» Thriller » Fear Cuts Like A Blade, Tiffany Bauer [digital book reader .TXT] 📗

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was in worse shape than I was when we had finally broken apart. Bits and pieces floated around my brain in a dreamlike state. A face appeared, dark and serious. A girl, with curly brown hair and pretty hazel eyes.
"What happened? Why am I still here? I should be gone by now." I whispered, dropping my hand into my lap. Silently, I stared into the abyss unable to focus as I daydreamed.
"Oh, honey, you don't remember, do you?" She asked, worry and concern decorating her face. I dramatically threw my hands into the air and heaved a slightly exasperated sigh.
"Enough with the riddles and questions. Just spill the beans already." I said, "What went down last night?"
"Nothing." She replied. Huh?
"What do you mean nothing? Obviously, something happened, or I wouldn't be here right now. And what's with all these alarms going off? I can't sleep with so much noise!" I whined.
"Nothing happened last night. You've been out for a couple weeks now. You gave us all a good scare with the way your health was dropping. You're two friends there, they've been camped out in the waiting room since they found out. Do you remember anything? Know why you're here? Can you tell me what happened?" She spoke up.
Um, hello, have you been ignoring me? If I knew what had happened, I wouldn't have asked, duh. "I really don't remember anything. That's why I asked. Why am I here? And what are you talking about, out for weeks? What's going on?" I answered her questions with my own.
"Two weeks ago you were brought in by the ambulance because you were in a car accident. The reason for the accident is still unknown. You were severely injured during the crash and had to be taken into surgery almost immediately. Though you've had some time to heal, you're going to have to take it easy for a few more days. The three ribs that were cracked have gone down to a bruise. The gouge in your right hip is just starting to close up. Your left shoulder blade will be very sore for a while longer. And your let wrist has a minor fraction. You're lucky, could've been a lot worse." She went on to explain when and how to change the bandages.
Apparently, I'd have to change the one covering my shoulder three to four times a week. The wrapping on my ribs would need to be switched out every other day. My wrist was clad in a small cast that I could not remove until I consulted with a doctor. My lower abdomen was a simple butterfly bandage in which I'd have to change every time I redid the wrap on my ribcage.
I'd have to write this down as soon as I arrived back to my apartment or I'd get it all mixed up. "Alright, well I'll go process the paperwork so you can get out of here." She said before briskly walking out of the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I leaned my head on the wall behind the bed and groaned. This was going to be a long week. Not to mention it'd take a toll on my insurance. Only a little over a year and already I was in a car accident. Bet that would look great on my record. Please note the sarcasm.
The door opened but my eyes didn't. Sleep was calling my name; tempting me to succumb to its peaceful darkness. My eyes felt like heavy bricks, becoming harder to open with each passing second. I could feel my tense muscles slowly easing into relaxation. I began slipping away; Falling into the dark abyss.
My eyes flew open as my breathing went rigid. I had been falling. The sensation fast and swift. The air seemed to push on my body, before changing course and rushing around my sides. The images of my vivid dream faded into nothing, and just as quickly as I had panicked over the horrible sights, I was calmed.
I reached up and wiped the fine sheen of cold sweat from my forehead with a clammy, shaking hand. The well-lit room surrounding me was silent with the exception of an air vent in the far corner, close to the floor. I closed my eyes and took in a long breath. The scent of fragrant flowers, particularly smelling of Lilac, assaulted my senses.
"Enjoying yourself?" Nurse ------- asked from across the room. I fluttered my eyes open to see her standing by the closed door. A small smile played at my lips while I nodded my head at her in a soft ocean-like movement.
"Here." She stated, handing me a bundle of crisp papers. " Fill these out and you can go." I stared down at the sharp black print. I nodded my head at her once more. I looked up, about to ask her for a pencil, when she held out a thick red pen with chrome colored accents.
"Thanks." I slipped the pen from her loose grasp and poised it over the first question. Reading quickly, I answered all the questions with ease. Double checking for any mistakes, I saw none. "Okay. I'm done." I told her as she took the pen and papers from me and began scanning them herself.
"Alrighty." She chimed happily, "You may go. The bathroom is right over there," She pointed towards a door in the opposite corner of the air vent that I hadn't noticed, " Your belongings are in there. I'll sign you out, so don't worry about that." With that, she marched out of the room.
I padded over to the bathroom and opened the door. Stepping in I could see there was a polished marble sink, a large mirror splayed above it. The toilet was beside the sink. A gigantic plastic bag sat on top of the counter.
I swept up the bag and pulled out my clothes, mp3 and earphones, black and green backpack, belt, wallet, and boots. Changing out of the nightgown and into comfortable clothing took a little over ten minutes. Sliding on my sunglasses, I smirked.
My blond hair looked the likes of a rat's nest. Untamed and out of control. my back and pulled out my black and white skull bandana. Throwing my head forward, I flung my hair in front of me and placed my bandana on my neck. Bringing my head back up I let my hair fall into place before I tied it up into a ponytail with the bandana.
Checking myself in the mirror I contemplated if The Little House On The Prarie look was for me. Considering my other choices, I opted to go with the makeshift ponytail. Slinging my backpack over one shoulder, I strode out of te bathroom, to the big white door, and away from the room entirely.
The halls were bustling with various activity. Carts stacked sky high with personal hygiene products, Doctors speaking to nurses, and police taking statements crowded the hospital halls. I drifted through the crowd in a daze.
Everything around me seemed to take forever. Noises as quiet as a brush of wind were like ear'splitting screams inside my ears. The top notch lights were so much brighter than they were in my room.
The heat was almost overwhelming as I followed the emerald green exit signs. Finally coming out to an open space looking the likes of a lobby, I searched for the clean glass doors. I spotted them at the other end of the room, surprised to see the sun hadn't come up yet.
Shuffling to the exit, I caught sight of Nurse Jones talking to an FBI Agent.  What happened for FBI to get involved; must be serious. Pushing my way through the hospital doors, the wonderful city air cleansed my skin, bringing with it the scent of tacos.
Taking in a deep breathe I started down the sidewalk. I looked up at the early morning sky; The sun hadn't come up for its day shift yet, leaving the stars in charge for the time being. Taking another step I looked back to the sidewalk.
People were shuffling about; running errands, getting groceries, grabbing coffee and a quick bite to eat. I decided to head towards Dunkin Donuts to grab something for breakfast since I wasn't feeling up to making anything myself.
Closing in on the local bakery, pain began to flare in my hip and shoulder. Suddenly it felt I'd been stabbed with a red hot knife. My knee felt weaker with every step until at last it went completely numb and I fell hard to the concrete below.

