» Thriller » Russian Roulette, B Sherif [great novels .txt] 📗

Book online «Russian Roulette, B Sherif [great novels .txt] 📗». Author B Sherif

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wall. He turns around and lays down on his bed, staring at the TV. 

Women in TV ; "Today's news; a young girl by the name of Roulette has been kidnapped, watch this video of her." 

Michaels stands up and yells turn up the volume, he sees his daughter, the video that was recorded and screams "that's my daughter! that's my daughter! someone please help her. noooooooo Rou! he cries out falling the floor. I thought you ran."

Michael is sitting at the visitors waiting area, shaking his legs waiting for Janet to come. Janet enters after a few minutes.

"What took you so long he yells across the room." "Sorry, had to get some coffee, what's all the fuss about" she says as she sits down.

"Haven't you been seeing the news," Michael says.

"Michael what's going on?" "It's Roulette he has her he's torturing my baby girl."

 Janet puts the coffee to the side of the table and looks into Michael's eyes and says, "we will find her. Do you have any idea where she might be?" "Yeah, he says here is that address."

 Michael writes it down, please be careful."

 Janet takes the paper and pauses for a second then asks, "Michael, I've been here for you and your family for many many years, so don't lie to me when I ask you this question; where is the gun," Janet whispers.

"It's hidden in a good place it can't be found." Says Michael, he then gets up and goes back to the guards. "Michael! Janet says, Michaels turns around and Janet says is it true,"

 Michael looks down and walks away. Janet  with such disappointment on her face, goes to see a police officer and tells that she has information about the whereabouts of Roulette Carter.



 That was what I heard before waking up in shock. He handcuffs my hand and undoes the chain on my feet. I ask where are we going.

He says, "don't speak unless you've been spoken too."

 Then he puts a tape on my mouth. We leave the room I look at everything very good just in case he brings me back down, I see that there is a side door I wonder where it leads too. I feel my body is so weak I wanted to escape right then and there but I know that if I tried I would fail. We walk up the stairs. Its some kind of house or warehouse. He blind folds me and throws me. They both get in the van and we drive off. I yell and I yell but it seems like these man can't hear me. I wonder where they are taking me.I am trying to focus on every detail, so when I do escape I know where to go and where to turn.


Left turn, another left, then a right and another right, then down. Where the hell are we going. I start to scream again this time the van stops. He takes my blind fold off, he grabs me by the arm I look across the street I see the old ware house that I was in before, then after a few seconds I see a Swat team of police officers. I know my dad knew where I was. I yell at the top of my lungs. The guy covers my mouth and drops me to the ground I still continue to scream. I am screaming and being dragged I try to grab something, I'm throwing my hands all over the place until I grabbed something I put it inside my shirt "he" doesn't notice. I get thrown down the stairs, he locks the door as he leaves. I look at the item that I grabbed it's a lighter that looks like a gun. I'm very disappointed what can I possible do with this.


Police officers ALL CLEAR!


"I don't understand, says Michael. That's the house, I know for a fact that she was there. They must have moved her."

" Michael in order for me to help you says Janet, I need to know everything, every detail." Michael starts to look around the room. "I will but not here. Get me out of here and I'll explain everything to you." Janet looks down and says "I can't Michael. The evidence is too much your DNA was found and liked to all three murders. We can go to trial but the crown attorney he'll destroy you. Look, Michael I've never lost a case but if we lose this one you go to jail for life, let me try and make a deal with the DA office." Michael takes a deep breath in and out. "I think it's best to keep me in here because if I get out I'll have two more murders on my hand, Michael says. Just get me back my daughter."  


As Janet exits the room she hears someone laughing, she turns around and says.

"Is there something funny to you?" 

"My name is Lawrence, Derek Lawrence."

"Oh yes, you are the crown attorney for my clients case. What are you even doing here."

 "Well I was hoping I'd bump into you here," Derek says.

"Well you've found me, now what do you want?"

 Derek smiles and goes closer to Janet, "what I want is to make a deal with you, please let's get some coffee".

 Janet looks down at her coffee cup and says, "as you can see I already have a cup of coffee."

" Alright, lets get me a coffee and let's sit down and talk. Derek smiles and leads the way. A medium double-double please Derek orders his coffee. Thanks."


"Janet Janet Janet, now I hear that you've never lost a case and I know that you wouldn't want to jeopardize your reputation. Janet rolls her eyes and takes a sip of her coffee. Come on lets face it he killed 3 people do you really want someone like that walking the streets."

