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engaged in

the Italian war with the Saracens, but of this be sure, Sir King,

that every man in Normandy and Brittany who can draw a sword or bend

a bow, will stand forth in the cause of our little Duke; ay, and that

his blessed father’s memory is held so dear in our northern home,

that it needs but a message to King Harold Blue-tooth to bring a

fleet of long keels into the Seine, with stout Danes enough to carry

fire and sword, not merely through Flanders, but through all France.

We of the North are not apt to forget old friendships and favours,

Sir King.”


“Yes, yes, I know the Norman faith of old,” returned Louis, uneasily,

“but we should scarcely need such wild allies as you propose; the

Count of Paris, and Hubert of Senlis may be reckoned on, I suppose.”


“No truer friend to Normandy than gallant and wise old Hugh the

White!” said Bernard, “and as to Senlis, he is uncle to the boy, and

doubly bound to us.”


“I rejoice to see your confidence,” said Louis. “You shall soon hear

from me. In the meantime I must return to gather my force together,

and summon my great vassals, and I will, with your leave, brave

Normans, take with me my dear young ward. His presence will plead

better in his cause than the finest words; moreover, he will grow up

in love and friendship with my two boys, and shall be nurtured with

them in all good learning and chivalry, nor shall he ever be reminded

that he is an orphan while under the care of Queen Gerberge and



“Let the child come to me, so please you, my Lord the King,” answered

Harcourt, bluntly. “I must hold some converse with him, ere I can



“Go then, Richard,” said Louis, “go to your trusty vassal—happy are

you in possessing such a friend; I hope you know his value.”


“Here then, young Sir,” said the Count, in his native tongue, when

Richard had crossed from the King’s side, and stood beside him, “what

say you to this proposal?”


“The King is very kind,” said Richard. “I am sure he is kind; but I

do not like to go from Rouen, or from Dame Astrida.”


“Listen, my Lord,” said the Dane, stooping down and speaking low.

“The King is resolved to have you away; he has with him the best of

his Franks, and has so taken us at unawares, that though I might yet

rescue you from his hands, it would not be without a fierce struggle,

wherein you might be harmed, and this castle and town certainly

burnt, and wrested from us. A few weeks or months, and we shall have

time to draw our force together, so that Normandy need fear no man,

and for that time you must tarry with him.”


“Must I—and all alone?”


“No, not alone, not without the most trusty guardian that can be

found for you. Friend Eric, what say you?” and he laid his hand on

the old Baron’s shoulder. “Yet, I know not; true thou art, as a

Norwegian mountain, but I doubt me if thy brains are not too dull to

see through the French wiles and disguises, sharp as thou didst show

thyself last night.”


“That was Osmond, not I,” said Sir Eric. “He knows their mincing

tongue better than I. He were the best to go with the poor child, if

go he must.”


“Bethink you, Eric,” said the Count, in an undertone, “Osmond is the

only hope of your good old house—if there is foul play, the guardian

will be the first to suffer.”


“Since you think fit to peril the only hope of all Normandy, I am not

the man to hold back my son where he may aid him,” said old Eric,

sadly. “The poor child will be lonely and uncared-for there, and it

were hard he should not have one faithful comrade and friend with



“It is well,” said Bernard: “young as he is, I had rather trust

Osmond with the child than any one else, for he is ready of counsel,

and quick of hand.”


“Ay, and a pretty pass it is come to,” muttered old Centeville, “that

we, whose business it is to guard the boy, should send him where you

scarcely like to trust my son.”


Bernard paid no further attention to him, but, coming forward,

required another oath from the King, that Richard should be as safe

and free at his court as at Rouen, and that on no pretence whatsoever

should he be taken from under the immediate care of his Esquire,

Osmond Fitz Eric, heir of Centeville.


After this, the King was impatient to depart, and all was

preparation. Bernard called Osmond aside to give full instructions

on his conduct, and the means of communicating with Normandy, and

Richard was taking leave of Fru Astrida, who had now descended from

her turret, bringing her hostage with her. She wept much over her

little Duke, praying that he might safely be restored to Normandy,

even though she might not live to see it; she exhorted him not to

forget the good and holy learning in which he had been brought up, to

rule his temper, and, above all, to say his prayers constantly, never

leaving out one, as the beads of his rosary reminded him of their

order. As to her own grandson, anxiety for him seemed almost lost in

her fears for Richard, and the chief things she said to him, when he

came to take leave of her, were directions as to the care he was to

take of the child, telling him the honour he now received was one

which would make his name forever esteemed if he did but fulfil his

trust, the most precious that Norman had ever yet received.


