author - "Albereez"

All is well on the western front for Kayla Gupta and her fellow sailors of Operation Pacific Thunder until a massive sea collision occurs leaving me stranded out at sea in the frigid waters of the south Pacific. Thank heavens for Sir Sanjay Gupta, rescuer extraordinaire! Nothing can stop this furry Sri Lankan man from saving me, his sister Kayla and the rest of the crew of Operation Pacific Thunder who were accidentally STRUCK DOWN.

All is well on the western front for Kayla Gupta and her fellow sailors of Operation Pacific Thunder until a massive sea collision occurs leaving me stranded out at sea in the frigid waters of the south Pacific. Thank heavens for Sir Sanjay Gupta, rescuer extraordinaire! Nothing can stop this furry Sri Lankan man from saving me, his sister Kayla and the rest of the crew of Operation Pacific Thunder who were accidentally STRUCK DOWN.