» Thriller » Johnny and Me, Ellie Smith [latest novels to read .txt] 📗

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clear it was scary. Like a horror film the images flooded my mind.

Chapter 4 - I meet the Dough Boy

~1 year before~

“Devi get in the house take your brother!” My mom was in panic.
“Where’s Dad? What’s wrong?” I was terrified.
Then that laugh; that horrid blood curdling laugh. It pierced through the madness like an arrow, striking my heart with fear.
“Mom... I’m scared” I whispered holding Squee in my arms.
“It’s OK, honey, it will be OK.” Mom was crying and was shaking from fear. “Go in the house” she said.
“Aren’t you coming?” I asked though I already new the answer.
“No” she said.
She kissed my head and left. I climbed up the stairs and looked out the window only to see a man kill her mercilessly he looked familiar like someone I knew.

Suddenly my mind raced to the present and I realized the truth.
“You!” I shouted, yelling In Nny’s face.
“What?!” he asked shocked by my outburst.
“You killed my parents you horrid monster! You stabbed her and decapitated her, you didn’t even care if she was a mom! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY DAD YOU DEMON!”

I was mad beyond measure.I couldn’t believe I missed that.
“You don’t want to know what I did to him” he said head down in shame but I was to mad to care.
“You evil vile bastard! I cant believe I KISSED you! I hate you Nny I ... UGH! horrid vile monster.”
“You don’t understand” he said taking my hand. I pulled it away.
“Your damn right I don’t.”
“I was different then, I’m a better person now!” he tried to grab my arm.
“Don’t touch me!” I hollered. “I thought you loved me I thought you were better, but your no better than any other jerk I have fallen for. Ya know what? Don’t call, don’t come by, don’t talk to me ever again!”

I walked away leaving him in the darkness and alone once more. As I walked home I thought of the few times with Nny. I cried realizing I lost my only real chance at love.
Why did I have to notice him. I thought to my self.
“Maybe because you love him.” I gasped and jumped.
“W-who said that? Who are you!?”
“Calm yourself!” The voice was right next to me.
I spun around trying to see who it was.
“You are jumpy aren’t you?” This time I saw what it was.
It looked like a deranged Pillsbury dough boy. His eyes looked like swirls but not the pretty kind, the hypnotic kind.
“W-who are you” I asked.
“I am your conscience, at your service.” it replied with and evil grin.
“Thanks, but I don’t need you” I turned around and he was in front of me. “AAAGHH!” I shrieked.
“Hahaha foolish female. You can’t run from whats within. Many have tried and have killed them selves trying.What makes you think your better?”
“N-nothing I’m not I just I don’t need you.” I stuttered as it came next to my neck. It felt like a knife went across my neck.
“Is that so?” it hissed.
“O, I doubt that. I have a feeling your going to be very comfortable..with me!”

Suddenly a knife from nowhere came and stabbed the dough boy/conscience. Nny came and yelled for me to get in the car.I did and we took of leaving my conscience behind. I started crying and when we stopped to get out I threw my arms around Nny and kissed him saying I was sorry. He hugged me back. He took my face in his hands and asked if I was OK.

“What was that back there?” I asked.
“That was what made me kill your parents” he said as a tear fell from his face.
“Oh Nny I’m so sorry. I had no idea I’m so sorry...” I started crying and he hugged me closer and I knew what he meant when he said he wasn’t himself,when he said that he was different then.
“I was so scared, and mad why did you come for me?”
“I never leave my loved ones... speaking of which we should pick up Squee.” he replied.
“O my God. I totally forgot about him!” We went and got him from Pepito’s house and we headed for home. When we arrived I was so tiered I fell asleep on the couch.
The next morning I woke up and realized it was actually afternoon.
“Squee?” I called.
My little brother came up and said “You sleepded for a loooong time.”

“I know, I was tired.” I replied with a smile. I went to the kitchen and thought about last night.
The fight with Johnny, the deranged pillsberry dough boy, Nny coming back for me. I especially thought about that last part. I wondered why he came back, after all the shit I put him through, he still came back.

Chapter 5 - The Past Reviled

I looked up and saw Nny at the window. I motioned for him to come in and he slipped through the window. We stared at each other before I broke the silence by asking the one thing on my mind at the time.