“I will, grandmother, to the very best of my power,” said Osmond; “I

may die in his cause, but never will I be faithless!”


“Alberic!” said Richard, “are you glad to be going back to Montemar?”


“Yes, my Lord,” answered Alberic, sturdily, “as glad as you will be

to come back to Rouen.”


“Then I shall send for you directly, Alberic, for I shall never love

the Princes Carloman and Lothaire half as well as you!”


“My Lord the King is waiting for the Duke,” said a Frenchman, coming



“Farewell then, Fru Astrida. Do not weep. I shall soon come back.

Farewell, Alberic. Take the bar-tailed falcon back to Montemar, and

keep him for my sake. Farewell, Sir Eric—Farewell, Count Bernard.

When the Normans come to conquer Arnulf you will lead them. O dear,

dear Fru Astrida, farewell again.”


“Farewell, my own darling. The blessing of Heaven go with you, and

bring you safe home! Farewell, Osmond. Heaven guard you and

strengthen you to be his shield and his defence!”


Away from the tall narrow gateway of Rollo’s Tower, with the cluster

of friendly, sorrowful faces looking forth from it, away from the

booth-like shops of Rouen, and the stout burghers shouting with all

the power of their lungs, “Long live Duke Richard! Long live King

Louis! Death to the Fleming!”—away from the broad Seine—away from

home and friends, rode the young Duke of Normandy, by the side of the

palfrey of the King of France.


The King took much notice of him, kept him by his side, talked to

him, admired the beautiful cattle grazing in security in the green

pastures, and, as he looked at the rich dark brown earth of the

fields, the Castles towering above the woods, the Convents looking

like great farms, the many villages round the rude Churches, and the

numerous population who came out to gaze at the party, and repeat the

cry of “Long live the King! Blessings on the little Duke!” he told

Richard, again and again, that his was the most goodly duchy in

France and Germany to boot.


When they crossed the Epte, the King would have Richard in the same

boat with him, and sitting close to Louis, and talking eagerly about

falcons and hounds, the little Duke passed the boundary of his own



The country beyond was not like Normandy. First they came to a great

forest, which seemed to have no path through it. The King ordered

that one of the men, who had rowed them across, should be made to

serve as guide, and two of the men-at-arms took him between them, and

forced him to lead the way, while others, with their swords and

battle-axes, cut down and cleared away the tangled branches and

briars that nearly choked the path. All the time, every one was

sharply on the look-out for robbers, and the weapons were all held

ready for use at a moment’s notice. On getting beyond the forest a

Castle rose before them, and, though it was not yet late in the day,

they resolved to rest there, as a marsh lay not far before them,

which it would not have been safe to traverse in the evening



The Baron of the Castle received them with great respect to the King,

but without paying much attention to the Duke of Normandy, and

Richard did not find the second place left for him at the board. He

coloured violently, and looked first at the King, and then at Osmond,

but Osmond held up his finger in warning; he remembered how he had

lost his temper before, and what had come of it, and resolved to try

to bear it better; and just then the Baron’s daughter, a gentle-looking maiden of fifteen or sixteen, came and spoke to him, and

entertained him so well, that he did not think much more of his

offended dignity.—When they set off on their journey again, the

Baron and several of his followers came with them to show the only

safe way across the morass, and a very slippery, treacherous, quaking

road it was, where the horses’ feet left pools of water wherever they

trod. The King and the Baron rode together, and the other French

Nobles closed round them; Richard was left quite in the background,

and though the French men-at-arms took care not to lose sight of him,

no one offered him any assistance, excepting Osmond, who, giving his

own horse to Sybald, one of the two Norman grooms who accompanied

him, led Richard’s horse by the bridle along the whole distance of

the marshy path, a business that could scarcely have been pleasant,

as Osmond wore his heavy hauberk, and his pointed, iron-guarded boots

sunk deep at every step into the bog. He spoke little, but seemed to

be taking good heed of every stump of willow or stepping-stone that

might serve as a note of remembrance of the path.


At the other end of the morass began a long tract of dreary-looking,

heathy waste, without a sign of life. The Baron took leave of the

King, only sending three men-at-arms, to show him the way to a

monastery, which was to be the next halting-place. He sent three,

because it was not safe for one, even fully armed, to ride alone, for

fear of the attacks of the followers of a certain marauding Baron,

who was at deadly feud with him, and made all that border a most

perilous region. Richard might well observe that he did not like the

Vexin half as well as Normandy, and that the people ought to learn

Fru Astrida’s story of the golden bracelets, which, in his

grandfather’s time, had hung untouched for a year, in a tree in a



It was pretty much the same through the whole journey, waste lands,

marshes, and

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