» Thriller » Imageless, Michaela Noelle [top 10 novels of all time .txt] 📗

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junior prom, and now, the summer before senior year. It all seemed so promising and yet it was all taken away in one short minute. Alexis knew from the minute she met Emile that he was special, it took her until freshman year to realize what kind of special that was. She realized she didn't like him, she loved him. If any man deserved to spend the rest of his life with her, it was Emile.        

 She sighed quietly to herself as she tried to think of what to do to hide his death and the cause of it. Alexis knew how devastating it was to her and she could only imagine what it would be like for the parents of Emile. Still thinking of her possibilities and the consequences that follow, she paced around the room and found herself at his window. The room that was once filled with darkness and sorrow was suddenly filled with light as Alexis opened the blinds. She realized that one part of her died last night, but there was still one part of her left. The remaining part of her burned like a wildfire determined to live out the rest of her life and live as Emile would want her to. Did it matter to her that she lost her love and best friend? Very much so. Did it matter to her that she could no longer be seen by anyone and was almost as if she weren't alive? Of course. Never the less, she would keep on fighting for Emile.         

 Alexis poked her head outside of Emile's room and looked around the hall. Erin was still asleep in his room loudly snoring, like usual, and the rest of the house was empty. Alexis felt awful about her decision, but she decided it was the only thing she could do to protect Emile and his parents. Her bare feet took in the carpet's tenderness and bypassed the crimson stain on the carpet near the foot of the bed and the door. Standing beside the bed she looked down at her precious Emile one last time and carried him from his room to the basement. As she found the perfect spot for him to rest and placed him there, she instantly felt remorseful and ill. Whenever she had a bad thought she reminded herself it was best for everyone and she needed to stop worrying or else it would make her sick.         

 Alexis left the basement and walked through the kitchen patting her pocket to make sure the note from Emile was still there, along with her phone. She continued a mental checklist in her mind going over all of the things she should have done to keep yesterday, and all the events, a secret. Although she didn't want to return home, Alexis thought it was necessary and her safety would be put in danger anywhere else. Her boots clicked along the hard wood floor of the hallway she once walked yesterday admiring Emile. Now her heart ached for his presence and the reassurance she always gained from him. Alexis opened the door quickly to avoid the squeaking that would give away her presence to Erin. One simple mistake was made in the process of her exit, the note dropped out of her pocket and was left in the hall.


 It was Saturday, six days since Emile's death. Not a day went by where Alexis didn't think about him or great memories they shared. She wanted to be positive but grief threw water on her the wildfire that once burned days ago. Life for Alexis was very weird, no saw her or talked to her. She was responsible for her own self and her own meals and could go anywhere unnoticed and without bothers. Alexis had discovered it was an odd issue with pros and cons and if grief didn't exist she would be alright. It's not like she wasn't able to see everyone, they just wouldn't talk back.         

 Alexis woke up early for breakfast to beat her parents and avoid the awkward kitchen congestion. Just because they couldn't see her didn't mean that being squeezed in around them wasn't awkward. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed a card with black roses and gold writing on it. This peaked Alexis' curiosity and she had to know just what this card sitting on the island in the kitchen was. In loving memory of Emile Sanders read the gold cursive script. She'd sworn in that moment her face had flushed and her heart had stopped. They had discovered Emile, but how? No one had ever gone in the basement and that's exactly why she had hid him there.          

 She quietly ran upstairs and grabbed the pair of jeans she wore that night, her phone was still in the pocket but the note was no where to be found. Alexis sighed and felt awful, but also relieved that Emile was getting the proper treatment and ceremony he deserved. She also knew that she had her heart set on attending the funeral tonight and nothing would stop her from going. Alexis opened her closet and found her beautiful but simple black dress that never received much use, it was perfect for tonight.         

 The clock's hands ticked slowly across the white face. Alexis watched every second go by as soon as she was ready for the funeral. The closer she paid attention to the time, the slower it went by and she felt frozen. Her anxiety and nerves worsened, but she knew that she had to do this for Emile and that Emile would do the same for her.         

