author - "Alexis de Tocqueville"

ions. Noforeigner has ever exhibited such a deep, clear, and correctinsight of the machinery of our complicated systems of federaland state governments. The most intelligent Europeans areconfounded with our _imperium in imperio_; and theirconstant wonder is, that these systems are not continuallyjostling each other. M. DE TOCQUEVILLE has clearly perceived,and traced correctly and distinctly, the orbits in which theymove, and has described, or rather defined, our federalgovernment, with an

y of the undertaking increase admiration for the remarkable ability with which the task was performed.Were literary excellence the sole claim of "Democracy in America" to distinction, the splendor of its composition alone would entitle it to high place among the masterpieces of the century. The first chapter, upon the exterior form of North America, as the theatre upon which the great drama is to be enacted, for graphic and picturesque description of the physical characteristics of

ions. Noforeigner has ever exhibited such a deep, clear, and correctinsight of the machinery of our complicated systems of federaland state governments. The most intelligent Europeans areconfounded with our _imperium in imperio_; and theirconstant wonder is, that these systems are not continuallyjostling each other. M. DE TOCQUEVILLE has clearly perceived,and traced correctly and distinctly, the orbits in which theymove, and has described, or rather defined, our federalgovernment, with an

y of the undertaking increase admiration for the remarkable ability with which the task was performed.Were literary excellence the sole claim of "Democracy in America" to distinction, the splendor of its composition alone would entitle it to high place among the masterpieces of the century. The first chapter, upon the exterior form of North America, as the theatre upon which the great drama is to be enacted, for graphic and picturesque description of the physical characteristics of