author - "Bruce Sterling"

adand do that, I am giving you express permission right now. Enjoyyourself.You can put the book on disks and give the disks away, aslong as you don't take any money for it. But this book is not public domain. You can't copyrightit in your own name. I own the copyright. Attempts to piratethis book and make money from selling it may involve you in aserious litigative snarl. Believe me, for the pittance you mightwring out of such an action, it's really not worth it. This bookdon't

adand do that, I am giving you express permission right now. Enjoyyourself.You can put the book on disks and give the disks away, aslong as you don't take any money for it. But this book is not public domain. You can't copyrightit in your own name. I own the copyright. Attempts to piratethis book and make money from selling it may involve you in aserious litigative snarl. Believe me, for the pittance you mightwring out of such an action, it's really not worth it. This bookdon't