» Thriller » Tesla, Jason Walker [reading cloud ebooks TXT] 📗

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only fought it for a moment before collapsing against her aunt. She cried so hard that her shoulders were shaking.

This wasn’t Dana’s first meltdown. It wouldn’t be her last, either.

Elizabeth was a full-grown adult when she lost her parents. She understood the concept of death. It had still gutted her. There were songs she couldn’t listen to without crying. There were places she couldn’t go. Series and movies that she couldn’t watch. Books that she couldn’t read.

Elizabeth couldn’t imagine how much more difficult it must be for a child to lose both of her parents though. Wherever Darren was going, he hoped he would be okay.

Dana was too young to understand how this had happened or why she was suddenly living with her aunt down in Florida. She was just a scared little girl who missed her parents.

There was no way that Elizabeth could ever take their place.

But as she sat there, humming and rocking and singing Dana a lullaby, Elizabeth knew that she would still do her best to raise Dana. Now she had to think about putting Anna’s home on the market and moving to another state. She had always wanted to move to Hawaii, and maybe now was the time to do that too. Elizabeth swore, in that moment, to always be there for her niece. No matter what.


Thank you for reading the first book in the series. If you liked the story and would like to hear what you thought about it, please consider posting a review. I hope it makes you think about the technology that we’ve been prevented from having access to, and I hope that we’ll be allowed to finally branch out into space, rejecting modern slavery packaged as freedom.


And don’t miss the next story in the Obliterating the Deep State Series: Whistleblower—Book II . . . 

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Darren is done waiting for Trump to give us disclosure. Empowered by what he’s heard from Dr Steven Greer, he decides that it’s time for the truth to come out. Suppressed technological advances, bioweapons, interventionism, a one-world government—Darren is about to throw open the floodgates. He knows from his wife’s murder that whistleblowing comes at a price, but the Deep State will soon learn that there’s no greater enemy than a man prepared to lose everything. With the help of Jason DeBruin and his website, UFO Watchers, this former Australian SAS soldier will tell the entire world what he knows before America collapses as planned by the Luciferian Clinton-Obama-Bush cartels. What he’s about to reveal will challenge everything you thought you knew about technology, history, and the human race itself. And once you open this Pandora’s Box, it won’t be closed again.

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