» Thriller » PATIENT-X, JASON RONIN [portable ebook reader TXT] 📗

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and place it to one side, she made more notes. Twenty times, he has to perform this test. After the tests they moved to the gym and had to perform several physical exercises, Jason became agitated as the doctor presses him to reveal more. In the next session, Jason is seven years old; he is strapped onto what he describes as a hospital gurney, white coated orderlies, to his genitals, nipples, and temples, attach electrodes. He seems to be alone but can hear whispers nearby. Jason receives electric shocks, growing in intensity over a period, until each time they hit, he blacks out because of the pain. Once again, Jason is agitated and the Doctor had to end the session.
“To cut a long story short, I uncovered what I can only describe as torture performed on Jason,” he informed Shaun “Incidents of beatings, what you may know as waterboarding, food, sleep and water deprivation and long periods of isolation, with or without light”
All through the Doctors explanation, Shaun is watching Jason who had not moved a muscle; just sat with his head down looking at his constant twirling fingers. During his time in the army, he had heard rumours of such programs and for a time he was detailed to a camp where one such project was taking place. The subjects involved being Military personnel not civilians.
“Who was doing this to him?”
“In the sessions it is never clearly explained, “he began “I uncovered very sophisticated mental blocks, like locked doors in the psyche”
“This still does not explain what he has done”
Danson thought for a moment considering his answer.
“Basically he didn’t, one of his altered personalities did it”
Shaun looked confused.
“The alters that Jason displays have been created inside his mind by someone much cleverer than I”
“Out in reception you said a word that stopped Jason from killing me” Shaun took a sip of his coffee “What was that all about?”
“Under hypnosis the phrase, hunters moon, was always mentioned,” Danson explained “I found out this was a trigger word for Jason, it shut down the alter and brought Jason back to us”
“You have to believe me when I say Jason is a patsy being used by other forces more powerful and dangerous than you or I,” he steepled his fingers on the desk before him then said,
“I have tried many times to break through these blocks without success,”
Shaun finished off the last of his coffee; the information just imparted to him swirled round his brain. Trying to make sense of it all was like trying to grasp water in a pond. Was he a patsy or a knowing agent of some shadowy players yet unknown? Michael Harding’s words echoed round his mind.
“Do you remember anything about the people that did all this to you?” Shaun said as he got up and placed his coffee cup on the desk.
Jason replied with a shake of his head.
“The only reference I got from him while under hypnosis was-the eyes, oh my god his eyes, Nazi eyes-apart from the women in the classroom that was the only reference to anyone else,” Danson offered.
For the first time since Doctor Danson had begun speaking Jason lifted his head and looked at Shaun.
“I am very sorry for the loss of your friend and for what happened earlier,” Shaun was surprised at how softly spoken Jason’s voice was, almost a whispering quality.
“I have done what I came here to do, now if you want to call the Police Mr Kane you can; I will not resist.”
To Shaun, Jason was the antithesis of what a man should be, he was unshaven and dressed in clothes that did not seem to have a close relationship with an iron, sat there looking like he felt sorry for himself. Shaun wanted to shake him and maybe give him a slap. Growing up in a military family it was natural he would drift that way, with the discipline he received in the home and his career he tended to look down on people that seemed less than him. It was a bad trait, he knew, but the habits ingrained over many years became hard to shake. He sat back down and decided there and then, what he should do was not what he was going to do.
“No police” he said. He was about to speak again when a loud banging came from the outer office door.
“Police open up right now!”

