» Thriller » Fusion Asylum, Shalyse Buchanan [popular novels TXT] 📗

Book online «Fusion Asylum, Shalyse Buchanan [popular novels TXT] 📗». Author Shalyse Buchanan

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to crawl from under the bed,but Jesslyn didn't move at all.He just closed his eyes and hoped she would attack him in any way possible.Sadly to his surprise she disappeared so he figured he must have been dreaming again.He nodded off a lot and never seemed to realize it since his dreams were so vivid he figured he was still in reality. Jesslyn laid there and commenced to crying in desperation.
He longed for pain so bad it was depressing,he pulled up his shirt a little by his arm.His arms were covered in self inflicted cuts and they looked horribly gruesome.As he laid there crying he started to scratch at his wounds deeply,hoping they would bleed.The pain of it was indulging and made Jesslyn calm down a bit.He adored the feeling and only wished it would last.He continued but his scars refused to bleed which upset Jesslyn a little but the pain of it was so indulging he didn't care.He kept on going until they bleed and he finally fell asleep peacefully and satisfied. Meanwhile, the child that had attacked Jesslyn was strapped to a chair screaming for freedom.Some doctors rushed into the room with a lot of strange tools in there hands."Jimmy you should have behaved now we have to punish you"one of the doctors said."I'll be good I promise just please let me go!" Jimmy shakingly yelled.Before he could yell again the doctors began to attach objects to his whole body.They made sure he was strapped down enough where there was no chance of moving or more or less escaping.After all the objects were placed onto the child,a doctor pulled a switch on the wall and watched the poor thing struggle.His body moved in profound ways as he laid there and suffered in agony.He started to foam at the mouth so the doctor hesitantly turned off the switch.The boy laid there motionless and barely breathing in such agony.The doctors just watched as he let out his last breath and his eyes slowly closed shut.After he had passed on the doctors began to cut open his body and explore his insides vigorously. with excitement.The took out his organs and blood splattered onto the floor and laid them out on a metal table.As soon as all the poor kids insides were out they started to pour chemicals on them.The organs had no reaction at first,but after a very short amount of time they started to.The boys heart exploded all over the place,his eyes turned from a bloody red to various oranges and purples and his liver started to deteriorate from the inside out.It was a horrid thing to watch but all the doctors did with high interest.They all stood there and took notes and were elated with what had happened in they're little experiment.After every thing stopped reacting to the chemicals the nurses came in and cleaned up.Both the doctors and nurses left the room with smiles and just couldn't be happier with they're results.Early the next morning,the sunlight was shining harshly into Jesslyns room. Jesslyn absolutely hated sunlight,he hated it more than he hated everything else in his life.As always he got up half asleep waiting for the nurse to come get him for breakfest, but this time it was different.The nurse didn't show up at all to pick Jesslyn up. Jesslyn sat there confused o why he wasn't already sitting down stairs eating.He got up to walk to the door and in amazement it was unlocked.At this point Jesslyn was beyond confused,he softly pushed on the door and peeked outside.No one was there,so he silently walked out the door and shut it behind him.He figured everyone must be already down stairs eating breakfest that's why no one was on his level.After realizing no one was for sure there he ran as fast as he could down the old stair case.It seemed like no one used it so he guessed he was safe there.He made it to the first floor and there infront of him he saw a sign,"Back door exist employees only" it read.He wanted to jump for joy but didn't, he didn't want to risk getting caught.Just as he pushed on the door and felt a rush of cold air and sunlight he woke up."Motherfucker" Jesslyn said while laughing.He figured he might as well get use to his vivid dreams since they never seem to give up.As laid there on realized it wasn't even day break outside. Jesslyn got up from the cold floor and stood by his tiny little window and watched as clouds passed over the moon.He watched with a slight enjoyment, and he quietly closed his eyes,held his hands together real tight and wished on a star.Then he began to sing a simple lullaby that he adored.His soft whispers were went unnoticed,but they way he sang each word was gorgeous and soothing.He swayed back and forth as he sang to himself while watching the stars.It was utterly peaceful and Jesslyn finally let his guard down and let himself go as he sang in a whispered tone. Jesslyn had a lot happen to him in his life and ever now and then he needed some peace,even if it was just for a moment.The next morning when Jesslyn went down to breakfest he noticed the boy that had attacked him wasn't there. Jesslyn could care less but he had a weird feeling that something bad had happened.As he sat there he tried to relax but he just couldn't,he knew something happened and he had to know what.So when the nurse came to serve him his food he softly asked her "wheres the boy I fucked up the other day?" The nurse refused to answer and walked away rather quickly. Jesslyn was convinced that there was more secrets to this place than he had thought and he was determined to figure out each and every one of them.

