» War » The Seventh Manchesters, S. J. Wilson [most important books to read TXT] 📗

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tower been standing, and one could

have got into it, a glorious view of a large part of Northern France

would have been obtained. Looking eastwards one saw La Bassee half

concealed by thick woods while to the northeast were the outskirts of

Lille. Southwards and south-west were the mining villages of the Lens

district with their huge conical fosses. In other words, Givenchy was an

important tactical point and the fiercest efforts of the Boche in 1914

had failed to move British troops from it, although at the end of the

fighting it lay in a very sharp salient, which was only straightened out

after Festubert in 1915.


Since those days typical old-fashioned trench warfare had prevailed.

There were wonderful ramifications of trenches, front line, duplicate

firing line, support trenches, reserve trenches, and numerous

communication saps, all built on the old style with numerous sandbags.

On the flat ground to the north it had been impossible to dig down for

defence, and both sides had built up earthworks on the somewhat marshy

ground, so that sandbags were again the most noticeable feature. Running

behind the breastworks in this portion was a convenient

trench-tramway—for rations, ammunition, etc. To the south of Givenchy

were the famous La Bassee Canal and the brickstacks.


When mankind started to fight each other under the earth, as well as on

it and above it, No Man’s Land in front of Givenchy began to be really

churned up. Huge craters had been blown up by both sides in such numbers

that they formed the most distinctive feature of this part of the line.

The whole of the ground across the ridge between the lines presented the

appearance of a model of the Alps on a rather large scale. These craters

had to be carefully represented on all trench maps, and they bore

distinctive names such as Warlington Crater and Red Dragon Crater. Both

sides had pushed forward saps as far as possible through this difficult

ground both for observation and sniping purposes. Great mine shafts

extended under No Man’s Land, and the curious could go down these and

listen to the Huns knocking about and digging above.


The great advantage of the quiet nature of this front was the

possibility of daylight reliefs, so it was in the afternoon of November

27th that the 7th dribbled across “Westminster Bridge” over the canal,

and took over the support positions evacuated by the 1st battalion

Wiltshire Regt. in the vicinity of “Windy Corner.” We were astonished to

find cottages and rows of houses, very little damaged, within 600 yards

of the front line, and we reposed comfortably on wire beds inside them

instead of in holes in the ground. In fact, across the canal, just

behind Harley Street, and at an equal distance from the front, there

still lived a Frenchman with his wife and kiddie, who dispensed eggs and

chips to hungry Tommies! Surely this must be a “bon front.” I am afraid

things looked vastly different after the Hun attempt to smash through

the 55th division here in the following April. It was with the

probability of this attack in view that the 42nd division began to

stiffen the defences, and as well as holding the line we interested

ourselves in digging, concreting and wiring.


G.H.Q. were convinced that Germany would in the Spring make a supreme

effort to break up the Western Front before the American Army became an

effective force in the field. The offensive spirit was to be kept in our

pockets for a short time, and we were to turn our attention to the

defensive idea. They had also decided that a system of “defended

localities,” skilfully sited and constructed, would be the most

effective method of breaking up the attacking hordes. That is, the

British front would consist of a series of posts, each self-contained,

but mutually supporting, that would act like a huge breakwater to the

Hun waves. In accordance with this general idea, the line near La Bassee

was reconstructed, and a good deal of hard work was put in during those

winter weeks. Later, when we heard how well the 55th division had

stopped the enemy in the localities that we had done so much to perfect,

we felt a good deal of pride and satisfaction that they had proved a

success, and complimentary messages were exchanged between Maj.-Gen.

Solly-Flood and Maj.-Gen. Jeudwine, commanding the 55th division. A

combination of the work and fighting qualities of Lancashire men had

been too much for the Hun.


It must not be imagined that it was all a bed of roses on this front,

for the enemy had his unpleasant moments, particularly at night. There

was a steady flow of irritating casualties, and when Corporal O’Connell

and Pte. Bowie of the regimental police were killed at headquarters one

night, we felt that old familiar faces might not be so permanent amongst

us as might be supposed. The cruel disruption of war was ever present.

Still we had the satisfaction of knowing that the Boche received as much

and more than he gave. The battalion snipers occasionally registered

hits, and in this type of warfare there was plenty “of good sport” to be

had owing to the short distance across No Man’s Land and the large gaps

in the sides of the enemy trenches. Our gunners also indulged in sniping

with good results, and it was exciting to watch the rapidity of the

sequence of two or three grey figures jumping out of a trench and the

bang, bang, bang of an 18 pounder shell or two in their close vicinity.

But our excitement must have been as naught compared with that of the

aforesaid grey figures!


