» Travel » The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, Samuel White Baker [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Albert N'Yanza, Great Basin of the Nile, Samuel White Baker [inspirational novels .TXT] 📗». Author Samuel White Baker

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as it was possible to make it. (By

immersion in boiling water.) The result gave the thermometer 0 degree

point 80 too much at the boiling-point.


The readings of the thermometer have, therefore, been TOO MUCH; and by

REDUCING the readings, it ELEVATES all positions at which observations

were made.


Table No. 1.—In this Table the error obtained at Kew Observatory has

been treated like that of a chronometer, the error being assumed

increasing and regular.


Table No. 2 is to correct the height, computed by Mr. Dunkin, using the

quantity taken from Table No. 1.


Table No. 3 is the final result of the observations for height,

corrected for instrumental error.


TABLE No. 1.


Table for Increased Reading of Thermometer, using 0 degrees 80 as the

Result of Observations for its Error.


Month. 1861. 1862. 1863. 1864. 1865.

January… — 0‘143 0‘314 0‘487 0‘659

February . . — ‘157 ‘328 ‘501 ‘673

March … 0‘000 ‘172 ‘344 ‘516 ‘688

April … ‘014 ‘186 ‘358 ‘530 ‘702

May … . ‘028 ‘200 ‘372 ‘544 ‘716

June … . ‘043 ‘214 ‘387 ‘559 ‘730

July … . ‘057 ‘228 ‘401 ‘573 ‘744

August … ‘071 ‘243 ‘415 ‘587 ‘758

September . . ‘086 ‘257 ‘430 ‘602 ‘772

October . , . ‘100 ‘271 ‘444 ‘616 ‘786

November . . ‘114 ‘285 ‘458 ‘630 0‘800

December . . 0‘129 0‘300 0‘473 0‘645 —


TABLE No. 2.


At the elevation of 3,500 feet, 1 Degrees equals about 520 feet, from

which the following—


Degrees Feet. Degrees Feet Degrees Feet.

1‘0 … 520 ‘7 … 364 ‘3 … 156

‘9 … 468 ‘6 … 312 ‘25 … 130

‘8 … 416 ‘5 … 260 ‘2 … 104

‘75… 390 ‘4 … 208 ‘1 … 52


End of Project Gutenberg Etext The Albert N’Yanza, by Sir Samuel W. Baker

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