author - "Audrey Holmes"

Harmony, King Whisp's daughter, travels the last realm, thinking Oracle Sandra could stop her from tearing down for what was called, "Last Realm"; a place where Lord Ian Firewalker carried monsters and zombies to effect and mob Everblossom City. Harmony refuses to go stay up with a fight. King Whisp disagrees.of what happened to Queen Whisp...during Everblossom War. They keep Harmony away from the Destiny Portal of Lore, from that to enter the Last Realm. For Harmony refuses to obey.

Harmony, King Whisp's daughter, travels the last realm, thinking Oracle Sandra could stop her from tearing down for what was called, "Last Realm"; a place where Lord Ian Firewalker carried monsters and zombies to effect and mob Everblossom City. Harmony refuses to go stay up with a fight. King Whisp disagrees.of what happened to Queen Whisp...during Everblossom War. They keep Harmony away from the Destiny Portal of Lore, from that to enter the Last Realm. For Harmony refuses to obey.