» Thriller » A New Path, Lilly W. [best books to read for self improvement TXT] 📗

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My Worst Night

  I wake up on a plane. I don’t know how I got there or why. I look down and am in the same clothes as I was before.

     I look over the edge of the plane at the rolling hills of the desert. When the wind goes into my face and the dizziness takes over, I turn to look into the plane and Todd shows up. I try to get around him but he pushes me to the edge. I feel the wind pull and tug at my hair, daring my to look away from Tod.

    “You should not be here, all you do is ruin everything. I thought you were supposed to be optomic? Oh well, at least I brought happiness.” He smears to me.

    His words slice through me like a razor sharp knife, straight to my core. Tod pushes me back until I feel the backs of my shoe go off the edge. When he comes forward, instead of backing up I go straight ahead. Tod them pushes me all the way out. I feel the wind attack me it grabs me and spins me through the air.

    “You should have never been here.” He yells from the plane and disappears from sight. I scream out and the air fills my lungs. I can’t breath and I quickly close it.

     I flip over and look at the rolling hills that lost their beauty. Adrenaline fills me and I can’t think. I plummet to the earth. The further I go, the faster I get. I sped through the air the air let’s go and I fall even faster. It reminds me of the movies when the person is saved by another plane that comes. I look around.

     Nothing. There is nothing and nobody coming for me.

    I am alone.

   The story of my life, that used to be a joke. But the more I think about it, the more it seems true. That’s because it’s true. I start to cry, letting the tears flow from my eyes.

   I know see my shadow and spread. I fall and fall. 100 feet, 50 feet…….

  Beep, beep, beep

  My time is out.

  I scream my lungs feel like they will collapse. I cry, my vision is blurred.

  Beep, beep, beep


      The sound of the alarm jars me awake.

      I wake up gasping and my face is wet with tears. I’m in my bed, safe and sound. The more and more I have this same dream the more and more it seems real.

     Beep, beep, beep.

     I take a breath and hit the alarm on the night stand. I look at the clock.



     But it was set for 8:30. I slept through it for 25 minutes. I hope up and put on the clothes that were given to me yesterday. Put my hair in a pony tail and head out the door.

     I make it to Sam’s by 9:20.

     I’m greeted by Nolie at the door.

    “Your early, great job.” She smiles at me. I hate people like that, I’m not 2.

     I go to the back and get the apron order pad and pen. Head to the dining room and stand at the counter looking out at the tables. Ruby comes next to me.

     “When you get here early, you make coffee and get the soup ready.”

      Yay, I get to start the day.

      I start on the coffee when Sam comes out of the kitchen. He looks at me and gasps.

      “Sign girl came early? The world is falling apart.” He says with mock surprise.

      “I know, and she made coffee.” Ruby joins in.

      “Lord, help us all.” He raises his hands to the sky. I can’t help it. I bust out laughing. They soon join in. “You sure unadjusted well.” He strides into the kitchen whistling.

      “Ok.” Ruby says taking command again. “Can you handle 15 tables? It’s going to be a busy day and you seem to have it down.” She looks at me with a really serious expression.

       “I will give it my all.”


        Soon the smell of coffee fills the air.

        The bell tinkles and three people come in. They must have been at church because they are all dressed fancy. They are seated on the left side, Ruby’s side.

        Soon a group of four people come in. Nolie turn’s sees Ruby hustling and puts them to my side at table 2. I take a breath grab four menus and walk up to them.

        “Hello, I’m Mia. And I will be server today.” I smile at them, hoping they don’t notice it’s fake.

     “Would you like anything to drink? Coffee?”

      They all take a coffee and I leave them to look over the menu.

      I grab the coffee pot and head over to them, almost slipping over a chair. Oops. I look around and hope nobody saw me. I give the coffee to the old folks.

      “Thanks, honey.”

      “Your welcome.”

      “I haven’t seen you here before, are you new?”

      “Yes, I am”

      “Well I’m Tinne.”

      “Nice to meat you,Tinne. Can I take your order?”

