author - "Bhikkhu Anan Phutatummo Kidchakuth Summit"

This pocket book with translated works is meant to dedicate with high respects, great faith in the Lord Buddha, Luang Po Phra Ajahn Anan, a foster father in the Dhamma. Prior to this work, he have spent over a year teaching me the contents of this book thoroughly. Any queries and doubts were put forward for clarification on face-to-face. This is to ensure this translation brings out the best result possible.

This pocket book with translated works is meant to dedicate with high respects, great faith in the Lord Buddha, Luang Po Phra Ajahn Anan, a foster father in the Dhamma. Prior to this work, he have spent over a year teaching me the contents of this book thoroughly. Any queries and doubts were put forward for clarification on face-to-face. This is to ensure this translation brings out the best result possible.