» Thriller » Whiskey Witches, F.J. Blooding [ap literature book list .TXT] 📗

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the night, but I thought it might be best if we tag-teamed this one.”

“This is why Les insists on going in teams.” Paige descended the stairs to the main entrance, her entire body shaking. The night had just begun and she was ready for it to be over.

Chapter 18

Tru stepped out of another room. “Find anything?”

Warmth from Dexx’s fingertips seeped into the cold base of Paige’s lower back. “You are going to piss yourself when you review the tapes.”

“Really?” Tru’s face lit up like someone told him Santa was real. “What happened?”

“Paige was attacked.”

“Holy shit. Paige, are you okay?”

She nodded, the slight movement tugging on her sore neck. “Yeah, but I’d sure like to be done now.”

Tru winced at Dexx. “We could check out the cellar later, another day?”

“We could take her back to her room?”

“I’m not staying by myself, guys. I know I’m a big girl, all grown up, but I am not staying by myself.”

Both men were good and refrained from laughing.

Tru screwed his lips to the side, his expression folded in worry. “You’re sure you’re okay.”

He did care. How sweet. “Banged and bruised, but good. Frightened as all hell.”

He released a puff of breath. “Okay. Well, D, we’ll just come back tomorrow night.”

Dexx glanced at her. “You want to break down or keep it set up?”

“Keep it set up. I’ve got the whole weekend. I was just going to record and see what I came up with. You won’t believe the equipment I’ve got set up.”

Paige set the Mel and the camera on the table next to her, her hands still shaking. Shaking? Seriously? She hoped the boys didn’t notice. “You know what? We’re here. Let’s just do it.”

“No.” Tru went to the corner and laid a hard-sided case on the floor, popping it open. “You were attacked.”

“Typically, that means go investigate.” Paige crossed her arms.

“I’ve got cameras up. Safety first.” He turned back to his case, stashing the hand-held equipment. “Les is already going to kill me.”

Paige shook out her hands and feet. “No. Come on. Just really quick.”

Dexx and Tru exchanged a look.

“Okay,” Tru rose from storing his electronics. “If you’re sure.”

“We’re paranormal investigators tonight, right? Being pushed by invisible people is part of the job description.”

“Actually, not really. You were pushed?” He opened the front door for her and Dexx. “Seriously?”

“Like he said. You’re gonna piss yourself.”

They walked out of the house and around to the side. The night was quiet and cool.

Tru threw open the large wooden doors leading down to the cellar.

Paige paused. “Do you hear that?” No sounds. No cars. No insects. No breeze. Nothing.

Dexx met her gaze in the near darkness, one eyebrow raised. “Something’s going on.”

Paige stared at the slave shack she knew was out there beyond her sight. “Connected to the case, or an anomaly?”

“Now, that’s a damn good question.” Dexx walked down the cellar stairwell.

“Ah, fuck.” She descended the stairs after Tru. Solid earth met her feet at the bottom. Shelves lined the walls. Dust and must choked the air.

Dexx touched one of the jars on the shelves that looked as though they’d been around since before the Revolutionary War. “So this is what happens to…I can’t even tell what these are.”

“Guys,” Tru said, his eyes glued to the screen. “You’ve gotta see this.”

They walked to his side. The screen of the thermal camera showed everything in the room in hues of the heat-directed color spectrum. The solid walls were a brilliant red. However, the far corner blazed white.

“What the hell is that?” Paige asked.

“Let’s get some readings.” Tru grabbed the EMF reader from his pocket, handing the thermal imager to Dexx. He started his sweep away from the odd corner. “Base reading of the room is a point five. But the closer I get to that corner, the hotter it gets. Three point two. Three point eight.”

Paige edged toward the far corner, her body tight. The cool touch of the night dissipated as she drew nearer. She found it harder and harder to breathe. “Do you smell that?”

Dexx shook his head. The screen of the thermal camera cast a green illumination on his face. “Over the dirt?”

“It smells like something’s dead,” Tru said, standing just behind her.

“Sulfur.” Dexx’s hand shot out and grabbed Paige. “Demons.”

“Great. Something I can deal with.” Though she didn’t feel strong enough to deal with them. Not at the moment.

“I got a bad feeling about this, guys,” Dexx said. “Let’s pack it up.”

Tru shined his light on Paige. “You don’t look so good.”

“It’s just—” Her chest constricted. Spots of bright light scattered before her eyes. A wave of dizziness attacked her. Voices intruded her mind. An invisible force slammed against her mental shields. Visions flashed behind her eyelids.

“Sit down.” Dexx dragged her toward the old wooden steps.

The voices crowded inward, forcing her thoughts in every direction. “Dexx, something’s wrong.” She leaned back on the steps, closing her eyes.

Dexx looked at Tru “You catching anything? Is this paranormal, or is she safe?”

Tru pulled another camcorder out of one of his other pockets. He turned it on and placed it on a shelf, pointing it to the corner. He pulled out the LCD screen. “I got a shadow. Maybe we should just go. Let the evidence talk to us in the morning.”

“Could the shadow be one of ours?” Dexx swiveled his gaze between the camera and the empty corner.

“Nope. Not us. Dude, I’m spooked, and I don’t spook.”

Dexx returned his attention to Paige, a worried frown furrowing his brow. “How often do people get pushed? Violently pushed in a house your wife cleared?” His gaze flicked in the direction of the far corner. “Set your equipment quickly. We need to get out of here.”

Tru stopped, his EMF reader out in front of him. “This thing’s spiking. The energy’s building. We’re in double digits. Guys.”

“My arsenal’s in the trunk of my car.”

“We’ve gotta go!”

Paige shuddered, her entire world shrinking. Dexx’s and Tru’s voices sounded like they were under water.

“Let’s get her out of here. Now.” Dexx took her arm, shoving her up the stairs.

A guttural roar echoed through the room.

Dexx stumbled. “What the fuck?”

Paige’s world tilted, angled to one side. Sound sliced through her head like a knife; a river, a tree breaking, a car door, a woman screaming.

“What the hell are you doing, man?” Dexx shouted.

Chief White stood at the top of the stairs, one of the doors of the cellar in his hand. “You’re not going anywhere.” A crazed gleam boiled in his eyes as he let the door drop.

Scrambling up the remaining steps, Dexx leapt through the door, tackling the larger man to the ground and from sight.

Tru’s eyes widened. “Shit.” He pulled her into the cool night air.

White leaned over Dexx’s prone form. He turned toward her, his face twisted into a crazed mask.

Paige’s mind worked as if being dragged through mud. She heard…something. Someone spoke to her, saying something she should understand. She blinked lazily.

The tall, dark man came to her, picking her up by her upper arms. He held her that way for a long moment, her feet dangling off the ground. His eyes narrowed with fury. “You won’t be dashin’ off, love. We can’t have that, now can we?”

“Fuck.” Dexx stood up, holding his abdomen. “Tru, man, you all right?”

“Oh, shit.” Tru’s eyes were glued on Paige and White. “Is that—that can’t be—”

Dexx started toward White.

The chief threw Paige down the stairs as if she were nothing more than a ragdoll.

Each step bit into her body as she hit it; back, leg, back, arm. Her foot kicked one of the many shelves. Her head slammed against the hard dirt. Dazed, she watched in stunned and almost detached amazement as the doors slammed solidly shut.

Light-headed, she dragged herself painfully to her feet. Dear God in Hell! Her head.

At last, a rich, darkly masculine voice said in a slight accent. My release from this torment. I can stop them now as I could not before. You shall be my instrument. You will save lives.

“No,” Paige swayed where she stood.

A glass jar

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