Jesslyn's Past

Chapter three bro
Jesslyn's Past
Jesslyn had it rough from the beginning,his mother Serenity was gravely ill mined and his father Fable was always furious with rage.Serenity was a beautiful women with pale skin and long flowing hair,but a horrible point of view. Fable was a big tough man that beat Serenity daily for simple mistakes.She loved him to much to leave so she took the beatings,Serenity would do what ever it takes to keep Fable from ever leaving her.November 21,was the day poor Jesslyn was brought into this terrible world and also the day his father left his mother.His mother hated him from that day on,she said he was a demon and he had to be punished for his sins.To her Jesslyn was the reason Fable left so she figured he was a demon and should only suffer, and suffer he did.Day in and day out was always something new but always had the same painful outcome.When he was a baby Serenity wouldn't feed him as punishment for crying all night.She also refused to change him so he would get horrible infections that his mother would hardly do anything about.When he was able to walk and start to talk Serenity's abuse and neglect got worse. Jesslyn wasn't aloud to play or ever go anywhere,so she locked him away in the basement which had no windows and was always damp and had dim lighting.At night while his mother was sleeping he would sneak into the kitchen to get some food and things he figured he could play with.He would hurry back to the basement and eat quickly.After he ate he would play with the things he brought with him, Sometimes he used rocks or paper to make little toys for himself.When he wasn't playing at night he would heavily daydream about a place where everything was perfect.He dreamed of having loving parents,a big house and growing up happy and loved.He would daydream for hours upon hours of all the wonderful things he knew he would never have.After a long night of drinking his mother would come in every morning and viciously beat him.She would hit him with bottles,bars,shoes anything she could get her hands on.If Jesslyn even slightly cried the beatings would be more brutal.As she would beat him she would yell things like "Your a dirty little sinner."or "You deserve to be punished you lil wrecked child." It was horrific but that was only how the mornings were,the afternoons were a bit worse.In the afternoons Serenity would tie Jesslyn to things and leave him there in strange position causing him so much pain.While he was tied up Serenity would do all kinds of things to the poor innocent child.She would sexually abuse Jesslyn and if he even made the slightest noise she would cut his arms with a razor or burn his feet with a lighter.After she was done pleasuring herself she would inflict him with more pain and accuse him of seducing her.After a couple hours of delusional physical abuse she would sit in a chair by him and continue with a smaller form of abuse.She would twist her fingers in his hair and yank bits of it out while saying "Oh what pretty little hair you have to bad you don't deserve to keep it.Your a sinner and sinners need to be punished."While Jesslyn just sat there and tried his best not to cry or scream.As it started to get late Serenity would go out and drink the night away while Jesslyn would rummage for food.One day he manged to find something special,it was a little pink blanket.When he found it he was so astonished by how soft and pretty it was, he had never seen anything like it before.So he quickly ran back down to the basement with it and played with it for hours.It was the only thing he had ever had before and he adored it with all his heart.Every day he would sleep with it and always made sure to never get it dirty and when his mom came he kept it hidden away in a safe spot.He knew what it was like to be completely alone and it was horrible.The feeling of death following you after every step.The pain of it was simply unbearable just the thought of what he went through day in and day out was gruesome. It seemed like he just couldn't take it much longer but he pushed on just hoping one day things would change and change they did.One morning as Jessyln awaited his daily beating his mother didn't come home.He waited and waited but she never showed up.So he slowly walked up stairs and found his mother brutally murdered.Her body was cold and blood stained her clothes heavily. Jesslyn stood there in shock and then he heard a noise.He felt a blade brush against his back as he stood there in terror.He wanted to scream but he just couldn't move,but he wanted to so bad.He finally got control of his self and turned around to see his father before him. Jesslyn recognized him from a picture he once glanced at while stealing food in the middle of the
night.Fable slowly bent down and looked Jesslyn in the eyes with a glazed stare. Jesslyn finally spoke "Are you going to hurt me?" he yulped. His

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