» Thriller » Russian Roulette: 2, B Sherif [top books of all time .txt] 📗

Book online «Russian Roulette: 2, B Sherif [top books of all time .txt] 📗». Author B Sherif

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grabs all of his stuff from the desk and goes down to the prison that Peter was in. Ross spots both of the correctional officers that helped Peter to escape. They're chatting with a huge smile on their faces.  We should do this more often said one of the officers. Yeah yeah says Ross while walking up slowly to them. Both the officers look at Ross. I am detective Ross by the way, I'm investigating the incident on the escape of Peter. Both the correctional officers look at each other. Yeah we heard about that, my name Andrew Voight and this here is John Hamilton. Voight and Hamilton can you tell me who was on duty the day of the escape, asked Peter. I can email you the list said John, was there anything else. Yes, I would like to know why you too were seen escorting Peter out the back and turned of what you thought was all the cameras. John and Voight look at each other what are you trying to say here you think we had something to do with his knee got to be kidding me we are correctional officer's we have a duty and we do that we've worked here for the past 10 years said Voight. OK so nice you guys have been working here for the past 10 years you say you do your duties right that's nice that still does not answer my question said Ross. You never asked a question to John you just accused us of having something to do with Peter. Oh I did not ask you guys a question right now I didn't ask you because I already know the answer. Prove it and show us the video said John. Ross with a big smile on his face oh I will that's a promise because you two will be locked up for very long time you guys let a man who is after a 19-year-old innocent girl he's tortured her kidnapped her and killed the only person that was in her life I'll make sure you two are locked up for the rest of your life with no parole that is a promise said Ross and he left to go back to the station. 


