» Thriller » A stitch in time, Nemo [best way to read books .txt] 📗

Book online «A stitch in time, Nemo [best way to read books .txt] 📗». Author Nemo

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for sure.

“Would you like some water miss?” the brunette stewardess said slightly leaning towards me with a questioning look etched across her smooth blemish free face, I didn’t how people could just go out not having to worry how they looked and appearing with a natural glowing face, that was so not fair. “No thank you I’m alright” I replied trying to be polite, she smiled and walked of to the next person in front of me.
I missed my dad it was only a couple of hours since I’ve last saw him and I already missed him dearly. I missed my mother two even though I haven’t seen her since I was four I could still remember that day she left us so clearly in my mind I hated how she left us at a time where my dad and I needed her support more than ever.
“Daddy what’s happening?” a young girl says slouching against the doorway with her trusty teddy snuck securely under her arm.
Mr Achilles’stands tall beside the little girl , both stare into the now empty driveway where her mother’s car used to be.
“Your mothers gone my little she went away to visit her aunt far away across to the other side of the world”
The little girl stared innocently up at her father “but I don’t want her to go away, why did she go?” Mr Achilles’ pursed his lips into a thin line his face shadowed by an overcast of sadness.
“She went away because she doesn’t like what I do for work she doesn’t…” his voice betraying him and getting chocked up.
The little girl didn’t know why her dad was being so emotional. “Why doesn’t mommy not like you catching the bad guys and saving the world”.
Her dad laughed at her innocence his laughter echoing through the empty doorway, the cold gust of wind coming through the wide open door. Her father more content at looking outside the door and at the driveway than answering her.
The little girl went up to her room the floorboards creaking below her.
That night she cried for the loss of her beloved mother for anyone who’d even care or listen. The full moon’s light shining through the new silk blue curtains that her mum had hung yesterday afternoon, the gust wind gently blowing through the open window.
End of flashback
“Were heading into a light storm so please remain in your seats until further notice thank you” the flight attendants voice pulled me out of my daydreaming state.
I quickly buckled the seat belt afraid I might fall of or something more tragic the aerophobia kicking in overdrive.
It was night time when I arrived at 9pm Greenwich mean time. I wasn’t sure if I was meant to wait for someone like the ones I always see on TV holding the piece of cardboard with the person’s name written on it.
So I started looking around being pushed over here and over there by the mass of people, struggling to get out of there was a challenge let alone being able to breath normally.
Then there I saw him standing tall he seemed oddly young no older than 11, he was looking around probably searching for the individual named Arianna Achilles’s as it happened to say on the white piece of cardboard how terribly clichéd was that I chuckle to myself.
I made my way closer to him walking at a steady pace, “hey, hai? Im Arianna” I said he looked up at me studying a photo he had in his other hand blinking and squinting at the photo analysing it closely.
“Oh! Bonjour comment allez vous?” “Oh great he doesn’t speak English” I muttered under my breath even though I could understand French it was still a challenge remembering what things meant.
“Offcourse I do but I much rather prefer to speak in French”
I nervously laughed embarrassed that he had heard my comment. “Sorry about that”
“It’s okay let’s get going lady Valentine is going to be pretty mad if we don’t hurry up”, and with that the little boy made his way out of the busy airport with my suitcase rolling behind him at a fast pace.
Huh I didn’t even realise he already checked my bag out. God you’re so slow the little voice in my head said.