      “Yes, hon.” I pull out the order pad. “I’ll take the mini oatmeal.”

      Mini oatmeal

      “Big banana pancake,please”

      Large banana pancake

   “Omelet with peppers, ham, bacon, onions and extra cheese.”

       Omelet:Peppers, ham,bacon onions and Extra cheese



   “Coming right up” I  put the order on the order wheel as Sam calls it. Three new people arrive, they sit at table 6.
       I take there order, drinks and all. They come here a lot and now exactly what they want, even the two kids.


   Orange Juice………………………………………………….$1.50

   2 Coffees………………………………………………………$2

   Chocolate chip mickey mouse pancake……………………….$4

   Ham and cheese morning sandwich………………………….$8

   Hash Browns, eggs, toast and bacon………………………....$6

    “Is that all?”

     “Yes, thankyou.”

     Order wheel.

     I get the kids drinks and grab the coffee pot.

     “Number 2” Sam says as he puts the food on the window ledge.

      I rush over and get the food, putting it on a tray.

     I hand out the food.

     The rest of the day goes like this, taking orders, getting drinks and handing out food. But the best part is when I get tips, they are usually good.

     Lucky me, none of the haters came. But there was a one point in time when the place was packed full, and there was a waiting line. It went on like that for two hours. Busy on a Sunday, shocking. Not a lot of places are open on sundays though. I have no idea why, but a lot of people like to take the day off, even the owners. The rest of the day is back breaking.

      Me and Ruby sit at the counter waiting. This time I ordered a chicken sandwich.

     “Ok, here.” Ruby hands me a pouch. “Instead of putting the tips you get in your pockets put them in here, you get them at the end of the day. People seem to be happy to be served by you, good job.”

     I count the tips I made and am shocked at the outcome.



     “Dang, girl you had a good day.”

       For the first time in forever. I look down at the money in shock. To me it’s a lot of money. Compared to the money I usually have, none.

     “Dinner is served, girls.” Sam walks through the door. “Good job today.”

      I eat and walk home. Enjoying the day because something has gone right for the first time in a long time.

     Sure it’s hard work, but the money is worth it. As I walk home I also notice the things that are going on around me. The kids running all over the parents on their phones. A lot of things in life have been earned, but some are given.

     When I come onto my street something is wrong.

     There are police cars lined up on the street.

     Please not be my house. I walk up the street, past police and when I see my house, my heart nearly stops.   

      There is no party. There are no people here. Instead there is police tape on the door. There are police swarming around the house like bees. The police look at me and starts in my direction.   

      There is something really wrong.

      There are so many thing going through my head, I chose the worse choice to do.

      I turn and run down the street to the only place I can think of.


As I run I look over my shoulder to look at the two cops that are pursuing me. Lucky for me they are out of shape and can’t keep up. But I currently hold the record for fastest mile, in the high school.

      I go through an ally and hide on the opposite side of a garbage bin, all before they even get to the front. I hear there huffing and puffing as they run past. I can’t believe that worked. I start to get up, but the police have stopped at the end of the ally.

     I knew it was two easy, dang. I huddle in the small space and pray for them not to look back. I feel as if the whole world can see me. They start to talk and even though I catch bits and pieces, I put it together. Knowing my life just crashed, before it even got up.

      “We don’t know who told………...hunting them for three years ……. .lawyer …….. death… …...drugs. ...bad people…... ” The chunky one tells the other ones.

       “Finally…….. 40 ……… Bedroom … Didn’t… thought…... Daughter’s… …were…….. Pursuing … got away.” The bald guy says.

       The next words cut through me, because I can understand them completely. They are getting louder.

       “ We need to find the Mavis girl, her family may be gone. But she can pile things on top. And we can get her for running away. I’ll have the team watch out for her.” Chunky says.

        “Should…….. sings out?” Baldie asks. I hold my breath waiting for the response.

        “No……... ourselves” I release the breath.

        “I feel like a doughnut. There is a bakery over there.” Chunky walks in the direction of the bakery.

        “By the looks of it, Stan, you don’t

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