“Nny? What happened to my father?” He looked away, but answered anyway.
“I-I killed him... but please understand, it wasn’t me, I wasn’t me.”
We moved to the couch and he began to explain how my parents died and how the dough boy came in to play.
“I was 15 when it happened. I was different mind you. I had to listen to what I thought was my friend. You see, my parents were killed by some drunk asshole. He ran them over and backed up and kept doing it for ‘fun’. Then I met the dough boy and vowed to kill everyone else’s parents. Stupid I know but I was hypnotized by the dough boy. I didn’t want to kill you mom or your dad, and I told him that, but he threatened to kill me. I chose my life at the risk of your parents’... I’m sorry...” He stopped and a tear fell.
“What about my dad?” I asked, I was close to tears.
“He made me torture him in every way possible. Your father was a nice man, his name was Edgar as I recall, Edgar Vargas.”
He paused and I smiled at the fact that he remembered my dad’s name, then frowned because he was avoiding my question.
“What. Did. You. Do. To. My! DAD!” I raised my arm to slap him, but stopped when he flinched, from both my sudden outburst and also the fact that my hand was about to smack his face.
“I don’t want to hurt you.” he said.
“It’s a little late for that isn’t it?” I replied but quickly regretted. He got up and walked out.
“Nny! WAIT!” I tried to stop him but he was already gone. “Damn, he can walk fast...” I thought.

Later that night I was sitting on the couch thinking of how he could have tortured my father. I looked up and he was there sitting next to me. I jumped and hit his arm.
“Dude! Seriously! Do ever, like, knock or make noise, or do you enjoy scaring the shit out of me?” I asked with a grin.
He smiled back and replied “I came back to tell you how he died. I think you deserve to know.”
“Ya think, its about time.” I thought to my self.
He began to tell me. “I’m not sure what he did to make me mad, but I knocked him out and dragged him to my house where I was forced to take direction from the dough boy. The ‘boss’ told me what I was supossed to do. I will admit I was appalled at the thought of such horrible indecency. He was a nice man, and had never done anything to me. I begged the dough boy to let him go. My reward was a knife across my face. I had no choice but to obey his orders. I was to decapitate him alive one limb at a time.”
He paused and looked at me with pure sorrow in his eyes. I was shocked and appalled but kept in mind he had no choice. I motioned for him to continue.
“I really didn’t want to, but set up the poor innocent man up so he was standing up and his arms made a ‘T’ . He gained conscieness, and I raised my ax when he stopped me, by saying that he had to take care of his wife and kids... but I was hypnotized by the dough boy and told him he wasn’t worth them... and with one swing of my ax... chopped his arm off. The scream of pain was horrible I had to look away but HE was making me continue I kept until the screaming stopped and I knew he was dead. I felt like crap. I cried for the first time in my life.”
He stopped and looked at me and we cried.

Chapter 6 - The Dough Boy Again and Pepito

The next day I went for a walk and thought about my parents. I missed them. I wondered what would have happened if Nny wasn’t around, but stopped because I couldn’t bring myself to think badly of him.
“It seems Nny has told you” I gasped.
That voice so familiar, it was the dough boy. I turned to look and sure enough there he stood staring at me. I looked away before he hypnotized me.
“Come now,” it hissed, “Is that any way to treat your conscience?”
“It is if your conscience kills you parents.” I replied in disgust. I could feel him floating around me like an evil mist.
“I never even touched you parents. If there’s anyone to be mad at, it’s Nny.”
“How dare you!” I hissed. “How dare you accuse Nny. He did nothing wrong. You told him to do all those things.”
“Poor foolish innocent naive female. You would believe your sweet boyfriend over your own conscience?” I looked at him avoiding his eyes.
“Yes I would. You are not my conscience. You think you can fool me but you can’t.”
“FOOL!” it yelled. “I will control you like I controlled Nny and you will DIE!”

He grabbed my face, but I pulled away and ran. I bumped into Nny on the way and told him between breaths that the dough boy was following. We looked up and saw a mist coming and ran for my house, the seemingly only sane place. I opened the door and screamed, but then realized that what I thought was the dough boy was Squee’s little friend Pepito.
“I scared you.” He stated.
“Yes, yes you did.” I replied.
I sat down and Pepito came up and stared at me.
“What do you want?” I asked.
“You are funny looking, but nevertheless I think he will welcome you. You have been touched by the dough boy.”
“Who?” I asked him.
“My father, the Devil.” I gasped and looked at Squee. He simply laughed and the boys went out to play. I wasn’t sure weither to shrug it of or be concerned.
“There is something wrong with that kid.” I told Nny. He looked at me
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