Chapter 5:
The black taxi was different to the yellow ones I was used to back home. There was so much traffic and the streets of Paris were most certainly busy.
“It will be a long ride Ms Achilles’ so I suggest you get yourself comfortable and when I say a long ride I mean it” he smiled and for a moment I forgot how old he was “you sound like a forty year old man when you talk like that” I looked out of the window suddenly mesmerised by the wonderful array of coloured lights “pardon, all formal you mean?”.
I looked back at him finally noticing him clearly, the way his blond hair stuck to his neck curling at the bottom and the array of light freckles dotted against his pale skin making his blue eyes stand out even more, “yeah formal...”
I heaved a big sigh turning my head from him once again looking out the window the colourful lights gone replaced by darkness with the exception of headlights from the cars passing by on the busy road.
“Ms? Ms!” I opened my eyes, my eyelids feeling pretty damn heavy I looked around for the person making a noise no doubt it’s probably that kid. “est elle la fille pourquoi est elle dormant mon dieu ces Américains” huh who was that I turned my head and banged it against the window the shock waking me up fully from my slumber.
The little boy was standing there outside on what seemed a driveway there were another pair of legs next to his but unfortunately I couldn’t see the stranger who they belonged to.
“Ms Do you plan on getting out of the taxi anytime soon or shall I leave you to go back to your sleep?” I glared at him it wasn’t my fault that I had jet lag and had to sleep sorry note the sarcasm I climbed out of the taxi and closed the door with a loud thud it drove off pretty fast what it is with French people and always being in a hurry will never cease to amaze me.
“uh sorry what was your name? Oh and don’t call me Ms again makes me feel old” I said not even bothering to look at him. “It’s Theodore, and what would you like to be called?” “Arianna and cute name” I smiled at him finally turning around and dragging my luggage behind me. “Well Arianna this is Marcel my older brother were boarding with your aunt Ms valentine for the summer….Marcel? This is Arianna”.
I didn’t take any notice of the tall man standing beside Theodore well it wasn’t easy to notice him much with his back facing me, wearing dark clothing and all.
I gave Theodore a what the hell look, he seemed to get the message and jabbed his elbow towards his brother.
When he turned around I wasn’t expecting what I saw I was expecting him to look somewhat like Theodore with his blonde curly hair and blue eyes, but the way he looked was totally and completely different with only a little resemblance towards the little blond boy.
He had the darkest hair the colour of jet black that was lazily done but seemed to fall perfectly to place almost covering his eyes which was the lightest of grey almost crystal clear contrasting with his dark hair, he wore a black shirt which fitted him and black jeans he seemed more occupied in looking at his phone than greeting me.
I took a look around the place not even giving it much attention before, it was beautiful white pebbles covering the ground towards the large iron gates which seemed to be made of a glittering gold. It looked like a large manor house then the small mansion my dad had told me, I never thought that my aunt valentine was this rich.
“bonjour garçons qui nous ont ici” a man come strolling towards us he was wearing a navy coloured suit with grey sashes and large medals pinned proudly onto his jacket.
“bonjour Elias this is Arianna Mrs valentine’s niece” Theodore said pointing his finger.
“ bonjour monsieur” the man looked at me as if carefully trying to decode me his cold stare brought shivers running down my spine, but the cold stare was soon wiped out by a full blown grin making me feel slightly queasy.
He led us inside the house if you can even call it that.

It was night the full moon hung down from the sky the breeze flowing gently through the windows my first night in this house and I felt alone I already missed my dad the way he would always come up to my room and tuck me in after a long day at work,
the way he would tell me stories of mum and the way they met even though he always said that any feelings had vanished the day she packed up and left us I could still see the way he would smile whenever I said her name, his eyes distant as if reminiscing about past memories they shared.
I slept after many hours of convincing myself that I would see him again maybe not soon but I would and that was the only thing making me stay here instead of going and searching for him I didn’t look forward to being kidnapped and hurt because of making and impulsive decision.
“Take care dad I love you” I whispered as if hopping that the wind would carry away the words and deliver it to him no matter where he was.
I closed my eyes and drifted of to sleep not after hearing a loud bang in the distance but I was already asleep before I could make notice of it.

Chapter 6:

“I think we’ve found her Marcus she won’t leave us again not after everything” the guard smirked looking at his partner in crime they sat there in the basement playing poker in the dimly lit room. “ she saw me you know maybe she will recognize me” Elias looked at his friend and his smile quickly turned into a scowl.
“ argh! Don’t remind me of that you are so dumb sometimes I wonder why chief still keeps on we could’ve waited till she came here than put our plan into action but now we can’t and you have to be careful around don’t show your face that much and keep your head down”
The other man chuckled deeply and if you hadn’t known him he would’ve had you screaming and running away like the way a child does when being chased with the hose no that’s too happy but you get the point.
“I’m the chef what do you mean keep your head down you know how valentine likes it when I have to serve the food instead of the waiters the girls bound to recognize me” he shook his head at the thought he hadn’t made to scare her he didn’t even know why he was doing this he couldn’t hurt a fly let alone a young lady but the problem was that his ‘colleagues’ didn’t know that and he wasn’t planning on telling them.
They continued playing poker laughing at the mistakes and grinning like fools if you were an outsider looking in through the window of the basement you
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