 My alarm goes off It's 4:45am I go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready, I went downstairs to make a nice healthy breakfast. I made a smoothie to take on the way there. I am yawning the entire way. I go inside the place and I can hear some music playing from the gym, I walk towards the music and I see that the room is full of equipment. Stretch and warm up well begin soon said Zack. I can't believe how serious this man is I just feel so scared and alone atleast when I was at the hospital there was support there was alway someone that I can talk too I was so excited to get out of thre thought Janet would be here with me I would be talking to her but I have myself and this  Zack guy, i'm in Jeanette did recommend him so he must be good hopefully I have support from him. I take off my sweater and I start to stretch I'm look ar him and I see him staring back at me with a smile on his face he's good he says. I laugh a little you think I'll be able to beat this man. He's a coward says Zack, he picks on you because he knows you're weak. As Zack continues to talk he takes both of my hands and starts patting on my shoulder flex he says I want to see your muscles he then takes my arms again and he's making me air punch him. You need to fight back, you will fight back because not if but when he strikes again and this time he will not give you mercy he will get you, because last time he failed and I promise you he will be successful the second time around. I'm just a girl he's a man I replied. SLAPPED this man just slapped me what the hell man! FOCUS he says you're not listening to me. I yell while saying that doesn't mean you can SLAP me, you are clearly not okay I continue to say. Janet said you wanted to learn how to fight he says. Yes I want to learn but not like this I replied. Then how Roulette, please tell me how you thought learning fighting was, he asked. I take a long pause before saying, we are going to physical fight I say. And you will beat me he says. Okay Zack, I want too not for me and not for him but for Janet because I made her a promise that I'll bring her justice that she deserves. Put your hands up he says and hit me. What I said, hit me he replies so calmly. I push on his shoulder he then picks me up and slams me to the ground. I lay on the ground in shock get up he says I do that right away. I body slam him a few times. I thought the I pushed him hard but he doesn't move an inch, he just smiles, good he says keep going. Let him fear you, I stop and take a long pause before saying, no grown ass man is going to fear a 19 year old girl. He shakes his head and says, you don't have the right mindset. Keep pushing me I replied. Show me how much you want it! he said. I tried to hit him multiple times but I kept missing until finally I punched his face. OMG I am so sorry I didn't mean that I said.  He laughs and says that's what I want to see in you, now we can start learning. Start? I say. You're one funny man, I then roll up my fists to show him that I am ready and I want to learn.
Ross is sitting at his desk staring at the screen, his phone rings, detective Ross, It's Michael. Michal? asked Ross. Yes, Roulette's father. How is she? She's okay said Ross, braver then I thought said Ross. Can you make me a promise asked Michael. Ofcourse replied Ross. Please keep her safe said Michael. I will said Ross. 
Peter is at a house across from the Carter's house. He is staring out the window with a gun pointed to the direction of the house. He does notice the undercover cop car that is parked in front of the house. He sees Roulette coming back to the house. Shortly after Roulette enters her house he sees the cop car leave. I'll be back he says to the family that are tied up on the couch, don't miss me now he says sarcastically. Peter puts on a hat and some sunglasses. Just before he's about to cross the street he dees a car pull up in the driveway and Ross gets out. Peter goes back into the house to watch from upstairs.
My door bell rings again I see Ross I open the door, hey come in I say. I hear you've been doing great in your new fighting course said Ross. Yeah, it's a mixture of everything. Last week I couldn't feel my entire body, I said. Well I am glad to see that you are enjoying things said Ross. Any news I ask. No, I am trying to locate him but he's a smart man, he knows all our tricks but I will find him. I know you will I replied. Your father called me said Ross. I laughed did he now? Let me guess he feels bad about everything, Janet is dead and I am here learning how to fight for my life literally. He just wants you to be safe said Ross. Thanks detective but if you're only here to talk about my father than maybe you should leave. Look Roulette I am here to protect you no matter what as well as finding this asswhole. Anyways I got to go but I'll keep in touch. 
HIT ME HARDER yells Zack. I punched Zack so hard that he actually fell on the floor. I go on top of him and keep him pinned to the ground. For the first time I don't feel bad for hitting you I say. I am way to old for this said Zack. Yeah yeah I said. All because you got hit by a girl. Alright 9am tomorrow. 9? what happened to 5am? I said. Roulette he says you have improved a lot since you've started 9am is good plus I am exhausted. Okay! I pick up my bags and leave to catch my bus. 
From the bus stop to my house it's about a 10 minutes walk. As I am approaching my house I see a shadow in teh corner of my eyes I look over to the house across from me and I seen someone stepping back from the window. That's someone that Zack taught me that I have to have eyes everywhere because he can strike me at any time. I made it seem like I didn't see him I walked to my door I looked behind me and went to speak with the two officers that are always parked beside my house. What are you doing youre not supposed to speak with us said one of the detectives. I want you guys to leave I said. They both look at each other and laugh. I called Ross and told him that I know Peter is at the house across from mine and I needed that detectives to leave. Roulette I can't do that said Ross. I thought you were with me on this I said angrily. I am on your side but there is no way I am going to leave you with a murderer and a fugitive I'll go to the house and investigate. Fine I replied and hung up. I go into the house knowing that he's watching me. For the first time I feel no fear at all. Janet was right just a few weeks with Zack and I already feel so different.
Detective Ross went back to speak with the correctional officers. Hello, again said Ross, Mr. Voight and Mr. Hamilton. What are the odds of you two being here at the exact same place where Peter escaped. How do you know this is the place he escaped from said Voight quickly. Where else could he have gone, question Ross. I mean there's no side to the building and obviously he couldn't have gone from the front so that leaves us with the back of the building, what I am trying to figure out here Voight is why you are so defensive. I not said Voight. Hmm well it's all good you see there are hidden camera's you know just in case right above there. Ross puts to a hidden place on the corner top of the building. I'll retrieving the footage as we speak. Both officer just stare at Ross. Well that's good said Hamilton we can catch whoever did this. Ross phone rings give me a second said Ross. Ross walked over to the corner. He's bluffing said Hamilton, you sure said  Voight. That was fast said Ross, I just got the footage. Ross looks up at the officers care to explain and shows them the camera footage. Both officers are still silent. You see I am not dumb I didn't become a homicide detective overnight, when Peter was placed here I knew he knew people so I got authorization to put a hidden camera to make sure that Peter wasn't doing something that he shouldn't be doing. Luckily you two idiots fell right into the perfect angle. How does it feel knowing that a 19 year old girl's life is over because of you, arrest this retards said Ross and two other officers do the arresting.
Get up I yell at Zack, why are you always so tired, we come in at 9am now that's late to train. Zack gets

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