The reliefs in this “model sector” came round like clock-work. A

battalion did four days in the front line, four days in support, four

days in the line, and then four days in brigade reserve. After

thirty-two days of this the brigade went out for sixteen days in

divisional reserve. It was all so beautiful and soothing that it seemed

as though the problem of perpetual motion had been solved and the war

had come for an eternity. The enemy did the same thing, and we knew when

he did it. He left us alone on relief days and we returned the

compliment. Thus on December 9th we effected a peaceful passage into

brigade reserve at Gorre Chateau. In a noisy sector this chateau and all

the village in the vicinity would have been reduced to ruins, but here

the civilians had not been interrupted in their daily work, and the

chateau itself was a wonderful billet for troops, accommodating the

whole battalion comfortably. In fact, nearly twelve months later orderly

room received bills for the use of the electric light in the officers’



Whilst here Major Allan was sent to hospital, from which he was

eventually invalided to England, and did not return to the battalion

again. He had had a long, useful career with the 127th brigade since the

middle of 1915. Family affairs had caused the regretted departure of

Lt. G. W. Franklin, and his place at the head of the transport was taken

by Lt. Wilkinson, after a brief period of duty by Lt. C. R. Thorpe. Col.

Bromfield returned from leave just after we went into the line again at

Givenchy after the four days’ rest. This spell in the line was marked

principally by cold, frosty weather and most of the battalion figured in

the trenches in wonderful fur coats popularly known as leather jerkins.


The Manchester brigade were fortunate again in being out in divisional

reserve for ‘Xmas. Excellent fare was provided for the 7th in the shape

of turkeys, pork, ‘Xmas pudding, extra vegetables, barrels of beer and

extra rum rations, so that hilarity was the order of the day. There

being a good deal of snow about at this time tactical exercises

frequently took the form of inter company snow-ball fights. To have

Major Hurst with us during this period previous to his departure on

Courts-martial work could not have been more opportune, for he had ever

been most energetic on the social side of the battalion. With

reminiscences of his impromptu concerts and lectures on Gallipoli and in

Egypt we knew we should not look in vain for something from him. His was

the master-mind behind this Yuletide festivity, while a delightfully

funny sketch written by him in which Gwendoline de Vere of Greenheys

Lane figured prominently, gave the officers and sergeants of the 7th an

opportunity of displaying their dramatic skill. The inhabitants of

Bethune, where most of the brigade were in billets at this time, will

not easily forget the efforts of the 127th brigade to make the most of

its ‘Xmas rest. The Boche made unpleasant contributions to the

proceedings by way of long range shelling by day and bombing by night,

but although the 8th and the civilians suffered somewhat by these

displays, the 7th escaped practically unhurt.


In the opening days of the New Year we returned to the line in the

Brickstacks sector south of the canal, and the heavy snow and frost

having been succeeded by a sudden thaw accompanied by rain, the

condition of the trenches in the low ground can be better imagined than

described. Leather jerkins were quickly supplemented by “boots, gum,

thigh,” and the British soldier came to assume the appearance of a

Yarmouth fisherman. Runners, etc., arriving at company H.Q., would first

demand from the harbour master permission to navigate their course

through the troubled waters, while facetious notices indicated times

when pleasure boats could be taken out. This amphibious warfare was

extremely unpleasant, and it further delayed the work on the new

defensive positions. Captain Jimmy Baker and Lt. Jack Morten, whilst on

a midnight prowl in No Man’s Land almost met with disaster, and the

performance came to an undignified close after they had extricated one

another from deep muddy water to make their way back to dock minus gum

boots. We knew that the Huns must be in a similar predicament, for their

ground was equally low, and we could only laugh when on one occasion

dawn revealed one or two of them jumping about in the open in attempts

to dry their clothes and to restore life to their numbed bodies. It

hardly seemed the game to fire upon them.


Kindness to a German is often misplaced, as we found when his

“travelling Circus” of heavy trench mortars arrived. Having

unobtrusively got these weapons into concentrated positions near his

support line he suddenly loosed them all off one afternoon at an

extremely annoying and rapid rate of fire, peppering all the trenches

that we had spent such time in getting into habitable condition. It was

a nerve-racking experience while it lasted but the 7th stuck to their

posts ready to meet any Hun attack should it develop. What the enemy had

really intended was never quite understood, but a small party of Boche

got across No Man’s Land that night. One of “B” company’s posts saw

them, however, and attacked them. One German got into our trench and

Pte. Saunderson chased him but failed to get him. Jerry, in his hurried

departure, left behind him his cap and one or two other articles and

these, together with a collection of battered trenches and a few slight

casualties, were the only souvenirs we got out of this “stunt,” with the

exception of the M.M. awarded to Pte. Saunderson, for his plucky

conduct. The divisional commander was in the battalion area at the time,

and he afterwards sent us a congratulatory message on the steadiness of

the men, a compliment of which we were justly proud.


On January 22nd we moved out to Le Preol into brigade reserve. The 7th

were particularly fortunate in coming out of the

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