" I know my client and he isn't capable of something like that. This case has been brought to you by a man who hates Michael, of course he'll  make up some dumb story like that," explains Janet.


"His fingerprints matched. Look. Derek hands over the file to Janet. Janet opens the folder and she sees pictures of the 3 people that were killed, evidence from forensics and ofcourse, The DNA results."

 She reads the paper, "hair, his hair was found in the crime scene." "A piece of hair was found she says, oh please he could have brushed his hair and that guy took his brush."

"We also found a partial print, luckily he was in the data base from before when he was 19 he was got stealing a car, said Derek. I know that you are a smart person Janet, you and I both know that you have no chance winning this case. I don't have to say a word in trail and I'll still win but you, you have to do a lot of convincing."

"Are we done here?" Janet asks.

"I am making you a deal, let him pled guilty, and he'll have parole in  15 years. Janet gets up. This is a one time offer" says Derek.

"I have to speak with my client." Janet gets up and leaves.

Janet in her office still looking at the folder that was given to her by Derek. Janet can't believe her eyes and what she is seeing. She picks up the phone and dials to get a hold of Michael. "

Hi, Michael please cell 53. Hello, says Michael. There is a deal on the table, which way do you want to go."

Janet goes in to see Michael, Michael stares at Janet for a long time and says, "15 years and parole. Michael 15 years is nothing compared to all these people that you've murdered. 15 years, and you get to still spend time with Rou but If we go to trial we fight against a sentence for life."

Michael signs

"Janet I've known you majority of my life, I trust you, you tell me what I should do."

" As much as I would hate to see you in jail, for the first time in my life I don't think I can win this case for you. Nothing beats evidence. But I am the best lawyer in the country if you want me we'll take this case to trial."

 "Okay, says Michael, I will pled guilty."


This time they didn't tie my feet with a chain, I'm free but locked in this weird looking room. No window this time just this door that's infront of me. My hopes drop down I really would have liked to have a window I would fit through it and escape. I decide to yell and have them open the door I didn't get a good look on what was on the other side of this door. AHHHHHH I scream at the top of my lungs. They both come rushing down the stairs and they have tape they tape  my mouth. One of the guys says, "f you scream one more time I will cut off your tongue."

 I look ahead of me and I see that they left the door open. There is no hallway just stairs that go directly upstairs. This place is impossible to escape. Both leave the room. If I yell he'll cut off my tongue, I need to escape right now. So I start to make a weird noise I look around and there is no bathroom. He takes off the tape and I say. "I need to pee." They both look at each other. One of the guys says "I'll take her."

 He takes me upstairs it's a living space there is furniture, I look out the window the cops are still at the other house.

I am in the bathroom now, and there is a window I try to close the door and he says keep the door opened I'll turn around. Great now I can't escape, and I have to force myself  to pee.

"What if I need to pee again how do I call you, because according to your buddy if I scream he's going to cut off my tongue." I say.

 "I'll check on you every hour", he said.  

"I ask why are you doing this to me?"

" Your father owes us something that has a lot of value he took what's mine and I am taking what 's his. You ever wonder why he named you Roulette he said."

 "Yeah after the unique gun Russian roulette."

" Do you know where the gun is" he asks. 

"Gun? what gun my dad doesn't have a gun."

 HE takes me back downstairs and before they leave I say "I'm hungry, I didn't eat."

" YOU ASKED FOR TOO MUCH CHILD!" the other guy yelled and throws me a chocolate bar. I eat the chocolate bar because I am very hungry and I also want energy so when I escape I don't get tired fast. 

So, the guy that took me upstairs said that he`ll check on me every hour that's enough time to plan my escape route. I can ran using the front door and if he tries to stop me I can use the lighter to burn his face, I doubt he knows I have it or otherwise he would have taken it from me. I decide to take a nap, my last nap before running. 
I am tired of this, I want my gun back from Michael I've had it! Peter calm down we'll get it, we have his daughter. No he needs something more, Oliver get the camera. 
As I am sleeping I get waken up by the two men this time I am getting beaten up and one of them is just standing there and holding the camera. My face is bleeding this time I can't help it I start to cry. 
"Look into the camera Roulette and day hi to daddy. You see the Mike I have your precious little daughter, return to me what is mine or else I'll start to physical hurt her, she'll  wish she was dead. You have 24 hours the clock is ticking." At the very moment I knew my life was over, and I now know that my father did something that's why I have been kidnapped. What could he possibly have done to

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