Upside Down World

My mind quickly recovered from its immediate black out but went directly into a turmoil of...dreams? No, I was awake. Delusions? Nope, I wouldn't have blacked out first. Flashbacks? Perhaps. From what though? I hadn't experienced any of these scenarios. Or had I? It felt so real, so life-like. Like I had been there, seen it with my own eyes, had actually gone through it. This was different. This was similar to an out-of-body experience. Like I had been there, but I wasn't me. The images took over completely and my train of thought stopped in its tracks. Logical curiosity was replaced with overwhelming fear and..determination? Blood. There was blood. And screams. Horrifying,spine-tingling screams. Which was what I was hearing, in some far off distant dimension from the dreamland I was in now. It was like being underwater, I could hear the noise but couldn't make out the words. The frantic tone caught my attention further. The voice sounded foreign to me. I slipped back into my La La land and felt my breathing escalate. The fog cleared ever so slowly and I began to gain feeling throughout my body. The pain turned to a dull throb.

I opened one eye and, seeing that everything was fine, opened the other. A woman stood before me. Well, leaned over me. Her dark brown hair shielded my eyes from dawns bright light. Concern etched into the wrinkles around her mouth. She was speaking but the words said were left unknown to me as I attempted to sit up. Black spots dotted my vision. I couldn't decide if we t was the pain, lack of muscle, or the exhaustion racking my body. I paused then swiftly stood to my feet and put a hand over my eyes. Head beginning to pound and ears already ringing like church bells, I looked up and focused on what the woman was saying. "Are you okay?" She asked once more. I gave her my best smile probably looking like a crazed lunatic of sorts, and waved my hand dismissively. She pressed her lips together but said nothing as she swooped down and collected my bag. She adjusted her large brown purse and continued on her way. Well, I guessed Dunkin Donuts was out of the question now. Not to mention JJ would kill me if I told her I had a blackout and then went to Dunkin Donuts.

The rest of the walk was easy peasy, unless tripping over my own feet every time I caught a glimpose of a black SUV counted as an inconvenience. A nostalgic feeling bloomed when I neared the stained brick of my apartment building.Dried soot coated the edges of my room, but the middle was

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