Luther Mandrake was a man at peace with himself and the world. He was sitting in the control room of HAARP, the High frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The control room was one mile below the Alaskan soil, eight miles from Gakona. Above their heads was a field of 180 phased array antennas neatly lined out across 33 acres. Officially, the project is engaged in observing happenings in the ionosphere, the layer of sky that starts thirty miles above the earth’s surface, managed by the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Office of Naval Research, at least on paper. Unofficially the base received its funds from the Brotherhood; and ionosphere research was a minor aspect of the base. HAARPS true purpose was about to be revealed to the world. Luther had been tasked to oversee the final phases of an operation that had been years in the planning. Chaos had been created worldwide and now humanity was going to receive a blast of gigawatted mind control power. Low frequency signals would be transmitted from HAARP and bounced from satellites through mobile phone masts, Radar stations and through TVS’ and radios. The mind-altering signals will bring the world into the clutches of the Brotherhood. He settled back in the leather chair and observed the engineers and scientists at work. The room was alive with activity as they readied to play the great HAARP. The room is filled with computer monitors and scientific gadgetry that Luther could never hope to understand, but he trusted the men and women who worked here. He ran a hand across his baldhead and motioned with the other for one of the white coated scientists to approach him.
“I trust we are on schedule?”
“Just making last minute adjustments then we can fire her up,” Dr Carlos Allende said, he was the project leader and possibly the world’s leading expert in frequency technology and its uses in mental control.
“Excellent, as soon as it’s over I will be taking the mag-lev directly to D.C, forward the collated results to my e-mail”
“Very good sir” Carlos returned to his work.
A throbbing feeling felt deep in the bones seemed to fill the room, silent at first then becoming audible. Luther shifted in his seat, uncomfortable with it.
A computerised voice spoke out the countdown…10…9…8…when the voice reached zero Carlos, who is positioned at the command monitor, pressed several keys on the keyboard before him. The throbbing grew deeper and a loud hum filled the room. Everyone in the room eagerly waited until the sound died.
“It is done” Carlos finally said.
A cheer rang out and a round of applause.
Luther stood up and applauded with the rest of the room. The device had done its job, all around the world sleeper agents had received a mass activation signal and would go about their programmed tasks of creating even more chaos in the form of rioting, crime sprees and other forms of anarchy.
“Thank you for your work ladies and gentlemen, we appreciate your efforts, we are all at the beginning of a great journey predestined in time and we will all soon reap the rewards” Luther nodded to them all then turned on his heal and left the room.

The banging at the door came again, Shaun jumped up.
“Stay here” Paul said, “I’ll go speak to them”
Before the Doctor could move there came the sound of splintering wood as the Police smashed in the outside door. Shaun pulled out the Glock he was still carrying, and then felt foolish, as if there was any hope of fighting their way out of this one.
A heat seemed to fill the room alongside a curious humming sound. Shaun looked round for the source when his eyes caught Jason. He had stood up and turned to face the door, stretching out his arms. The muscles of his face seemed to be writhing with a life of their own. Sparks jumped between his fingers and about two metres in front of him a ball of white fiery light about the size of the door behind it had appeared, the smell of ozone filled the air.
“Go into the light, I can save us please trust me” Jason said through clenched teeth, his voice sounded strange yet more in control than when he had previously spoken.
Shaun and the Doctor looked at each other and both felt the pull at the same time, as if they had no control over their bodies. Shaun and the Doctor walked into the light, after the Doctor vanished Jason followed them into the light and vanishes too. The light vanished as the office door crashed open, and the heavily armed SWAT team stared into the empty room.


Flashes of light impinging on the edge of consciousness, flaring in luminous brilliance before dyeing into infinity. No up, no down. No now, no next, no where, no when. Falling, rising, a feeling of being everywhere but nowhere all at once, and the silence was so silent, and then everything rushed in invading Shaun’s senses as darkness gave way to light and he fell onto the carpeted floor of Paul Dansons office. His head felt heavy and full of fog. His mouth felt dry and a sensation of pins and needles all over his body. Looking around he saw the Doctor and Jason sprawled nearby. Shaun climbed unsteadily to his feet, grabbing the edge of the desk for support.
“What the fuck happened?” he croaked through the dryness in his throat.
Jason stood up and shook his head. He walked over to the water dispenser in the corner of the office and quickly drew three cups. He handed one to Shaun.
“Drink this; the transfer can make you severely dehydrated”
Shaun quickly drank it down then got another while Jason attended to Paul. Then it hit him, police at the door, he covered the room in two big strides and pulled the door open to an empty reception room.
“Don’t worry they are not here, at least not at the here where we are now” he heard Jason say behind him.
“But we have to move quickly before we are pulled back”, Jason pushed past him leading Paul out through the door and into the corridor outside.
Shaun shook his head and followed them.
“Jason, what just happened?”
“I can’t explain now please trust me, I will tell you everything soon I promise”
Jason pushed through the door to the stairs and quickly ran down to the street outside, almost dragging the still dazed Paul behind him.
Shaun joined them.
“This way,” Jason said, “We have to get out of the area”
They ran up east 33rd to Greeley Square where Jason and Paul collapsed on a bench, Shaun sat down next to them and for a few minutes they sat in silence, watching people milling about in the square going about their daily business.

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