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These nine stories are first and foremost autobiographical. They are also true. In the early 1970's my parents decided to leave England in search of a more interesting life; fueled by a lifetime of adventure stories my father was desperate to see the world, to experience adventure and to see what little remained of real cultures before the bland cookie-cutter culture of the United States finally took hold. For the next forty years my parents remained overseas choosing to live in some of the

Suddenly the monkey took the last of her nuts and decided she was a bit rude by not having any more for him. What happens next can only be described as ... well read and find out.

After Travelling in India for a few weeks I had been sick and stuck for a number of days recovering. Finally recovered it was time to be on the move again. Oh, the delights of being free again.... or was it?

Everything on the surface level appeared to be ok but he was troubled by a compulsion that he kept secret. The "Joteria Chronicles" are a series of vignettes reflecting real life sessions during the time I spent as a Counselor for LGBT Youth.

She slept at wet place and roosted him on tranquil dry bedding, he stumbles and she lurches to him, he weeps and she perches him in lap, he morons and she dictates manner, he surfs fumbling she teaches dexterity, he finds girlfriend and she loves her.

As a teacher traveling in northern China, one experiences an array of cultural weirnesses as well as eye-opening events. This is just an afternoon in-journey through the city of Tianjin, seen though the eyes of an American working abroad.

An American takes on mind-boggling firewater with dumplings his only defense deep within the heart of China.