» Thriller » Flower's Stalker, Taylor Collins [red queen ebook .TXT] 📗

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would take that opportunity to find out more about him.

“What would you like to know? I have no secrets to hide from you.” He looked her in the eye. She looked away and chuckled.

“What’s your major?” She asked.

“Art,” he said.

“Beautiful. What’s your passion?”

“Love,” he blushed.

“Say you loved me. How would you express it?” She asked.

“I would be scared you would break my heart, but that wouldn’t stop me. I would leave hints, and then do something romantic, like leave roses at your doorstep in my name. Then I would ask how you feel about me. I would kiss you if you felt the same, and announce my undying love for you.”

Or leave a note, Flower thought.

“That’s all for now,” she said, thinking about what he said.

He didn’t seem to be a bad person. He seemed very romantic. But maybe he was trying to hide it.

She left and went to work.

There she made an honest living.

Dan asked Flower how her day went.


Do you tell Dan about the letter? Or keep quiet?

If you choose to tell Dan about the letter go to chapter named: 06

If you choose not to tell Dan about the letter go to chapter named: 07



04: If you chose to thank Sandy

“Thank you, Sandy, for being there for me. I know you really would help me through a lot of things. I hope you do at least,” Flower’s words submerged and flowed with love.

Sandy looked at Flower with love. “You’re very welcome.”

Flower suddenly got the urge to give Sandy a hug. At least she didn’t feel alone in the situation. It was a great thing to have loving friends. Friends that would be there for you through anything. Flower was extremely grateful for that. From that point on, when she was feeling down, she had always thought of Sandy to get her through it.

Flower got up from where she was sitting, and within the next few minutes, she was feeling like she was being watched. She went to her room, and laid out on the bed.

He’s watching, she thought to herself. She didn’t know what to do. She was exhausted, but she didn’t want to sleep. Then she heard a scratch on her bedroom window. She suddenly felt terror.

She got up to go find Sandy, noticing the door was wide open with only the screen door separating her from the outside world. Her stomach dropped, and she felt the horror ravenously seize her gut.

Do you choose to call out for Sandy or be as quiet as you can?

It’s your choice ;) 

If you choose to call out for Sandy go to chapter named: 08

If you choose to be as quiet as you can go to chapter named 09


05: If you chose not to say anything to Sandy

Flower got up from her spot on the couch, which she was sitting next to Sandy, and went to her room. Sandy lollygagged along in the living room before getting up to go to bed. There, she put in her headphones, and blasted the music. What she didn’t know, was that someone had snuck through her bedroom window, and out through her bedroom door into the rest of the house.

Flower sat on her bed, reading, when she heard the noise of footsteps. She figured Sandy was just dragging her feet like she usually did. They were ever-so slight, but loud enough to hear.

She continued reading.

The intruder stopped at Flower’s bedroom door, contemplating on what to do next. His heart was beating out of his chest. He was nervous to confront her.

He placed his hand on the door knob…

Flower was still reading, not knowing that there was an intruder in the house, and that he was right outside her bedroom door about to come in any second.

She suddenly felt a tinge of paranoia. She called out for Sandy. There was no answer.

She got up and grabbed a pocket knife from her box. She always kept them just in case, considering that Sandy brought in strange men all the time. But this was a different situation.

She stood there, the eerie silence killing her.

She heard the door creak open slowly.

Then, standing there was a tall, well built male, wearing a ski-mask, and in dark clothes. He stared at Flower for the longest time, just standing there.

Do you jump through the bedroom window or try to stab him?

If you choose to jump through the bedroom window go to chapter named: 16

If you choose to try to stab him go to chapter named: 17




06: If you chose to tell Dan about the letter

Flower immediately had the look of horror on her face, looking as if something awful might happen. She sighed a sigh filled with paranoia. Her eyes filled with tears that no one’s comfort could contain. Then she said, “I found a letter in my locker. It was signed ‘your dear stalker’.” She had fallen into uncontrollable tears at that point.

Dan looked at Flower with worry, then he said, “It’ll be okay, hun. It’s just someone trying to scare you is all.” He was comforting in what he said, but to no avail. Flower was still in tears.

“I want you to go home today, and try to clear your thoughts. Come back in tomorrow and work. For now, I don’t think you can handle it.”

Flower shook her head yes in dismay, agreeing that working wouldn’t be her best option right now. She had to think of her next steps through this stalker situation. Her life might or might not have depended on it. She walked out of the store in broad daylight. At least it was still light outside. She would have been filled with so much terror at the sight of darkness, knowing he or she was lurking out there somewhere. Day time helped the situation. It lightened her up.

She lit up a cigarette before doing anything else. She didn’t smoke as often as she used to, but she felt it was necessary.

She took a drag, feeling contentment in her lungs as they approved. She did it mainly for the stress.

After a few more puffs, Flower sighed, and put it out. No need to smoke a full one quite yet, she still had to get home.

She decided it was best not to walk. She called a cab.

She waited patiently, looking at the sky. She felt tranquility while looking at it. It made her heart at ease. Flower would forever be in debt to the sky if it saved her from this stalker, if there was even a stalker. It still upset her, and if it was a joke, it was cruel.

Flower got in the taxi when it pulled up, and forced a smile at the driver. He was middle-aged and was balding. After making idle chit-chat, they reached her destination. He smiled at her as she got out. He was a very friendly man. Flower liked it when people were friendly to her.

She walked into the house, and sighed. She went straight to her room, shut the door, and laid out on her bed. She closed her eyes, and began to try to figure everything out. Maybe, she thought, she was overreacting. However, something was telling her she wasn’t. She sighed. It was too much for her to handle. Maybe she should just sleep it off.


Do you go to sleep or try to speak to Sandy about it?

If you choose to go to sleep go to chapter named: 10

If you choose to try to speak to Sandy about it go to chapter named: 11



07: If you chose not to tell Dan about the letter

Flower had to hold back the horror she was feeling in the pit her stomach, and it ate her up inside. However, she held it back, and smiled at Dan, playing it off cool. She hated hiding from Dan because she felt so safe around him.

“I had a decent day. You know how I love studying,” she said. He looked at her with a smile, a smile she loved to see on his face.

“That’s good to hear,” he replied.

“Thank you.”

She worked hard just to get the thoughts that were lingering in her head out, but she couldn’t help but to feel this eerie feeling in the shop. It made her cringe. It especially got worse as the night settled in, and it was close to closing time.

She wished it all away. The spacious shop was closing, and Flower went outside, and lit up a cigarette. She hadn’t had one in awhile, but she had always kept them on her when she wanted one. She inhaled greatly, hoping to relieve some stress that had been building up all day. She watched as a car with tented windows drove by more than once. Her eyebrow raised at the sight. She flung her cigarette out, tossing it into the trash before she could finish it, and went in to try to release tension. Dan asked why she hadn’t left yet.

“I need to call a cab, and use the restroom,” Flower told him truthfully. He smiled and said, “Be quick, my darling.”

The night sky was

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