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Human presence in Mexico dates back to 30,000 years before present. After thousands of years of cultural development, emerged in the Mesoamerican Mexican territory, and oasisamericanas aridoamericanas cultures. After nearly 300 years of Spanish rule, Mexico began the struggle for political independence in 1810. Later, for nearly a century, the country was embroiled in a series of civil wars and foreign invasions that had an impact in all areas of life Mexicans. For much of the twentieth century

The City of Jakarta is often described as the "Big Durian," by visitors astonished by the shear size, and the diversity of its people. Inside the "City of Dreams," are a collection of true stories that may amaze, amuse or simply confuse you. Tales of a megacity on the move- the people who survive in this City, and those who choose to remain in an often very surreal World. People whose everyday lives and dreams are often overlooked- who do make up the true heart of the city

A memoir of my one of my clearest most fond childhood memories. A coming of age and a revelation of my father in a strange and foreign land. Israel

The propaganda war in Chechnya, an age-old horror that dates from the Trojan conflict.

Over a period of almost 30 years (1986 to 2014) we visited various parts of Greece and could experience significant changes over time. One of the causes are our own standards, which have changed over time.

What inspired a career-driven English woman to risk her life and plan an undercover mission with ex Special Forces commandos to save endangered big game.
