» Thriller » The Student Body, John Reeves [my reading book TXT] 📗

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playground too. There was a modesty about Jamar that didn't seem to fit who he was.


Addison had always been a high school with a rich sports history. It was the perfect school for a new teacher like Amanda Carter to begin her teaching career in. The rich history of twenty plus year teachers at the school showed stability among the staff. Ray Ross the principal of the school had been there for two decades. He'd openly admit it was the best school he'd worked at in his forty years. He'd wear the black and blue school colors as proudly as anyone.
Principal Ross had seen everything in his administrative career. He'd seen the good students, he'd seen the bad ones too. There had been the good teachers, and there had been the unsuccessful ones. He could recall the good school years, just as he could tell you about the bad times at Addison. The facts were he'd managed every situation with a helping hand from Christ. His faith gave him the strength to make the important decisions that had to be made.
Being a member of the school board for the county Ray Ross had expectations for the level of education the children received. He was a strong believer in the no child left behind act. Education in America was important to him. There might not have been a more dedicated man in the county. Every month there was a book sale in the library. Having books at the children's finger tips was the idea behind it. He had his hand in the after school math teams and, the debate team among others. No child was going to be left behind in his school.
An independent survey done to evaluate the level of the curriculum, almost two-thousand schools were recognized as being the school of the future. Addison ranked in the upper half of all the schools. The work the students were doing was preparing them for college level academics. The school has continuously exceeded expectations despite the schools age. The school was built in 1923, before that classes were held in a house that's no longer standing. There had been a ethical standard that had been with the school. Ross wanted nothing more than to keep that reputation and school spirit alive.

The year of 2003 wasn't going to be like all the other years. It promised to bring on issues that would test the school's backbone. It would test the driven principal Ross and all his beliefs. The students would learn more than what was on next weeks test.
Jamar had seen a little time on the varsity team as a freshman. In his second year of high school football he was going to play a significant roll on the team. Everyone knew 'Big Jamar' before he ever got into high school. He was basketball sensation during his middle school years.
Jamar was on of the easiest guys to get along with. He'd always stood out from grade school. A big kid like him always does. When your a foot taller than the others in elementary school your odd. Also the fact he was mixed both black and white made him even more different. Some of the students thought he was a Mexican. Which would have had him the only kid of Spanish decent in the school.
Micheal Nixon was Jamar's best friend, always had been since the first grade. The kids would ask Jamar, "Why do you hang out with that retard?" Jamar knew good and damn well Mike wasn't mentally retarded. Different sure but, most definitely not retarded. The truth was Micheal or, Mike was much smarter than his grades indicated. He got by with a B-C average but, clearly had the ability to be an honor roll student.
Mike would be the first one to tell a bad joke, "What do you call a blond with her clothes on? Done." Sure the jokes were corny but, Jamar enjoyed his company. The two of them would spend the night with each other during the summer break. It was Mike who exposed Jamar his first skin magazine. The two boys would ride to the creek to go swimming, or build tree houses with tools they didn't have permission to use. They could even be found at the local recreation center shooting hoops or, throwing the baseball around. Jamar was popular and Mike was popular for being unpopular.
While Jamar was on the brink of becoming a legendary football and basketball player, Micheal was trying to find his thing. He was opposite from his best friend in more ways than one but, starting with athletic ability. Mike was not athletic in any kind of way. He liked sports but had no desire to try to play one. He'd thought about the band, however he didn't think he would like that either. He wished that there was a class for having sex with hot girls. That's what he thought about most of the time. Not that any female would give him the time of day. Tina Black wouldn't even give Mike any play time and she was the school's whore.
The school had a few girls who weren't playing hard to get. There was the other half that had it closed up and locked tight. Mike could see the deception with the females. He might not have been banging any of them, still he could see the way the different girls worked it. He had his code written in his notebook. In the tenth grade he copied it on the reproduction page in his biology book.
Mike's Pussy Code:
1-A This female isn't coming off of it - Too tight
2-B This female might give it up if conditions are right - Good Girls
3-C This female likes to party, liquor gets you fucked - Party Players
4-D The female that usually has a body but, not good looking - Friends only Fuck
5-E That one tough bitch dudes are afraid of, she'll force fuck you - Ball Breaker
6-F She's cool but, doesn't have big tits and, probably knows little about sex - Virgin
7-G This chick will fuck you, then your friend, then his friend too - Slummy Slut

Things like that code made Jamar like him. He was a little over the edge of craziness at all times. He asked Jamar on their way too school one morning, "Do you think we'll lose the virgin tag this year?" Jamar was laughing on the inside. He never knew Mike thought he was still a virgin. "What do you mean we? I've had pussy before." Mike's face wore a shocked look, "You've bagged one, how does one friend not say something to other about that?"
"I didn't think it was that important." Jamar said with humility.
"Fuck yeah it's important, who was she?" The shock hadn't worn off Mike's face.
"She was my cousin's friend, you don't know her." The look suddenly changed on Mike's face. "Well then it don't count. You gotta bang a chick from school for it to mean anything." Mike set the rules as if there was something similar to his code about sex ratio. Jamar thought he was hilarious.


Text: © Copyright
Publication Date: 11-11-2010

All Rights Reserved

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