» Thriller » The Omega Sanction, Andrew Scorah [books to read romance .txt] 📗

Book online «The Omega Sanction, Andrew Scorah [books to read romance .txt] 📗». Author Andrew Scorah

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the side of the road, the Junkers was taxing back to them.


“Let me do the talking,” Bane said.


They all nodded in agreement.


The Junkers rolled to a stop, and moments later the side door opened. A man in the uniform of a Luftwaffe officer appeared in the doorway.


“Where is Oberst Kliner and his men?” He asked in German.


Bane stepped forward, and said, “They were killed moments ago by the Russian assault, we are all that is left of his platoon.”


“Never mind, we are the last transport. Quickly, get on board.”


He quickly scrambled aboard. His nose twitched as the sour aroma of oil mixed in with the smell of sweat and fear assaulted his nostrils. Glancing around he felt a sudden thrill of horror run through him. The plane was packed with SS soldiers. Some obviously wounded, others battle weary. All with the hard eyed look of combat veterans.


Luckily, no one looked their way as they walked down the plane to a clear spot near the tail. He could feel Jennifer trembling next to him as they sat on the hard floor of the craft. He squeezed her elbow in reassurance.


Even before the officer had closed the door, they felt the plane roll along the road. All they could do for now is keep to themselves, and hope no one checked them out too closely.


Bane felt like a lamb in a lions cage, and the lion had not been fed for a long time.


They arrived in Arnstadt as morning ticked over to afternoon. Rogan pulled over next to a church, and purchased a map and guide book of the area from a shop across the road.


Arnstadt was the oldest town in Thuringia, and sitting on the banks of the River Gerba. It bears the nickname, Das Tor zum Thüringer Wald “The Gateway to the Thuringian Forest” because of its location on the northern edge of that forest. Arnstadt has a population of some 25,000 people, and Charlotte thought every single one of them were unaware they lived in close proximity to a doomsday weapon.


“What’s the plan then?” She asked as they pulled away from the kerbside.


“We need to find a camping store, we’ll need supplies, ropes, torches etc, then a hotel where I plan to sleep until night, then we go find this Amt 10 building.”


“It’s not gonna be as simple as taking a trip to the mall you know, needle in a haystack comes to mind.”


“Yeah, I know, that’s why we’re going to get you a lap top and you can do what you do best, Miss Charlotte.”


An hour later they arrived at a small hotel near the the western edge of the town on Schonbrunn Strasse after purchasing the equipment they would need for their little expedition into the dark past of the area.


Their room on the second floor was at best functional, the hotel certainly would not be appearing on with any favourable reviews, but for their needs it was adequate.


Rogan dropped the bags he was carrying by the window before turning to Charlotte, “Get some sleep, we’re both going to need a couple of hours.”


“Maybe later, I’m too hyped up, I’ll do a bit of research first, see if I can’t find the exact location of Amt 10.”


Rogan took off his jacket and hung it on the back of a wooden chair next to the cheap looking dressing table. He climbed on the bed, and within seconds was snoring softly.


She shrugged. Sitting on the chair she took out the lap top from its bag. She fired it up and first accessed her secure e-mail account.


Amongst the usual crap she was surprised to see an email from Colonel Montgomery. She opened it and began to read.


Miss Charlotte


Your situation has been rectified. Presidential intervention. You can return with impunity and without prejudice. The witch hunt has been shut down. Please, either you or Rogan contact me ASAP.


Colonel Montague.


She sat back. Was this a scam by those who were after her? Or was it for real?


She hunched over the lap top, and fired off a quick message, asking the sender a question that if they really were the colonel, the sender would know the answer.


Charlotte did not have long to wait for a reply. The sender had answered correctly, it was the colonel. She fired off another message outlining what they were about to do, and what they had found out from Kammler.


Seconds later, another message appeared in her in-box.


Miss Charlotte


Area 51 has been destroyed, some kind of thermo nuclear detonation. No survivors. Prime objective now is to get to the doomsday device if it still exists. We don’t know if Gehieme managed to get a message out to others. We are not trusting outsiders on this so I am sending a unit of Army Rangers to rendevue with yourselves. Captain Bob Lee Jensen will be the C/O on this. Stay put until he makes contact. He should be with you sometime in the next four hours.


Col Montague.


Charlotte felt a great wave of relief wash over her, despite her shock at the news about Area 51. Ever since the attack in the car park she felt as if fear had suddenly become her only emotion. Now she could relax a little, the cavalry was coming. The thought of heading out to Amt 10, even with Rogan, had filled her with dread. And the fact they would be descending into the heart of darkness did not bear thinking about.


She gazed over to Rogan, and briefly thought about waking him, then thought against it. Turning back to the computer she set about hunting down Amt 10.

