 Finally the time arrived, she left a half an hour before the ceremony started and carried her heels in her hand. The walk wasn't too far and she had no idea if her parents were going or not, either way it would be weird traveling with people that can't see you. The peaceful breeze swished through her hair as she tried to keep her mind off of the week and memories she treasured or that haunted her. Staring at the trees, flowers, and the damp ground beneath her only reminded her of Emile's beauty and her favorite moments. At least the walk was over and she was there.         

 Alexis enjoyed the ceremony for its beauty and appreciation and celebration for Emile, but she couldn't help but feel depressed. She looked over to the elderly lady sitting next her that seemed to be eyeing her all night. Alexis knew that it couldn't be true, though. The woman was odd to put it nicely, and she scared Alexis. At least the woman couldn't see Alexis.         

 "Emile was a great boyfriend and a wonderful man, wasn't he, Alexis?" The elderly woman asked Alexis staring into her eyes and right on through her soul.           


Chapter 5

Her hands rested on her thighs as she stood bent over in the Forest. She panted and exhaled. Alexis ran away as fast as she could to escape everything she had been put through. Everything, starting a week ago, had put her through so much pain and grief. She knew that almost everyone couldn't see her, but that didn't mean it took all her pain and troubles away. In fact, most of her pain and trouble derived from it.         

Inhaling the scent of the redwoods and pine around her, she pulled back the branches and leaves covering her path. There it was, a chest that stored millions of memories and emotions. It knew Alexis and Emile, it was Alexis and Emile. She admired the breathtaking view in front of her with misty eyes. Her dreams and fantasies that were taken away from her glared right back at her. She had everything that was necessary to live just weeks ago. That was until demons swiped it out from under her own feet and taunted her with a reality of hell. She would give anything to gain back what she had and wake up from the nightmare of reality, but Alexis knew not to hope and dream anymore. She learned the hard way that dreamers that gain their wishes in life are soon shot in the back.        

Alexis choked on her thoughts and memories and her throat and eyes burned. Her breathing became a struggle and her eyes were blurry and struggling to focus on detail in front of her. Her strength and willpower gave out and she fell to her knees. She cradled herself and cupped her face as sorrow and hopelessness drained from her eyes.  Alexis assumed this position for what seemed to be hours. Why would it matter if she was out in the forest for years? Alexis was invisible, hopeless, and empty.        

Her head ached from crying and she was tired of kneeling on the ground. She stood up and brushed the dirt and leaves off of her black silk dress. Alexis undid the elastic that held her braided bun in place and her golden hair fell around her arms and shoulders. At least she looked elegant and beautiful, but it wouldn't matter what she looked like at this point.        

Confusion and misery worked its magic. Emile. There he was on the tree house castle structure that Alexis designed and Emile and his father made. After they were older, they continued to modify it and furnish it, but never lost sight of their original vision. She wished it was really Emile, but she knew it was her mind playing tricks and taunting her. Nevertheless, the image of Emile didn't leave her sight. He walked along the structure and sat down at the entrance. Inside his eyes, Alexis could see his own confusion and worry as he looked off into the forest. His eyes never met hers as he continued his gaze deep into the heart of the Troiyan forest. Alexis was right in front of him, but his eyes still searched to his right. Was she really seeing Emile?        

Her heart pounded as she walked forward to the stairs. She rest her long and slender fingers on the hand rail of the stairs and rested her hip against it. Alexis looked up at Emile and his eyes finally met hers. Taking only a second to admire the sight in front of him, Emile ran down the staircase and encased Alexis in the longest hug they've ever shared.        

"Emile, is that really you?" Alexis asked as she brushed the black strands of hair off his forehead and eye.Alexis yearned to hear his velvet voice speak words of assurance to her, but there was silence. Emile's lips froze and sound would not escape. Alexis was invisible to all but two people and Emile couldn't speak. It was enough for Alexis to have him silent and present, but she was still confused and had so many questions that were unanswered. Emile lightly tugged on her arm and brought her inside of the tree house castle. They wandered their

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