» War » Blood Brothers, Eugene C. Jacobs [reading books for 4 year olds .TXT] 📗

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Kadolph, Red, 70-71

Kaelin, Chuck, 70-71

Kagy, Maj. Edwin, 123

Kalakuka, Ltc Theodore, 38

Kempie Tai (Secret Police), 40-70

Kiangan, 34-35, 41

King, Gen. Edward (Ned), 34-35, 41, 51, 104

Kliatchko, Aaron, 64, 93

Korea, 103

Kratz, Johnny, 70-71

Kuncl, Lt. Claire, 70-71

L Lamar, Maj. (O.C.S.), 108

Lee, Clark (Assoc. Press), 20-21

Lend-Lease, 18

Lentz, Maj. Emmert, 7

Lewis, Maj. Robert, 7

Leyte, 77

Liles, Capt., 118

Lim, Gen., 34

Lingayen Gulf, 3-18, 34-41, 79

Lough, Gen. M.S., 104

Lugao, 40-70

Lusod Sawmill, 21

Luzon, 13-24, 31-41, 116


MacArthur, Gen. Arthur, 37-38

MacArthur, Gen. Douglas 3-124

MacArthur’s 1st Guerrilla Regt. 3, 5, 27-41

Mack, Lt. Co!. (Ditto), 67

Malacafiong Palace, 15-38

Manchuria, 7, 14, 100

Manke (soloist), 71

Marshall, Gen. George, 17, 108

Marshall (saxophone), 70-71

Masons, 72, 118

Matsuda, Col. Camp C.O., 108

McBride, Gen., 104

McClure, Chester, 70-71

McDonald, Maj., 71

McIntyre, Eddie, 71

Miller, Edna, 113

Minton, Maj. Warren, 29-38

Missouri (Battleship), III

Mock, Harry, 71

Moore, Gen. George, 104

Mucci, Capt. Harry, 78

Mueller, Col. Charles, 116

Mukden, Manchuria, 6, 103-110

Mussolini, 7, 104

N Nagasaki, 107

Nagel, Lt. Ed, 64-88, 102-120

Nakar, Lt. Col. Guillermo, 29-40

Nealson, Bill, 71

Neibert, Evangeline (Sassy Suzie), 65

Noble, Maj. Arthur, 114

Nogi, Lt. N. (Isha), 40, 65-72

North, Lt. Wm., 7-70

O O’Brien, Lt. James, 63

O’Donnell, Camp, 51-53,73

Oki, Juro (Isha), 104

Olangapo, Naval Base, 87-94

Oliver, Lt. Col. Alfred, 63-124

Orange Plan (W.P.O. III), 9, 20-24

Oryoko Maru, 3, 83-107

P Pacific Fleet, 3-4, 9

Palanan, 34-39

Panama Canal, 17

Panay, U.S.S., 17

Paranaque, 10

Parcher, Lt. Harry, 70

Parker, Gen. George, 104-108

Pearl Harbor, 3-10, 18, 94

Percival, Sir. Gen. A.E., 100-112

Peterson, Maj. Arthur, 72

Philip, Prince, 113

Philippine Army, 3-19

Philippine Defense Plan, 3-15

Philippine Islands, 3-124

Philippine Scours, 3-69, 115

Phillips, Claire (High Pockets), 65-70

Phillips, Sgt. John, 65

Pier Seven 7, 10, 65-70, 82-83

Port Area, 7, 70-71

Pusan, 103

Q Quezon, Pres. Manuel, 15, 28, 32

R Radke, Lt. Col. Ryle, 113

Rainbow War Plan (WPO V), 11-29 35, 37, 41, 104, 112, 123

Red Cross, 58, 84-86, 102, 115 Red Line Bus Co., 17-27

Reed, Maj. Walter, 27

Reilly, Maj. Stanley 63

Reinhart, Sgt. .Melvin, 63

Rinaman, Maj. James, 55

Rizal Ave., 83

Rockefeller, Gov W., 115

Rogers, Gov. P.D., 67

Roosevelt, Pres. Franklin, 17-18

Roosevelt, Pres. Theodore, 11, 27, 71

Ruel Hank (soloist), 70-71

Russia, 107

S Saint, Lt. Col. Fred, 53, 91, 100

Saipan, 76

Salas, Pvt. (trumpet), 70

Salee, Capt. Joe (soloist), 70

San Fernando, LaUnion, 14, 90

San Fernando, Pampanga, 79, 91

San Francisco, 26-27, 98, 114

San Jose, 22-23

Schwartz, Lt. Cot Jack, 70, 89-90

Scuttlebutt, 62

Seals, Gen., 104

Sharp, Gen, 104

Shirogo (worker), 94-96

Sitter, Maj. Steve, 7, 77

Sketches, 6, 78

Smothers, Maj. Tom, 103

Speth, Maj. Emil, 16

Stafford, Dr. Eugene, 15

Stevens, Capt. Lee, 70

Strand, Maj. Clarence, 7

Swann, Lt. Robin (Br.), 71

Suchow (4th Marine mascot), 72

T Taylor, Capt. Robert, 63-67, 102, 123

Tiffany, Capt. Frank (Everlasting), 63-67

Tojo, Hideki, 10

“Tokyo Rose”, 18

Toshino, Lt., 101

Tuguegarao, 11, 12, 34

U Underground, 60-67, 70, 117

USAFFE, 11-20, 29-34

V Vigan, 16-19, 117

Volckmann, Col. Russell, 41, 79

W Wainwright, Gen. Jonathan, 19, 23,

Warner, Lt. Col. Everett, 11-32, 89-98

Wata, Mr. (Jap Interpreter), 86

Weaver, Gen. James, 104

White, Maj. Clarence, 7

Williams, Maj. Mac, 95-103

Wilson, Col. Ovid 0, 71, 92

Wood, Gen. Leonard, 27

Y Yellow Sea, 99

Z Zambales Coast, 84-86

Zerfas, Lt. Mathias, 63

Zero Ward; 59-60, 73

Zimmerman, Capt. Leslie, 64



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