Bane gazed over the top of his knees at the other

Bane gazed over the top of his knees at the other occupants. So far they had been ignored. Jennifer was leaning against him, softly snoring. He could not believe in the midst of all what was going on how she was able to sleep.


The escape from Berlin airspace, though rough, had been uneventful. He had to give who ever was piloting the craft his due. He had used the fog of battle to hide their flight, staying hidden within the smoky twilight until the last moment.


An hour and a half had passed, and now he sensed the Junkers begin to descend. He knew they had taken a huge risk in getting on the plane, and hoping that it’s destination would be the same as Koenig and his cronies. Soon they would know if it had paid off.


He looked across to Trotsky. He was dozing with his head resting on his knees. Bane nudged him.


“Look sharp, we’re coming in to land.”


Trotsky rubbed at his eyes before nudging the professor who had also fallen into a doze.


The officer who had earlier opened the door to them appeared from the cockpit, and once again positioned himself by the door.


Bane woke Jennifer but implored her to remain silent. Her eyes showed the fear she must have been feeling inside.


The plane shuddered as it bumped down on the ground. A few moments later it rolled to a stop, and the officer opened the door. The planes passengers were on the move. Some helping their wounded comrades while others were able to debus unaided.


The sight which greeted them when they emerged from the plane was one of panicked chaos. Troops were throwing papers onto huge bonfires. Others were loading equipment or what looked like art work onto covered trucks. Many were dashing about on unknown tasks. They had landed on a makeshift airstrip outside a barbed wire corralled compound. About three hundred yards long, a hundred yards wide, three guard towers to a side, two men in each. A mounted machine gun in each tower. Each man armed with a submachine gun. Inside the compound was a partially constructed chalet. Wooden planks and other building material were piled up next to the construction. A couple of smaller huts were the only other buildings within.


Scrub-land surrounded the compound with deep forest bordering. Beyond the compound and half a mile distant, the land rose into a series of hills and small mountains.


He pulled Trotsky to him, and whispered in his ear.


“I need you to keep it together, I have a feeling we may come across things here that will not be nice.”


As if to punctuate Banes point a group of gaunt men in black and white striped uniforms, their heads shaved, were led out of the chalet. Their guards steered them towards the rear of the building.


“Bane, I’m sorry if I’ve appeared a bit flaky, I’m okay now, boss, you can count on me.”


“Good man,” he patted Trotsky on the back.


The passengers from the plane were milling around waiting for someone to give them orders. Bane knew it would not be long before someone did, they could not be here when that happened. He pulled them all close so he could speak without being overheard.


“I think this place is where Koenig has come to, and I have a hunch the device will be located underground. The entrance I believe is in that building.”


“That’s a lot of guess work, Bane,” Jennifer said.


“I know, but it’s all we have left now, by the looks of the activity around here the allied forces are close, they’re packing up and moving out. I think Koenig may activate the weapon here and now, we have to get to him before he has a chance.”


“Banes right,” the professor said, “Also, I think Koenig will not wait to do it in our own time, that’s why he’s snatched Hitler. He’s going to change the outcome of the war.”


“This is the plan such as it is, we stroll over to that building looking to all the world as if we belong, c’mon let’s go.”


They set off, weaving their way through the crowd of bodies next to the plane. No one paid them any attention, all were lost in their own thoughts of survival. They were nearing the entrance to the compound when the sound of a vehicle engine made Bane glance to his right. A staff car was approaching fast.


The driver braked, and the vehicle stopped two yards from them. A man in the uniform of an SS colonel stood up in the rear of the vehicle and barked out an order to several soldiers who were loading a lorry.


“No more time, everyone get out now, the Americans are just down the road.”


He turned and looked at Bane.


“Oberst, go down and warn Kammler he needs to get out now, there are too many of the devils coming our way.”


He tossed a leather satchel down to Bane who caught it one handed.


“All the details of the U-boat pick-up are in there, tell him if he’s not there we will not wait for him.”


“Ya mine colonel!” Bane clicked his heels at the man, and gave a half salute. Inside he was smiling, they had been given a reason to enter the facility.


The man sat down. Tapped his driver on the shoulder and they took off. Here it seemed it was everyman for himself now. The soldier who had first been spoken to was passing the word amongst those still working. The plane was being loaded with troops again. A fuel waggon had turned up. Two men were busy refuelling the junkers.


Bane and Trotsky set off at a trot, Jennifer and the professor trailed behind them.


Rogan had awoke at eight o’ clock. Charlotte had filled him in on the conversation with Montague. He agreed they did not have time to wait for the Rangers to arrive, nor did he want to as he did not fully trust it had been the colonel at the other end.


Half an hour later they were crouched in a stand of trees looking across scrub-land at Amt 10. Night had brought with it a heavy clouds obscuring the moon. The building had the appearance of a holiday chalet which was incongruous with it’s

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