply.

Bane logged out of the computer then headed off to rejoin Morgan down in the ready room. After he imparted all he had found Morgan pointed to a locker.

“Get suited up and armed, we go as soon as Trot has got us a route in.”

Bane opened the locker to find a black outfit similar to what the SAS wore but with built-in armour plates. Night site goggles, a utility belt for spare ammo and other bits of kit. He began to suit up. The mood in the room was all business like, reminding Bane of his army days.

Kukri and Hypo were already suited up, doing pre-op checks on their weapons.

“Man, I never thought when I got out of bed this morning I would end up fighting the Fourth Reich, Trots gonna love this,” Hypo said, “And this time HG Wells time machine shit, what’s that all about, you think that’s straight up Morgan?”

He looked up from lacing his boots.

“Must be if it’s in the Z-files.”

Trotsky came into the room like a man with a plan.

“I found the perfect root in guys, we can get in from here...well the mine below us.” He held a portable tablet, with a schematic of the base displayed on the screen.

“Go on,” Morgan said as he crossed to the weapon racks.

“One of the lower passages crosses over the complexes escape tunnel, we can blow a hole down into it, enter that way.”

“Sounds like a plan. Okay, finish up then I’ll give a brief, for what it is at such short notice.”

Bane grabbed a M16A4 assault rifle off the rack, and retrieved spare clips from the box underneath. A Beretta M9F went into the holster on his utility belt. Spare clips went into a pouch on his belt.

He noticed the others had chosen a variety of different weapons, Kukri sported a Heckler & Koch XM 8 with under-slung grenade launcher, his blade the infamous Kukri was strapped to his back, and a Browning in the holster at his hip. Hypo had an M16 same as Bane, while Trotsky carried a H & K MP5. Morgan carried a futuristic looking weapon, the XM29 OICW (Objective Individual Combat Weapon). The gun was capable not only of firing standard NATO rounds but the under-slung barrel could launch 20mm HE air-bursting projectiles; a very powerful weapon indeed.

The unnamed man who had been sat with Morgan earlier entered the ready room. He was already suited up. He clapped Bane on the back.

“Welcome to Omega, I’m Cyclops, I do any flying we need,” he said, his voice was Russian deep but raspy like he had suffered a throat injury at some point.

“Nice of you to join us,” Morgan said.

“I was only checking out the chopper in case we need a fast getaway.”

Okay, everyone ready to rock & roll? ”

Murmurs of assent passed around the room.

“The plan, such as it is, primary objective is to neutralise Shiva, secondary is to secure the vault if we can. Once Shiva is out of action, then we can bring in the cavalry. We hit, we run, we weaken them.”

“Easy peas then,” Trotsky said.

“It won’t be a walk in the park, if you’ve a problem with going up against them, I know your grandfather died in Auschwitz, I can stand you down.”

“No way boss, I’m not missing out on some payback, doing this for my ancestors.”

Cyclops mussed Trotsky’s shaved head.

“That’s my brave little mouse, ha!”

“Ger off me ya big Muscovite lug,” Trotsky said pulling away.

Bane was now beginning to see the strong bond these people had, the same as all men of this ilk who had shared in combat what civilians could only guess. He hoped he was able to fit in.

“Let’s do this thing then.”

As he fell in behind them and they filed ou,. Bane thought, this is going to be a massacre, such a small team going up against a larger force.





Oscar Koenig was standing in front of the vault door, his whole body trembling with fury. Even his two huge bodyguards stood back as if to stay out of the zone of eruption.

He had put on his black dress uniform especially for the occasion, Fairfax thought it made him look like a caricature of a Nazi officer, from the spit shined jackboots to the peaked cap with its deaths head emblem.

Fairfax stood to one side, having explained there was no way to open the door save cutting through the metal. Some one had destroyed the doors activation console. He smiled inside, but shrank back from the explosion he knew was coming.

Koenig turned from the door, fire burning behind his eyes.

“Bringt mir die Köpfe der Bastarde, die das getan hat!” Spittle flew from his mouth, he lunged towards Fairfax, punching him twice to the head.

He flew back, crashing through a double set of doors into an administrative office. In a couple of strides, Koenig was on him. Grabbing him by the lapel, and half lifting the colonel from the floor.

“This petty act of vandalism is going to result in more deaths to your people, nothing and no one can stop us, and when we complete our mission here, I will keep you like a pet dog at my side to witness the rise of the new Reich,” he smiled, a wolfs smile, “The release of death will not be for you, my friend.”

The sound of a walkie talkie came from the corridor then the sound of one of the bodyguards answering in German.

“Mein Fuhrer, a message.”

“What is it?”

“Hoffman has arrived with the Xerum.”

“Gutt,” he released Fairfax before stalking away.

“Get this door open, you have one hour...And put the colonel in chains.” he said to the bodyguards.

Fairfax stared after him.

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